The Plan

7 Princes, 7 Dates, 1 Winner.

There was a brief silence before the princes exchanged looks and nodded slowly. No one could fault the plan; it was simple and fair. They would each date The Girl for a day and whoever she liked the best at the end would get to have her. Surprisingly it was the maknae who asked the obvious question the others hadn’t considered.

“Who’ll go first?” Dongho asked, blinking up at his hyungs. They frowned.

“We’ll go in age order.” The leader announced firmly, determination set in his dark eyes. Dongho puffed his cheeks, and then a thought struck him.

“When humans play games it’s usually the youngest who starts.” He stated. Soohyun glared.

“We’re not humans.” He retorted, his voice ice cold.

There. They were arguing again because of Her.

Ever the peacemaker, Kevin stepped forwards.

“We could draw names from a hat? That would be fair?” He suggested, his face anxious, anticipating the mean retort. A pause and then agreement. It was decided.




Eli looked down at the snapback he held in front of him, containing 7 neatly folded pieces of paper. As he had suggested the plan, the others had agreed that he could be the one to pick the names. Well, all except Soohyun who was sulking slightly. Eli took a small breath and closed his eyes, rummaging around in the hat and finally choosing his piece of paper. Clenching it in his fist, he opened his eyes, placed the hat on the table and unfolded the paper. Disappointment clouded his face.

“AJ.” Eli read monotonously. From across the room a small smile appeared on said prince’s face as he nodded slightly in acknowledgement. So he would set the bar for the others. He left the room and headed off to his own to get ready. There wasn’t a moment to lose.




Hyemi was laughing at something her friend had said when the tall, dorkish guy approached her. They were sitting in a homely coffee shop, her friend blowing lightly on her caramel latte while Hyemi sipped slowly at her hot chocolate. But the guy had eyes only for her. He stopped in front of her and smiled.

“I’m Jaeseop.” He stated. “Kim Jaeseop.” His voice was low. He bowed slightly and his short dark hair was disturbed. Hyemi raised an eyebrow at her friend as she looked him up and down. He was dressed casually in well fitting jeans and a warm hunter green jumper, army boots on his feet. It was freezing outside but he didn’t carry a coat, and he didn’t look cold. As Hyemi studied his cheeks for signs of redness from the weather, she decided he was handsome, with his masculine features and slightly curled up lips. He wasn’t her ideal type, but she was still in shock from the fact that he’d approached her. In fact, he was probably the first guy who ever had. The others were all too scared of immediate rejection. He was probably gay.

“I’m Hyemi.” She mimicked. “Song Hyemi.” Her eyes twinkled as she passed the ball back into his court, wondering what his motive was. A lopsided smile appeared on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“You’re really pretty Hyemi.” He said bluntly. Yep, definitely not like any other guys she knew.

“Erm, thanks.” She smiled, subconsciously widening her eyes slightly as she twirled a strand of golden hair absent-mindedly around an elegant and perfectly manicured finger. Jaeseop hesitated and then sighed.

“Would you let me take you out sometime?” He asked, blushing, and Hyemi raised her eyebrows in surprise. Jaeseop shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. “I know you’re supposed to flirt and stuff first but…I’m not very good at that kind of stuff.” He shot her an apologetic look. “But would you?”


Hyemi shot an anxious look at her friend who nodded encouragingly. She swallowed and nodded slowly.

“Okay.” Jaeseop grinned.


After they’d agreed on the details, Hyemi was left in shock. She put on a confident front but this was her first time being asked out by a guy. To tell the truth she was nervous as hell. But she’d never let Jaeseop know that.


AJ smiled broadly as he reached the portal he’d set up to take him back to Neverland. Being as old as he was, he’d fooled around with his fair share of girls, but Hyemi was so different. She was the only girl who had ever succeeded in making him feel nervous. His usual bad boy act went out the window as soon as he looked into those cappuccino eyes. The effect she had on him was unreal.


A/N: Annyeong, senshu here ^^ So there, the first chapter is finally up. AJ will go first. What will the date be like? Will he capture Hyemi's heart? Oh yeah, I changed her name. Well anticipate the next chappie, thanks for reading♥ 

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lovedaAegyo #1
Chapter 2: I really like this!! I really cant wait for an update!! Please update soon! This story is amazing! <3
emilydawn #2
Chapter 1: I'm so excited for you to continue!!
B-locket #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^