Chapter 2

A Memorable Birthday

30 minutes later I had finished my fifth glass of coke – still on the house I hope- and I was literally about to pee myself.  

“I think, I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” I stated as I slid down from the bar stool.

“You think?” Kai asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah…” I nodded and left to find the bathroom.

I smiled slightly, Kai had really made me feel better about this crappy, crappy day that was supposed to be my birthday.   

After washing my hands and fixing my hair in the ladies room, I left it to return to my savior of the night – Kai. 

Jonghyun would only have himself to blame when he realized I had a good time on my own – with another boy, or maybe the right word for Kai was ‘ma- I got cut of in my own thoughts as I stopped outside of the bathroom.    

There, on the floor, lay a lonely rose petal. I bent down and picked it up. I had always been really weak for roses, they were just so beautiful… I glanced to my side and saw another five rose petals spread out in a line before they turned a corner.        

I furrowed my eyebrows. This reminded me an awful lot about… I brought the first rose petal I had picked up and turned the corner. 

There, stopping in his tracks of laying out rose petals for what I was assuming – and sort of hoping – the second time in his life, was none other than my boyfriend – Kim Jonghyun. 

“Hey…” he said as he straightened up. He scratched his head in that cute way he always did. “I told that bartender to stall you…” he said.

“What…?” I asked, walking up to him with a suspicious expression.

“I… Aish, I guess I might as well tell you… I’ve planned this surprise party for you.” He said.

“You have?” I asked and raised my eyebrows.

“Yeah… I mean I know you had planned for us to go to see a movie or something together, but we can do that any day, so I figured I’d take you out for something a little more fun on your birthday.” He explained.

“You do realize I waited for you for an hour at the park, where we were supposed to meet up?” I ask him as I reach my face to his level so we’re practically eye to eye. 

“, I really don’t think my plans through, do I?” he asked, looking sorry.

“No, you don’t.” I stated.   

“Oh, well maybe I can make it up to you with this party.” He carefully took my arm and opened the door behind him and led me inside a big room where I quickly spotted Minho, stopping his blowing of balloons.       

“Eh, hyung… Are we still supposed to hide and scream ‘Surprise!’? he asked carefully, glancing between me and Jonghyun.    

“No, no. That’s all over now, just bring out the cake THAT I MADE!” Jonghyun said loudly before smiling at me. “Did you hear that Honey, I made a cake.” He said with the excitement of a 5-year old.

“Yes, everybody heard that Jonghyun.” Soomin showed up next to us and smiled at me. “Happy birthday!” she exclaimed and hugged me.    

“Thank you!” I glanced around the room and realized all of Jonghyun’s ‘brothers’ as well as Soomin were here.

“Miyeon!? You’re here!” I heard someone exclaim and didn’t have a chance to turn around before I gut jumped from behind by my wonderful best friend Jihyun, the only one I could see missing in the room.

“Well the surprise part maybe didn’t really turn out the way I had planned it to, but this cake is freaking fabulous!” Jonghyun praised himself as usual as Onew helped him bring out the cake.

I had to admit, it was truly one beautiful cake, I was just a little more worried about actually eating it.

“I see you guys are enjoying your party.”

I recognized the voice and turned around to see Kai standing there.  

“Oh yeah, you know, I’m not gonna give you those 10$ because you, my friend did not make a very good job stalling my girlfriend.” Jonghyun said to Kai.

Kai glanced at me. “She wanted to go to the bathroom, what was I supposed to do, stop her?” He asked as he walked up to us. “Or maybe go with her…?” he smirked at me.

I chuckled. I see he really hadn’t changed.

Jonghyun looked confused and looked between the two of us. “Wait, wait… You two know each other?” he asked, suddenly looking worried. 

I had to hold back the smirk playing on my lips. “Well, we… kind of go way back, like a year or so.” Kai said with a nod.

“Don’t… tell me you’ve dated?” Jonghyun’s eyes widened.

“We never actually went out.” I stated to calm Jonghyun down, since I didn’t enjoy this as much as I thought I would. 

“Yeah, Miyeon never let me take her out since I was such a ‘player’ according to her.” Kai explained with a nod. “So I’m assuming you’re the opposite of that since you’ve managed to capture her heart?” Kai asked, giving Jonghyun a look as if he knew that wasn’t really the case. 

Jonghyun cleared his throat. “Yeah, that’s right, I’m not at all like that and I’ve NEVER been.”    

Oh dear, his lying was bad


“Right, that’s good. Take care of her alright, and don’t forget her birthday or any anniversary, okay.” Kai said and started backing away. “But if he does, you know where you can find me.” He winked at me before leaving.  

Jonghyun widened his eyes and snatched up to go after Kai and probably make him regret what he just said but I put a calming hand on his shoulder which made him relax. 

“Chill, he’s just joking… But if you do ever forget anything like that, I might just consider his offer.” I said before giving Jonghyun a peck on his cheek.     

“Let’s eat cake now!” Taemin exclaimed and reminded me a little too much of a 4-year old child.

Jihyun started cutting the cake and gave me the first piece. Jonghyun stopped me just as I was about to eat it. “Wait~ Before we eat I want to sing for you.” He said and suddenly looked slightly shy.

Jonghyun went around singing everywhere he went but if you ever actually asked him to sing he always refused, so this was a very pleasant surprise to me.     

“Really?” I asked and it felt as if my eyes were bugging out of my skull.  

“Yeah, unless, you don’t want me to of course…?” Jonghyun said.  

“No, no! I definitely want to hear you sing!” I smiled and put my plate of cake on a table next to me while Jonghyun skipped over to a little mini stage in the corner of the room and picked up a mike. 

Minho helped him fix something with the wires before the music started to play. 

The second Jonghyun put the mike to his mouth and locked eyes with me I felt completely mesmerized. His voice was so beautiful I felt as if I became deaf right now, I would be happy since his beautiful voice would be the last thing I would remember hearing.

The song went on and I really took in the lyrics, my eyes never once leaving Jonghyun’s.


Call me, my name  

Today is exactly your day

I’ll do anything for you

I want to give you a small gift

That only I can give to you

I’ll run to you now and confess

 I want to play a game

With you the whole day

Don’t you know my feelings?

There’s definitely only one today

I’m gonna whisper my love to you

Enough to make you happy

And completely surprised


Once he finished the last ‘lalalala’ I assumed I was just a pile of melted emotions on the floor.

Jonghyun jumped of the mini stage and walked up to me. “Hey, hey, hey! Don’t cry…” He said and cupped my face in his hands, kissing on the tears slowly falling down my face.

“It was…So…Beautiful.” I hiccupped. 

“Alright, gather yourself, now it’s really time for cake.” Onew said and reached me my plate.

Jonghyun picked up my spoon and fed me with cake, all the time smiling at me. I had never felt so warm inside before and also, this cake was freaking delicious.     

The party went on for another hour and Soomin decided to challenge Jonghyun in karaoke, so I stood next to Key, enjoying my third piece of cake while hearing my boyfriend trying to sing Secret’s “Poison”. 

Both Key and I laughed so hard we almost cried when Jonghyun tried to spread his legs and do Sunhwa’s y dance step.


Once we had gathered ourselves again, Key slightly leaned towards me and whispered, “You do realize I made the cake, right?”       

I discreetly leaned towards him as well “The second I realized I didn’t have to rush out of here and puke once I tasted it, I kind of figured it out.”

-----THE END--------

Man I make to long one shots… Anyways, happy birthday Marisa566 – even if it was more than a month ago… =^.^=

Pictures, song and gif not mine, just the story is :) 

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ChoNanami #1
A story for Marisa!!! Whooo this is so cool! Gotta read it later, have to head to school now ~
dinosayshi-77 #2