Chapter 1

You Can See Me?

Key drifted around the mall aimlessly, people-watching as always. He let out a sigh as he saw a cute young couple sharing an ice cream cone. I remember when I was like that with someone... That must have been at least a hundred years ago... He sighed again and drifted towards his favorite clothes store. Long ago, he had discovered that by passing through objects, he could copy them into a ghostly form and use them. He may be dead, but that doesn't mean he can't stay fashionable!

Smiling to himself, Key floated lesiurely into the small boutique. It was decorated nicely with white walls and silver embellishments here and there. The clothes stood out like a neon rainbow against the plain background. Key smiled wider as he noticed that a new stock of clothes had come in. He hovered around excitedly as the store manager unpacked several boxes filled to the brim with the newest styles. Oh, how he wished he could just take them all with him at once! Sadly, as a ghost he could only wear one outfit at a time and couldn't hold on to more. Key huffed slighty and peered into the boxes. Reaching in, he put his hand through a pair of snow white skinny jeans and instantly a ghostly pair of the same jeans appeared. Pleased, Key quickly pulled them on and decided to stick with the aqua t-shirt and black high tops he was already wearing. He muttered an inaudiable "thank you" to the store manager and left the store.

He floated through the mall again, the happiness of new clothes wearing off. He missed being able to talk to people. He missed his friends. He missed being able to eat. Hell, he even missed school! Key sighed again, glancing at his reflection in a store window and watching people walk right through him as if he wasn't there. Well to them I might as well not be... And people wonder why ghosts are sad... Giving his reflection another look, he fixed part of his bangs and muttered quietly, "It's a shame that nobody can see me even though I look this good." Snickering at his own joke, Key continued drifting on towards the mall exit.

He kept moving towards the open double doors, spinning around in little circles in a sad attempt to amuse himself. Stopping when he nearly ran into a potted plant, Key kept still while the world spun in crazy loops aound him. He blinked quickly as the feeling passed and he looked around to take in his surroundings. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his body. Like he was a magnet trying to attract it's other half. He shook his head, trying to make the strange sensation go away. He had felt this before, but never this strongly. Following his instincts, he rushed out the doors and onto the busy streets of Seoul's shopping district. Glancing around quickly, he felt the magnetic pull again and turned left quickly. For once he was glad that he was a ghost. Passing through people has never been more useful. Key felt rushed, frantic. Turning down corner after corner, the pull became stronger and more urgent, pushing Key on. 

Eventually, Key found himself in a park. The magnetic attraction was overwhelming. He rushed around the grassy area, trying to find the source of this strange pull. He hadn't felt this way in a long time, this need to find something so badly. Turning around and around Key only saw a few people here and there going about their daily lives."Hey!" Key turned, whipping his head around at the sound of someone's voice.

"Are you lost?" a boy asked. Key glanced around quickly. No one else was there. Eyes wide, he replied...

"You can see me?"



Annyeong~~~ ^^ I'm mynnimon12~ U can call me Mynn if u like. Ufufufu~ xD Thank you everyone who subscribed~~ Seriously, like 10 subbies in less than a day??? GAHHH I LOVE YOU GUYS~~~ //hugs you all!!! > 3 < Unless you have like personal space issues. Then I will shake your hand or nod at you politely from a good distance. xP Thanks again for supporting this fic~ Please comment telling me what you think~~~ ^^

EDIT: Fixed a bit of the chapter :P some of the sentence was missing for some reason. Comment next time if you see something weird ok? xDD


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[You Can See Me?] I'm really sorry for not updating lately!! >__<


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Chapter 2: I know everybody loves comments <333
It's short, but I really like it <3 Because someone finally saw Key-ah, and can touch him (and it's Jonghyun~) XD
Waiting patiently for the next chapter <3
Yena815 #2
Chapter 2: FINALLY!!!!!!!

Lol xD Short again. I uploaded again too :P
Yena815 #3
Finally, it's updated~ Now for your other one! Or do you want to see him again?
Yena815 #4
Omg, new story~! ^^