Chapter 1

A Memorable Birthday

Miyeon’s POV

Was he kidding me?  For his own sake I was hoping he’d jump out from behind that dumpster within 8 seconds and surprise me or I’d officially label this relationship as OVER.
Hey, don’t judge me, it’s not like it’s the first time he’s late. More like the 10th time. This month. Sure, he was the love of my life – at least that’s how it felt most of the time – but that didn’t exactly give him a golden passport that made it okay to be late.

He usually blamed it on his bad memory, which of course always made me upset since it’s such a lame excuse, but then he’d always do something super cute and sweet and I’d forgive him faster than anyone could say ‘Bomshakalaka’.

But this time it was gonna be different. I would give him three more minutes and if he didn’t show up he was going to get hell from me. You see, it’s my birthday. And he’s late. Again.

I glanced at the watch he had gotten me on our 6 months anniversary – NO! don’t lose focus Miyeon! You’re mad at him, remember!?
His time was up, I stated inwardly before I picked up the last of my dignity and left the park where we first had met.  

I was battling myself whether to just go home and drown in my own depression and completely eat my heart out with some help from my two good friends Ben and Jerry or, actually go through with my words and look that er up and give him a piece of my mind once and for all.

Despite the fact the picture of me, in bed, with a big spoon in a big bowl of ice cream was incredibly enchanting, I decided to not let Jonghyun get away this time. I had to do this, for myself. 

So before I could change my mind and act like a true coward, I hurriedly started walking towards Jonghyun’s house. 

I knocked on the door while going through a billion different options of how to confront him in the best way. To my surprise, the door wasn’t opened by him, but by his mother. I shouldn’t have been shocked by this, considering she dose live here after all, I had just been so prepared to not drown in Jonghyun annoyingly dreamy eyes that to instead face his mother was surprising to me .

“Miyeon, how nice to meet you.” She said with a slight smile.   

Jonghyun’s mom definitely seemed nice, I had met her a few of times before. I was just uncomfortable around parents and adult people in general so the fact I was facing my possible future mother-in-law kind of scared the crap out of me.   

“Good evening, is Jonghyun here?” I asked, cursing myself because I yet again forgot to use honorifics. (A/N: Actually, it’s just me who don’t really know what to call someone’s not that old mom XP)

“Ehm, noo… I think he went out with the other boys like an hour ago.” She said, glancing slightly around the hallway as if to see of any of them were there. 

Oh, really…? He was so dead. If I found him enjoying himself at some party when he should be celebrating me on my birthday – the first one we would spend together – I wouldn’t want to be Kim Jonghyun. 

“Do you… Know where they went?” I asked, blood boiling inside of me, imagining Jonghyun dancing with some girl and me bursting inside the room and slap him across the face exclaiming ‘It’s over!!’, then grab Onew and take him to some fancy chicken restaurant just to make Jonghyun jealous.

“I think they went to some club… I don’t know the address…” she mumbled. 

“It’s okay, I think I know where it is.” I said. “Thank you.” And with that, I my heal and left the scene. 

I could not believe him. I could not believe him. I.COULD.NOT.BELIVE HIM.

He actually went to a club. There was just one club in our town that didn’t serve alcohol and hence also the only club that let people under 19 in. Once again the whole “see him dancing with girl-slap him-storm out with Onew” scenario flew through my mind and I gritted my teeth, earning a couple of stares from bypassing.     

I hurried towards the closest bus stop where I realized I didn’t have my bus card and when I tried with “It’s my birthday so I don’t have to pay, right?” the PSY look-a-like driver just laughed at me and told me to get the heck of his bus, he had places to be. Well no kidding, busses do have that sometimes.   

So I had to walk, all the way to that stupid club where I most likely would find my stupid boyfriend and his stupid, stupid friends/brothers.   

It was really dark outside considering it was already winter, the first snow had fallen a few days ago and I was freezing. But the anger I currently felt towards Jonghyun kept me warm, despite how sadistic that might sound.   

Finally, after almost 25 minutes of walking in my nicest shoes, I had arrived. I took out my phone to see just how bad I looked after this not so pleasant walk. I cringed slightly at my own reflection and took out my in-case-of-emergency BB cream before fixing my hair – it couldn’t possibly hurt to look good when you were about to do what I was about to do - and whoala, there I was, looking like a fabulous goddess again. I almost laughed at my own little comment but then I realized how insane that would be so instead I straightened up, and walked towards the door. 

As I put my hand on the doorknob, I part of me was expecting all of my friends –and, of course Jonghyun- to jump out from different hideouts and scream “SURPRICE!!!” of the top of their lungs, but, nothing like that happened.   

I came inside and the only familiar faces I saw was some people from school that I had never really talked to. Soon though, I realized the ‘bartender’ (who didn’t serve anything but Coke and orange juice) was an old friend of mine, old flirt if you would like to call it that.   

It was like 1 year ago, way before I had ever met Jonghyun so he didn’t have anything to worry about. Just kidding, he had a bunch of thing to worry about right now, but Kai wasn’t one of them.

“Well, well, well, isn’t it little Miyeon?” Kai asked and leaned on the bar counter with a sly smile.

“And isn’t it little Jongin?” I asked, trying to imitate his smirk. 

“So, what have you been up to lately?” He asked as he slightly turned his back at me to fix with some dishwashing.   

“Not much.” I shrugged. It was of course kind of a huge lie, but I wasn’t the type of person to just pore out all information about my personal life to someone I hadn’t seen in a year since my… birthday party of 2011… “You?” I asked, not expecting a very good answer from the always as mysterious Jongin – also known as Kai. 

“Oh, you know, the usual.” It was quiet for a second before he opened his mouth again. “Hey, wasn’t the last time I saw you on that part- Wait that was your party! Wait…” he turned and checked some ugly reindeer calendar hanging on the wall behind him. “Oh my! Is it your birthday today!?” he exclaimed with the biggest smile I had ever seen him wear.    

I laughed slightly. “Yes it is. I’m all grown up now.” I smiled. 

“Naah, you’ll always just be my little potato.” He smiled.

“Okay, I was chubby as a kid, you don’t have to bring it up.” I muttered.

Kai chuckled. “Sorry Miyeon… Ey, don’t tell me you’re here alone, on your birthday?” he raised an eyebrow. 

A pout was my only respond.

“What happened to that shy little BFF of yours…?” Kai snapped his fingers, trying to remember her name.

“Jihyun?” I asked.

“Yeah!” He exclaimed pointing at me.

“Well, I went to brunch with her earlier today, but then I was supposed to meet up with my boyfriend, but… he never showed up.” I said with a deep sigh.

“Oh no! Don’t tell me he stood you up, on your own birthday?” Kai said with his mouth shaped in an exaggerated ‘O’.  

I nodded. “Well, I guess it’s more ‘forgot’ rather than ‘stood up’.”

“Still though, that’s just not cool… Here, have a birthday drink. It’s on the house.” Kai smiled and reached me a Coke with lime. He remembered…      


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ChoNanami #1
A story for Marisa!!! Whooo this is so cool! Gotta read it later, have to head to school now ~
dinosayshi-77 #2