


You bobbed your head to the music blasting out of your earphones as you wrote down an answer in your notebook.

"Wait!" Daehyun reached across the table and placed a hand on your shoulder.

You turned down your music and pulled one of your earphones out of your ear before looking up at him, "What?"

"Don't move. The lighting is perfect," Daehyun raised his camera to his face and looked through the view finder, "Just go back to what you were doing."

"Okay," you shrugged and put the bud back into your ear before reading the next question from your textbook.

You and Daehyun were sitting on one of the picnic benches in the park near his house. The two of you were supposed to be studying for a test that was coming up, but like always, Daehyun brought his camera and got distracted.

You mentally shook your head as Daehyun snapped pictures of you. Every so often he would lower the camera and check the photos before raising it back up and snapping away again.

"Can I move now?" you asked, trying to move your lips as little as possible just in case he was still taking pictures.

"Yeah, I'm all good," he mumbled as he looked through the pictures he had just taken.

You relaxed and looked up at your friend as he opened his laptop. You smiled a little to yourself as you watched Daehyun get lost in his photos. You noticed that every time he reviews his shots, he always has this adorable little glint of pride in his eyes, regardless of what he was capturing.

"You do know that we're supposed to be studying right?" you reminded him.

"Yeah, hold on," he said as took the memory card out of his DLSR and popped it into the slot on the side of the computer, "Just let me upload these pictures first."

You silently watched him clicked the trackpad a few times and type a few keys.

"And … done," he smiled and ejected the card, putting it back into his camera.

"You know, I've always seen you with that thing, but I've never actually seen the pictures you take," you tilted your head the side as you looked at the camera sitting on the table. 

"You want to take a look?" he asked.

"Sure," you nodded and placed your pencil down on your notebook.

You walked around the table and he turned his laptop towards you when sat down.

"These are my favorites," he said as you used the arrow keys to flip through the pictures.

There wasn't any specific theme to the pictures, but you were very impressed with how professional looking they were.

You scrolled through different pictures of the sky, little trinkets, and posed pictures with people modeling.

"Oh, is that me?" you asked when a picture of a girl walking with her back faced towards the camera popped up on the screen.

"Oh, yeah," he said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

You continued to click through the pictures and you kept showing up, one after another.

Some you remembered posing for but others were ones that you didn't recall taking. Daehyun probably took it when you weren't paying attention.

You stopped when you came to a picture of you laughing with both of your hands over your mouth and nose. It was a simple black and white picture and apart from you, there was really nothing else in the photo.

"That one's my favorite one out of all of them," Daehyun said softly.

You kept your eyes on the screen, feeling your cheeks start to flush, "Why?"

"It's real," he tilted his head to the side as he admired the photo on the screen, "You can't fake that kind of emotion. I don't remember why you were laughing, but you just look so happy. I feel that this picture personifies happiness."

"Mmm, I see," you nodded and quickly clicked to the next picture, only to have the first picture you saw reappear on the screen.

"They're really good, Dae," you smiled and gave him a pat on his shoulder, "But I think that there's a little too much of me in that mix."

"But you're my favorite model," he said bashfully, "All the ones with other people just don't work."

"Why do you think that?" you angled your body towards him and propped an elbow on the table, resting your head against your hand.

"I don't know," he shrugged and bowed his head, "Probably because they're not as beautiful as you," he mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" you leaned closer to him to hear him better.

"Oh, nothing," he shook his head and closed his laptop.

You suddenly reached over his and grabbed his camera that was sitting on the table.

"What are you doing?" he asked as you turned it on and removed the lens cap.

"Taking a picture," you said as you scooted yourself closer to him.

Daehyun's eyes widened and his face flushed when you wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him closer to you, the sides of your faces pressing against each other's.

He dropped his eyes and stared at the table as he tried to control his heartbeat.

You held the camera up in the air and placed your thumb on the shutter release.

"1, 2, 3!" you pressed the button under your thumb.

 You unhooked your arm around Daehyun's neck and lowered the camera.

He started breathing again and his dry lips while you were preoccupied with checking the photo.

You giggled to yourself when the picture appeared on the screen, "Look."

You held out the camera for the Daehyun to see and he chuckled when his eyes landed on the screen.

You were scrunching up your nose and pursing your lips at the camera while Daehyun was looking to the side, his face slightly pink.

"I think this one is my favorite," you said and pulled the camera away from him.

Daehyun smiled when he saw how happy you looked as you continued to admire the picture you just took and made small comments about the details before laughing to yourself.

"Yeah, mine's too." 

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This story is really cute. ^^ I liked it so much.
Chapter 1: Cute! It's so simple but just skjasvjbjsdbvv so fluffy~ hihi
Chapter 1: bwhahaha that is soooo cute~
lol, fluffy, sweet, simple!
love it!
Chapter 1: omg how fluffyyyyyyy i lurve it xD
Chapter 1: HOLY MOLY!! so lovely~ ahhh I wish there was more to this one ^///^
ShawolMBLFT #6
Chapter 1: Gaaaaar this is so cuute and adorable~~
Chapter 1: CUTEEEEEE~
Chapter 1: Aww~
are u the author of the fallen?!
MrsGDragon #9
Chapter 1: Aaaaaa daehyun's cutenessssssssss x)