7 Princes, 7 Dates, 1 Winner.

For the first time in his life, AJ felt nervous. He was waiting in the posh restaurant he’d picked out, dolled up in a well-fitting black suit, a few buttons of his white shirt undone and his hair styled back after having been cut in the most expensive barber’s in Seoul. As he glanced around at the happy human couples the restaurant was packed with, he began to wonder if his date would turn up. This was wrong. AJ couldn’t remember ever turning up on time to a date, let alone five minutes early! HE was the one who sauntered in late without so much as an apology…the one in CONTROL in the relationship. And now he was sitting here alone with butterflies in his stomach as he stared anxiously at the door, waiting desperately for the beautiful girl who would show up every other woman in this room. And on Earth. A waiter glanced in his direction and AJ shot him down with a deathly glare. And then he turned back to the door as a gummy smile lit up his face. She was here.


Dressed in a champagne top of silk chiffon coupled with a fitted navy blazer, her dark skinny jeans and heels made her slim legs appear endless. AJ watched her scan the large room and his heart skipped a beat as those big brown eyes met his. A smile radiated off her then as she strode towards him, her usually wavy golden hair straightened and bouncing up and down with each step. She was here now, and slipping elegantly into the seat opposite him.

“Hi,” She said softly. “Sorry I’m late...”

That was it. That voice was enough to melt AJ’s cold exterior. He smiled warmly and didn’t say anything, because she had actually rendered him speechless.


Luckily a potentially awkward silence was prevented by the arrival of a waiter; a young pixie-faced human in a smart black suit and tie. His nametag read ‘성종’. Hyemi looked up and smiled politely at him and AJ’s insides immediately went up in flames. She was probably thinking about how cute he looked with his perfect skin and scruffy hair and stupid little star earrings…a cough brought AJ out of his thoughts as he looked up to see Hyemi and the waiter staring at him. What was going on?

“Have you chosen what you’d like to drink, sir?” The waiter asked politely. His voice was high and AJ found himself smirking. Ha, he was way manlier than this measly human. Quickly he realised he was supposed to be choosing a drink and turned to the wine menu in front of him, his eyes quickly skimming the many different options. Wow, why were there so many different types? Alcohol was alcohol, right? Normally AJ would have asked for a recommendation but he didn’t want to give this Sungjong guy the upper hand so instead he just pointed to the most expensive one.

“We’ll have this one.” The waiter nodded in approval.

“Nice choice sir, I’ll go and get it now.” He bowed and smiled at Hyemi before leaving. AJ glared at his back until he was out of sight amongst the busy diners. Then he turned to Hyemi.

“Do you think he’s good looking?” He asked. Hyemi frowned.


“That…waiter!” Hyemi’s frown grew.

“I don’t know…I didn’t really notice.” She shrugged. AJ furrowed his eyebrows.

“How can you not notice if someone’s good looking or not?”

“Because I’m on a date. With you. And I don’t eye up other men when I’m on dates, that’s why.”


That put AJ in his place. He didn’t get jealous after that, not even when Sungjong-the-waiter put his hand on Hyemi’s shoulder to ask her if she was enjoying her meal. In fact, AJ relaxed sometime between the starter and the main and actually started acting a little bit like his normal self. By dessert he was almost entirely comfortable with Hyemi, though she did have to point out at one point that he was making her feel a little uncomfortable just staring at her as she ate her sorbet.

They talked until they were the last ones left in the restaurant. They talked about anything and everything, from the pros and cons of keeping pet lizards to their favourite dramas. AJ found out that Hyemi was the youngest of 4 children, and the only girl. He discovered that her parents had always doted on her brothers and neglected her slightly, though that had been made up for by her brothers’ affections for her. Unfortunately for her the three boys had all moved away – to Australia, the UK and Japan – but for AJ that was a relief, as over-protective older brothers in his experience had always been problematic. Of course Hyemi was dying to find out more about AJ too, but he knew he was only allowed to tell her about Jaeseop, his ‘human’ alter-ego. Jaeseop had studied Psychology at Columbia University, one of the most prestigious universities in America, and although he had an office job now which he was less than happy with, he had written a book which was now going through the publishing process. AJ had discovered a long time ago that studying abroad was popular with human girls, and that America was seen to many as a ‘cool’ country. He’d also found out that having a book published was something else which was well respected, and sometimes he even played the poetry card. At 11 an apologetic Sungjong came over and asked politely if they were ready to pay the bill, and when AJ said they weren’t, he mumbled something about being sorry but having to close, and AJ and Hyemi were kicked out.


They stood outside the restaurant as they watched them lock up and AJ noticed Hyemi shivering in the cold night air. Without hesitation he pulled off his suit jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders, a spark of electricity flying through him as his fingers brushed against her. AJ wondered if she felt the same. Their eyes met and they stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Hyemi broke it.

“Well…thank you for a perfect evening Jaeseop.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling. AJ smiled back, though his was forced, as he knew he was only allowed one date with her before she decided who she wanted to pick out of the 7 of them. He didn’t stand a chance really against Hoon the gentleman or the suave Eli…


“There’s my taxi…” Hyemi brought AJ back from his thoughts. “Will I see you again?” Her face was expectant, keen, it gave AJ hope. He smiled charismatically.

“Of course. If you want to, that is.” Hyemi laughed.

“Of course!”

“Well in that case, I’ll call you.” Her eyes sparkled as suddenly she threw her arms around his neck and planted a butterfly kiss on his cheek.

“Goodnight Jaeseop, thank you again!” She smiled as she clip clopped off to the taxi, waving behind her as she went.


AJ remained standing where he was as she got in and drove off. Eventually the taxi was lost in the night and he sighed as he kicked a stone and trudged off to the Neverland portal. Had his date been enough?




The rest of the U-KISS princes had stayed up waiting for AJ’s return. When the flames of the castle’s main living room’s fire turned indigo, AJ’s signature colour, they all sat up straight in their seats. AJ materialised in the fire and stepped out quickly, brushing his crisp white shirt down. He was suit jacketless, which could only mean one thing. Immediately the six princes were engulfed in jealousy. Hoon spoke.

“Let’s just find out whose next.” He snapped and without hesitation they all marched off to the meeting room where the hat still lay in the middle of the heavy wooden table. They all gathered round, all except AJ who had gone off to be on his own in his room. Eli picked up the hat and stared at it in concentration.

“Ya! Just pick the name!” Soohyun snapped and Eli sighed as he closed his eyes and plunged his hand inside, rummaging around for a bit before retrieving a piece of paper right from the bottom. He put the hat down and unfolded the paper quickly before the same disappointment as yesterday showed on his face.

“Kevin.” He muttered and an excited gasp was audible as a prince clapped his hands in delight as his eyes twinkled. It was his turn!


A/N: There, AJ's date's over. That's it J, your chance to prove yourself. Couldn't you have done something more romantic like..I don't know..taking her up in a hot air balloon and confessing your love through flowers in a field spelling out 'saranghae'? I mean, you're a frickin prince of Neverland for goodness' sake!

Oh wow jeez sorry -___- this guy...anyways, next up is Kevin! Maybe he'll do a better job than AJ /shoots evils/

Yay~ you've already won my heart Kevin!!♥♥

AJ: you're so unbelievably biased!!

Me: Just wait until it gets to Eli's turn! Hehehe..

Oh and yes I included Sungjong. Any Inspirits reading? To be honest I'm not a huge Inspirit myself but I've recently discovered my love for Dongwoo due to his jgnbgfdisgbdfonhgfhgfphjuness in Special Girl ♥_♥ and so yah, I'm gonna go watch Infinite Sesame Player in a bit~

Thank you for reading everybody and Happy Lunar New Year! I wonder what the Year of the Snake will bring~

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lovedaAegyo #1
Chapter 2: I really like this!! I really cant wait for an update!! Please update soon! This story is amazing! <3
emilydawn #2
Chapter 1: I'm so excited for you to continue!!
B-locket #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^