2 Emblems

Haeyari Clan Powers


2 Emblems:

                Ball Lightning: Allows Kynarai to hurl a charged ball of lightning at a target that explodes on contact, lightly damaging the area nearby. At lower levels, Kynarai cannot create or gather the electricity efficiently so the ball cannot travel far or have much of an impact radius. The more practice a Kynarai has, the father the ball can travel, the more force it has behind it, and the larger the area of effect.

                Tesla Cages: Allows Kynarai to confine a single target in an electrical prison. The target is overwhelmed by the electrical charge and is left helpless for attack. However, once the target is struck the effect breaks. At lower levels, a Kynarai cannot hold a  target  for very long. The more practice and emblems a Kynarai has, the longer they can hold it.

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