Rooftop Prince

Paper Stars and Beautiful Strangers

Kyungsoo walks to the rooftop half sober and yells out "I LOVE YOU!"

"I.. love you so much Kim Jongin.." He cries out.

"Why did i have to be such a and kiss him back? Why?" Tears well up in his eyes as he gulps down another mouthful of beer.

"I hate myself."

"I'm so ugly."

"My eyes are too big."


Jongin runs to the spot where Kyungsoo is and wraps his arms around him.

"I love you, you're beautiful, and i love your eyes." Jongin murmurs loud enough for Kyungsoo to hear.

"You're kidding, Kim Jongin. You dont know me at all." Kyungsoo smirks and tries to pull away from Jongin.

"You dont know how long i've wanted to hold you like this, how many times i controlled myself from just running up to you and telling you i like you so much and being afraid to get rejected by you. Do Kyungsoo, i dont care if you think you're ugly or whether you think you're a . I love you, and that's all i want you to know."

"NO! You dont know how i feel, Jongin! I'm always being criticised for my huge eyes! Everyone hates me. You're just consoling me! I know you'll never like me back! Stop lying to me!" Bile rose up in Kyungsoo's throat as he clenches his last can of beer and sputters his feelings out to Jongin.

"I was never lying to you, Kyungsoo! I love you. I really love you. Give me a chance, let me show you that I can care for you." Jongin tries.

"Will you please promise not to break my heart? Ever?"

"I promise."

Kyungsoo drops his last can of beer and chuckles softly.

"I love you so much Kim Jongin."

" Is that my cue to kiss you?" Jongin cheekily grins as he leans in to close the silent gap between the two.

How long have i wanted to feel those luscious pink lips on mine, molding together like they were meant to be.

He knew there and then that he didnt want Kim Jongin to be just a beautiful stranger, but more.

"I love you too, Do Kyungsoo."

"By the way, ew. Go brush your teeth. You have beer breath." Jongin chuckles once again, and Kyungsoo will never get sick of that laughter.

He's the one.


A/N: oh gad im so sorry this is a crappy story sigh i really wanted to attempt chaptered but i have no time its a crucial year so i may not be able to do these often. i'll plan okay :( sorry guise

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bohyemi #1
Chapter 2: nicely done
Chapter 2: huehehehehe this is nice :D
rainbowloveyou #3
Chapter 2: update soon.
megabytes #4
Maritae #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^