Hello There

Is it Love?


“BOO!” yelled Ji Hoon, hugging me from behind, ending my train of thought.

“Ji Hoon-a,” I beamed, turning to face him,“What are you doing here? This isn’t your class, is it?” 


"Kehehe, it is! I'm pretty lucky huh," Ji Hoon exclaimed, "Just moved here a few days ago. I'm still getting used to the place."


"Thats awesome, but why? You attended one of the most prestigious schools in all of Asia so why move?"


Ji Hoon quickly frowned, "Are you not happy to see me?" He said with slight concern in the back of his throat.


"No, thats n--"

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong


Before I could explain myself any further we had to go sit. I gave him a quick glance, hoping he would understand what I meant. He gave me a small, timid smile and a nod. I felt like a weight had just been lifted. The last thing I needed was to get into a fight with Ji Hoon. Afterall I already had boy troubles, one more and I just might pass out. As the teacher came in


The bell rang, so they briefly hugged and went and sat next to each other. I wonder if Ichiru is jealous because of Ji Hoon oppa right now. Hmm...should I turn around and have a quick peak or would that be too obvious. I really wanna look though. I’m gonna do it anyways. What do I have to lose, I mean he doesn’t like me anyways. It’s not like he is going to be staring over here. Ahhhhh I really shouldn’t be looking..Just a quick peak. Arie slowly turned her head towards Ichiru. Before she knew it they made eye contact. For Arie it felt like forever and she was enjoying every moment of it until she got shy and quickly turned around. Ichiru, on the other hand, was thinking: I can’t believe this chick. First she says she likes me and keeps flirting then she goes and around hugging other guys. I guess she is just really easy, I shouldn’t be taking anything she says seriously ever again.
“Ok class, I’ve got an announcement to make. We have a new transfer student. He came from Japan. Umm...where are you...Oh! There you are

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Chapter 1: Omg. Aiko... I like.... feel this connection with your character. It's almost as if I am Aiko.. teehee. ^_^
I'm at least 20% interested so I have decided to subscribe. Yay. XP