Third Tear

Blue Tears
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{ Part 3 }

“Where should I put her?” Tao asked as he frowned at Kris. Why on earth that he was the one who needed to carry her? He thought Kris asked Luhan to do it just now. He glanced a bit on the girl, still soundly sleeping in his arms. Damn it. This girl was beautiful.

“Just put her at the living room first…” Kris answered lazily as he motioned towards the corner that lead to the living room. Tao followed his instruction as he walked over there and placed her carefully on the couch. Then Chen came running into the room, carrying a shirt with sweater and a pair of boxer in his hands. Tao eyed the clothes with weird look on his face.

“You want her to wear a boxer?” he asked Chen, confused. Chen shrugged as he tossed the clothes to him.

“This is the best that I can find…none of my clothes are smaller than these…I’m growing each day, you know…” he reasoned out to him as Tao rolled his eyes. Chen wasn’t someone that big and he was short too. The idea popped out in his head when he suddenly jumped a bit.


“Ah! What?!”   Chen jumped along with him, clutching his heart.

“How should we get her to wear these? We shouldn’t see her…em, I mean…she’s , right? So it’s not such a good idea…” Tao explained with a serious face and Chen nodded in a very fast mode.

“I understand…and why is everyone leaves us alone to deal with her? Let’s go and ask them!” Chen replied and the two exited the room. They climbed up the stairs to the next floor and burst into the first bedroom next to the stairs. It was Luhan and Lay’s room.

“Hyung! What are you guys doing here? Come down and help us!” Chen exclaimed as he pouted at both of his older brothers. Lay who was still fixing his eyes on his laptop turned to face them. Luhan was on his bed, cursed silently and looked away.

“I thought they want to send her to the police station…so why was she in our dorm?” Lay asked absentmindedly and Tao let out a long sigh.

“Yes, we will…but we can’t just send her when she’s still…, Tao paused, didn’t want to memorize that term in his mind so Chen finished it for him.

“…” and Lay shrugged upon hearing the reason. He shook his head.

“I don’t know about that…just get her dress and send her…case close…” Lay simply said that and he concentrated back on his laptop. Tao narrowed his eyes on Lay as Chen pouted and now turned his body to face Luhan instead. This boy was even a weirdo. He kept himself silent after saving that girl from drowning just now. Plus, he didn’t want to finish the saving series for her. Chen cursed in his heart but he walked over to Luhan’s bed and stopped in front of him.

“Hyung, help us…” he just started but Luhan immediately shot him deadly glares that made Chen instantly looked down to his feet.

“Don’t ask me to do a single thing for her! I should just leave her die just now in the sea! She caused trouble to us!” Luhan suddenly rose his voice angrily at Chen and Tao. They stared at him in surprise as Luhan threw away the book that he held in his hand on the table and jumped out of his bed. Lay also frowned at him as Luhan made his way out of the room.

“Hey, are you okay?” Lay asked him but he ignored Lay as he disappeared around the wall. Chen and Tao exchanged ridiculous looks among them before Tao held shuddered to Lay.

“What’s actually his problem?” Chen exclaimed and he too, exited the room with Tao tagged along behind him. They went to the next room to see their dorm leader, Kris. Lay sighed heavily as he scratched his neck. Luhan could sometimes being really nasty towards their brothers when he was in a bad mood. But this morning he was as gay as the spring: woke up with a big smile, greeted everyone and even helped Lay to prepare the breakfast. And now, his mood was turned off again. Lay just shook his head in confusion. Meanwhile, Luhan took his steps downstairs as he passed the living room robotically, didn’t want to catch even the slightest sight of the girl and walked over to the door. He needed some fresh air right now to blow away the cobweb in his mind. As he stopped before the door and reached out his hand towards the knob, the bell suddenly rang. Luhan blinked for a while before he moved to open the door. There was Chanyeol stood in front of him, grinning widely as he made his way, passing over Luhan into the dorm. Luhan shrugged but they ignored each other as he went out and closed the door behind him again.

“Aish!!! What's so difficult actually? Just wake her up and ask her to wear it by herself!” Kris shouted impatiently as he stood up to walk out from the room, hands on his hips.

“But she sleeps so soundly…we don’t even have any heart to wake her up…” Tao replied, elbowing Chen to give a backup to this matter. Chen immediately nodded and followed Kris downstairs.

“She just drowned herself…we shouldn’t be that mean to her…we should help her instead…” Chen reasoned out but Kris narrowed his eyes instead.

“We can’t help but to be cruel on a person that was stupid enough to drown herself…she shouldn’t be in the sea if she can’t swim!” Lay and Xiu Min both poked out their heads from their rooms as they heard Kris was blabbering around when he walked past the corridor. Both of them shook their heads in union before they too, followed the three to go downstairs. When Kris was angry, someone needed to calm him to prevent any destruction in this dorm. But when the five of them finally reached the floor, they stopped at the stairs, staring to a person that was now sitting on the floor, beside the sofa. Chanyeol was looking at the girl with a pair of daydreaming eyes when he noticed the others. He waved at them cheerfully.

“Well, hello guys!!!” he greeted them like he was a part of the dorm’s members. Kris sighed as Lay raised his hand. All eyes went to him.

“Remind me why the photography student is here?” he asked as Xiu Min, Chen and Tao shook their heads absentmindedly. Kris then walked over to Chanyeol. He stopped to look down on the girl. She was still sleeping but she already put on the clothes.

“You helped her?” Kris guessed as he raised his eyebrow to Chanyeol. He grinned at him.

“My pleasure…you guys are such a slow poke…she will catch a cold, you know…” Chanyeol explained with his head shook in disagreement. Kris rolled his eyes but he nodded at him.

“Thanks by the way…” he said and moved to land his on another sofa in front of the girl. Lay tugged Xiu Min on his shirt. He turned to look at him back.

“Let’s go out to find something for dinner…we can look for Luhan too…” he suggested as he frowned, still worrying about his roommate. Xiu Min nodded at him and they walked over to go out. On the way to the door, Lay grabbed a brown purse that was placed on a small table beside the kitchen’s door. They called it the ‘society purse’, a purse that was used together by the six of them to keep money for the dorm’s overall usage. As they heard the door was closed, Tao and Chen made their way to sit with their leader in the living room.

“When will she wake up?” Tao asked just when he had took his seat, eyes on the pretty girl. Her sleeping face was so calming, she was in peace. Chanyeol shook his head.

“Let her sleep for now…she needs her rest…” he said thoughtfully as Kris chuckled.

“I’m not going to let her cause any trouble again after this…she needs to go to the police station by herself after she wake up…” he explained but it was more like an order according to his bossy tone. Chanyeol turned slightly to smile at him.

“Don’t worry…I’ll accompany her…” he offered merrily and Kris sighed again.

“It’s up to you then…” Kris replied with a smirk and they all laughed in agreement.

“Wait…wait! Luhan, let go of me…” Riho exclaimed as she pushed his hand away from holding her wrist. Luhan gazed at her before he sighed heavily, biting his lips. Riho dared a glance to the back door of her house. Clearly aware if there was someone there but she looked to the front at Luhan again when she was completely sure there was nobody to see them behind that shady tree. Her eyes wandering around, afraid of something as her lips was trembling.

“Luhan…I’m begging you…leave me alone…I don’t want you to be hurt…if my father found out…” she insisted to explain to him but Luhan put his finger on her lips.

“Shhh…you don’t need to explain everything…I clearly understand it…” he replied her and Riho nodded weakly. She leaned on the bark behind her as she wrapped her body with her arms.

“Right…good to know that you understand it…so, please…don’t come here to see me again…don’t call me, don’t do anything…” she begged as tears started wetting her eyes. Then she looked up to stare in his eyes. Luhan held his gazes fixed on her too. She was holding back her tears.

“Just leave…” she muttered out the words, barely opened . She breathed in deeply before she stood up and took her steps back to the house. Luhan closed his eyes, trying to gather the courage in him but when he snapped it back opened; he realized he was running after her.

“Riho,wait!!!” he shouted to the girl. She ignored him as she started to pick up her paces but Luhan was way faster than her. He managed to grab her hand and spun her around to face him. Riho had already crying, she hid her now wet face by looking away from Luhan. He cursed upon seeing her tears.

“Jerk…come with me…” he ordered and dragged her to start walking. Riho tried to snatch her hand free from him but Luhan tightened his grip on her. They walked in silence and exited from the backyard through the small gate. After they were out from that house, Luhan picked up his paces and ended up running with Riho to the nearby ocean. They landed their feet on the white sandy beaches with Luhan still locking his hand to Riho’s. They had stopped running but they took their steps slowly, approaching the shore.

“Let’s have a break here…” Luhan finally said as they both stopped beside a giant rock that lead to the shore. Riho frowned at him.

“Why here?” she asked, narrowing her eyes to the stone but Luhan had already landed his on the sand. He leaned peacefully to the rock before he glanced up to Riho, smiling.

“Because no one can see us here…so you are safe…” Luhan reasoned out at her and Riho rubbed her forehead, feeling slightly ashamed because everyone in this town knew about his stepfather and the bad temper of him. But she went to sit next to Luhan and threw her eyes far to the horizon in front of them. The sun was just about to set down, the scenery was fascinating. For the very first time, Riho felt that she can finally breathe again. All thanks to this boy. Riho thought as she turned slightly to glimpse at his sideway face. Luhan was the only person in their neighborhood that dared enough to save her, to actually get into her house. She used to be abused by her stepfather. Her mom remarried but it was another broken marriage. She only held on to him because he owned an old workshop that was run to help her going on with her life, with her daughter’s life. But Riho thought that her life was ruined instead. He kept on abusing her, letting out his anger at her and Riho couldn’t face the crowd at all. He was someone that couldn’t be deal with. She kept bruising here and there. It was embarrassing.

“Here, let me help you…” Riho was snapped out from her train of thoughts when Luhan turned his body to face her. He slung off his bag from his shoulders and zipped off the bag to take out bandages and plasters. Then there was also a bottle of iodine taken out from it. Riho chuckled upon seeing those things.

“You actually carry all of these in your bag?” she asked him, still eyeing him as he pulled off the bottle cap and poured down a few drop of iodine onto the bandage. He shrugged.

“Just like the warrior always brings his sword with him…I guess I’m doing the same…because I’m your hero…I’m going to save you from all the bull…” he explained as he laughed at the idea. Riho stared at him. Luhan was smiling sheepishly to her, clearly covering his shy face by pretending to be calm. Maybe he was shy because he confessed to declare

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Chapter 7: Daebakkkk!! :)
update soon pleaseee
anna_marie016 #3
Chapter 6: At long last luhan oppa had finally known the truth!!! I wonder what he will do next!!! Aisshh I don’t want him to die though I feel some pity for riho…

is this story going to continue????
Your requests are ready to pick up!
pabolana #5
Update soon, neh? ^^
kaimakesmecry #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^