Girl's Day - Don't Forget Me [BAEKHYUN]

EXO ONE-SHOT [Based on Songs]

❤ Don't Forget Me Click on Link :)

"Dear ______, we are pleased to inform you that you are accepted into the University of Auckland, majoring in Arts. Please find other related documents attached along with this e-mail. We hope to see you soon."

This is it. I'm accepted. I'm accepted into the University that I've been longing and dreaming to enter! Only it didn't put a smile on my face like I thought it would. 

"What am I going to tell Baekhyun now...?" I sighed as I read the e-mail over and over again.

"You are accepted"

That means I'm going to be apart from Baekhyun. 

We just got together... Could he even accept to be in a long distance relationship with me? No, let me rephrase that. Will he even want to be with me still...?

Either way, I just had to know. 

My hands were shaking as I dialled his number on my cellphone, the ringing seems to go on forever.

"Hey baby" he answered. 


"Is everything alright?" he asked.

There's nothing that I could ever hide from Baekhyun. I remembered we used to text all night and even without adding any "emoticons" or "smileys", he could guess how I was feeling. I would be smiling one minute and ask him how do I feel now, and he would reply what was running in my mind and what I was feeling in my heart. That's how special he is. No other guy could ever understand me as much as Baekhyun does. 

"Baby..?" he asked again on the other side of the phone.

"I... I'm accepted into the University... Tomorrow, will be my last day in school" I tried to say as calmly as possible, but my emotions were betraying me. 

As I was waiting for him to say something, he hung up on me. 

I couldn't believe it. Baekhyun has NEVER EVER hung up on me before. Whenever we talk on the phone, he would always want me to hang up first.

"I don't want you to know what it feels like to be hung up on by the one you love the most" was what he said when I asked him why he wanted me to hang up first. But this time, he actually hung up on me. 

I froze. For how long, I don't know. But I knew that moment, it felt like my whole world just came crashing down. After what seems like eons, he finally called back.

"Baby...?" he sobbed.

"Are you alright, Hyun-ah?"

"Yeah... I will be. Baby, I'm sorry I hung up on you... I was just... shocked. I knew this day would come, I just didn't know that it would come so quick and sudden." 

He was right. We both knew that this day would come. I told him that I had applied for universities around New Zealand and that I would leave as soon as I get an acceptance back. But neither of us knew that time would actually come so quickly. We both thought we had more time, together.

"A-Are you... Are you gonna break up with me...?" my voice cracked as tears started streaming down my face.

"No" he said firmly.

"We will go through this together. I will never give up on you because of some distance and time difference" he answered. 

The next day, which was also my last day at school, was one of the most memoriable moments of my life. As soon as I arrived at school, my friends started hugging me, all looking heart broken, some even crying. But Baekhyun was there, all along, throughout the whole day. Wherever I go, he would be there. There would be a lot of weak moments where I break down crying because I knew I would miss my friends and family here, but he would put on a brave yet gentle face, smiling as he wipe away my tears, assuring me that everything's going to be alright. 

Towards the end of the day, he handed me a letter, asking me to only read it when I'm on the plane ride towards my new chapter of life. 

"I'll be there with you soon, _____-ah. Wait for me. And don't you dare forget what we have here. Don't forget that you are my baby. Don't forget that you are mine." he said while hugging me. 


Dear ______, 

I'm guessing by the time you read this, you really are leaving my side. But bear in mind, that you're not leaving my heart. Its kinda cruel how we only get to spend so little time together, I admit, I was heartbroken, and afraid. I was scared that I might lose you after you leave. I have no idea what you have done to me, but I'm head over heels in love with you, _______. And being the tough guy that I am, I am now breaking into tears as I write this letter to you. Alright, maybe I'm not that tough, but still, I have never ever cried for any girl, but you. You, my dear, you are very special to me. 

_______-ah, I won't be able to stay by your side to take care of you now, but I'll always nag you over the internet, Skype, phone, e-mail or whatever, just to make sure that you do. Wait for me, alright? I will go to you as soon as possible. Remember the day when I confessed my love for you? We were lying on the rooftop of my house, staring at the stars above. You were saying how beautiful the night was, but I was looking at you, the whole time, and thinking to myself that yes, you are indeed beautiful. So don't you ever doubt that alright. 

I guess I should end my letter here now. I haven't been able to sleep ever since you told me you were leaving. I guess I just really wanted to savour every single moment I have left with you. 

My darling, it doesn't end here. It begins there. 

Our story doesn't end here, so please wait for me as I join you and write a whole new chapter to our story. 

I love you,_____.

Sincerely, Baekhyun. 


AN: This story, is actually my own story. :) I was in a long distance relationship for about 3 years, sadly, we broke up, but I still cherish every moment I shared with him. On a brighter note, THANKYOU for subscribing to me everyone :) It really means a lot to me. More stories to come so stay tuned :D

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Chapter 5: awww nice!
ballerina682 #2
Chapter 3: Omg... T.T Im sorry.... Long distance relationships are hard:(
ballerina682 #3
Chapter 4: Omg...... THAT TWIST DOE!!!!!!
goziLay #4
Chapter 1: this story is so sad.... T.T it's a coincidence while i'm reading this, my music player plays 'Angel' by EXO K....
Chapter 6: yayyy youre back <333333
Chapter 3: Awwn~...I wish u'd write a sequel 2 tis :( UR OWN STORY?!?tat's jus xo...tragic ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 4: THIS IS...


Chapter 4: I love your one-shots, they're so cute. ^ w ^
Chapter 3: omg i love all of your one-shots,authornim! update sooner! ^o^/
Chapter 2: this is so cute omg gahd