「Kinda Outta Luck」

『Unexpectedly YOU』


     The day was proving to be far more trying than you had anticipated. It seemed to be almost actively warring with her. No matter what little good news finally came her way, the day ended the way it always does. Chaotic.
     you organized her working space again, tacking leaflets of her book against the back of her desk. Sometimes it helped to have things on paper. The script was like a child to her, and like a child it adhere her hopes, her dreams, and the irrational fear of failure. 
     Moody with frustrations, you sent an email to her agency, updating them on the day's success— The only delightful thing that happened to her in many months. 
Ms. Scaley loved the script! The contract will be sent to your office, please give me a call once you have reviewed and printed it. Just tell me where to sign.
To our success,
you Jeong
     you pressed sent, knowing fully well that she sounded 120% more excited than she actually feel. Once again, life have killed her buzz. 
     you knows that she's supposed to love her family, and she does. She just doesn't like them. The chaotic, burdensome lots they have become and it's all HIS fault. "Disappeared, my !" you muttered. Everyone have been looking for him. Mum was worrying quietly for the first few weeks, months passed, tears ran dry, replaced by her current hysteria. The woman is touched, and there isn't a single damn thing you could do about it. 
     Nobody else knows of you's struggle, except for the people resided in this asylum of a "house". None of their relatives have seen them in more than a year now, and it best stayed that way until HE turned up (doubtful), or Mum snapped out of her hysteria. Both seem highly unlikely. 
     That snapped you out of her private rant. It stopped, so Yoo Na must have picked it up. She sighed with relief and cracked her fingers, tapping each key of her Type-Writer lovingly. She picked up this beauty at a garage sale she drove by once, when she had a car and a place to call home before it got foreclosed. you shook her head, willing herself to leave those depressing thoughts before and jump into her world. 
     Not everything is cotton candy and rainbow, but heroes and heroines can overcome their troubles with a flick of a magic wand, and if you don't have that, dragons. Mythical, majestic creatures— Her favorite of all mythology monsters. 
     The heroine grinned at the fiends, "Out of my way, you evil men!" she shouted, raising her hands to the sky as a dragon swooped down, landing beside its master, menacingly gnarling at these puny creatures daring to taunt its master. "Any last word? I thought so, taste the PYRE of my dra—"
     "you!" Yoo Na's voiced hollered outside of the room. 
     "For the love of— What is it?" you grunted, yanking the door open. 
     "It's grandmother."
     "Which one?" she asked, not bothering to hide her annoyance.
     Yoo Na covered the mouth piece, "Her majesty, the old dragon of that disappearing father of ours, grandmother Jeong."
     you groaned and took the phone from her little sister, "Good Evening, Grandmother!" she said with the same enthusiasm she faked so many times before. 
     "It's Morning, you silly girl." The falsely sweet voice said, when in reality the woman can stab a person with one look, "You bad girl, when are you going to visit me in Seoul? You don't love grandmother anymore?" 
     you stiffened, "Of course that's not true, grandmother. We love you." She assured the old dragon, the conversation barely began and the woman is already guilt tripping her. Yoo Na looked at you apologetically, the girl probably just suffered a guilt trip of her own. you nodded at her little sister, allowing the girl to leave so she can take care of this— Not so little inconvenient. 
     "I'm so sorry for our absent. Mother have been sick, and—," you swallowed before continuing, "Father have been so busy with work. Yoo Na is still attending school, she's getting ready for the future, you know." 
     you covered the mouth piece momentarily and let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding— Feeling better now that she dodged that bullet.
     "What about you?" The voice from the telephone asked quizzically. "What's your excuse? You're not in school, you have no job to prevent you from visiting, or have that changed since we last spoke?" her grandmother asked.
     "You know...I'm a writer." you answered defensively.
     "Writer?" The old dragon scoffed, "Those are high school essays. Not best sellers material," her grandmother laughed, "Oh darling, I'm jesting but do come visit. If you don't, then I'll come visit you myself. It's almost lunch time so I have to go, hope to see you soon!" 
     Just like that, she lost the battle. Her chances was slim to win today for herself before, but she had a chance. Now, it was gone. The old dragon was not jesting, and that wasn't a promise, it was a threat. 
     She feel like the Prince of Bel Air, but instead of kind aunts and uncles, she have the cast of Game of Thrones for a family, and a dragon of a grandmother that could probably make Cersei Lannister hide in a corner and cry herself to sleep.
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Chapter 2: Wow...things just got really real. LoL I'm interested to know what that is all about.
Chapter 1: Lol! What inspired you to write this? I wish I was as bold as to say the things that are on my mind. I seriously love the way you write, I am learning from a master. I love it so far. I hope to read more soon! <3