Tomatoes and Siwon do not go together

Of Cherry Tomatoes and slightly y Siwon



Kyuhyun sang tapping his feet to their latest single. He loved the song.

He watched their new music video continuesly on his boyfriends 32" inch LCD TV.  It had been on repeat for the past hour and Kyuhyun showed no signs of boredom except just total appreaciation and fascination.

He wondered why they always lookes so damn stunning in Super Junior M videos compared to Super Juniors. "Well i'll be damned !" Kyuhyun exclaimed suddenly, scaring his boyfriend who he was lying on while strocking his hair and feeding him cherry tomatoes. His latest obsession.

"What is it Kyuhyunnie?" Siwon hummed sill strocking the chemically dyed red hair he fancied so much.

"Siwonnie, why do the sylist-noona make us so hot in SJ-m and Not in SuJu?" Kyuhyun demanded slash pouted, when he suddenly straddled his boyfriend.

Siwon hummed still staring at his lover, not really listening.

"SIWON!" Kyuhyun pouted wrinking his nose in distaste.

"Your always hot to me" Siwon answered feeding Super Juniors magnae another tomato, watching in fascination as kyuhyun bit the fruit with his white teeth sinfully wrapping his plump lips around Siwons fingers.

 Kyuhyun slowy chewed his tomatoes a thoughtful look on his face he opened his mouth automatically, other things on his mind. 

After about of 5 minutes without a single tomato coming his way he snapped out of his reverie only to find Siwon and his ridiculously busht eyebrows staring at him, break down playing playing somewhere in the background.

"Tomato" Kyuhyun demanded like the child he is, pointing to his mouth.

"Okay" Siwon smiled.

As he deftly kissed the younger transfering the tomato from his mouth to Kyuhyuns. Leaving the younger blushing furiosly.

"YAH! STOP THAT !" Kyuhyun exclaimed, slapping his chest softly.

"Nope" Siwon smiled cheekily. Stealing yet another kiss from the younger leaving him blushing furiosly. "I will never stop kissing you, like how you never fail to ask me to go harder and faster." 

"I do not !" Kyuhyun denied

"Yo Do"

"SIWON !"Kyuhyun squeaked. Red rushing to his cheeks turning him as red as a tomato. Siwon roared with laughter at the same lifting his lover to the bedroom peppering kisses all over his face.

"And i'm going to prove it"

The leftover tomatoes lay forgotten on the coffee table waiting to provoe more naughty things from the couple.




Okay, i know this because but what can i say? Here i am eating cookie dough ice-cream with cherry tomatoes in a bowl listening to break down ( Which i must say they do look smoking hot) and typing this out.

So yes i now this probably and didn't reach your expectations, Well it didn't reach min either .  :P

This is partially to Siwonniefan and orange1179 (sweetie sorry for not commebting on your latest fic, But after reading the first chapter. I know it'll be great)




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Chapter 1: /slowly grabs the bowl of cherry tomatoes and places it quietly on their bedside table as they make love
There is more than one way I can see Kyuhyun taking in those tomatoes
Chapter 1: that was cute :3
siwonnie's instant naughty thoutghs hahahah xDD!!
cicquerette #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha! I agree with Siwon because I don't know if I'll agree that they look hotter in SJM because they're hot to me either way (especially WonKyu!) but I somehow love the title track songs of SJM ;D

That part where Kyu was demanding a cherry tomato was soooooo kyute! And trust Siwon to be "excited" by anything LOLOL
Chapter 1: Eonnie~ This is so cute.. they really hot and smoking in Break Down MV.. Damn I really love that song... ^^
Chapter 1: it is so cute <3 <3 <3 they're always hotties 8D so Siwon is right in this point ;) I really love it :D
TanBi11_217 #6
Chapter 1: Omo, cutenessss~
Hurry prove it!
Chapter 1: cute scene.>> "Tomato" Kyuhyun demanded like the child he is, pointing to his mouth. :D
Chapter 1: Daebak!!

Cute and y :D
heartbabykyu #9
Chapter 1: Wow cherry tomatoes can be so much fun!

Yes yes we want to see sw prove it :)
Chapter 1: Cute couple...