chapter 10

Tell Me A Lie ( A Choi Siwon Story )


‘what do we tell him if he asks about your whereabouts unnie?’ khae asked me as they were once again sleeping over at my unit.

I was packing for my short visit to Tokyo to see my parents, they already knew i was pregnant and it was surprising that they didnt question me about the father, they simply just accepted it that their only daughter is pregnant, of course my elder brother wouldnt hear the end of it but he told me he had come to terms that his baby sister is no longer a baby anymore. Truth be told i was excited to see my family again since i dont spend much time with them anymore after i completed my residency and decided that my career path is in Seoul not in Tokyo.

‘he wont ask, he wont even know i’m missing’ i told them with a smile, they were all sitting on various spots inside my bedroom munching on pizza and japanese food. I would’ve wanted a take out from mcdonald’s but they wouldnt hear the end of it telling me its unhealthy and its bad for my baby.

I was now on my 2nd month and feeling very much like a pregnant woman minus the fact that i was alone in my pregnancy. I looked at Lin and knowing that she was alone in her pregnancy, except with the support of her family and it dawned on me that i am no longer alone, i have my family and my friends with me and that would be enough in the absence of his father. I rubbed my tummy and smiled at them in gratitude as i continued folding some clothes.

‘uhh dont give us that smile unless you have plans of disappearing for good unnie...please come back’ Lin said as she took a long drink from her soda.

Ria nodded but started to help me pack an overnight bag ‘travel light’ll come back right?’

‘of course i’ll come back silly, i have a job waiting for me patients needs me. Who cares about siwon, i’ll come back’


Waking up to the soft pitter patter of raindrops on the roof and on my windowpane i smiled as i sat up on my bed. I looked around at the familiar sight and scent of my old bedroom in our family home in Azabu. Arriving late yesterday afternoon in japan and welcomed by my family made me feel so loved and blessed, and to think that i am now going to be a mommy brings so much excitement and joy in my system. Though i havent really moved on when it comes to Siwon...yes i havent really thought about him the past few weeks for i was too engrossed with my pregnancy but every night...every damn night i would sometimes cry myself to sleep. I must be on miserable pregnant woman but then again when i think of Lin i doubt that she cried for Sungmin-oppa during her pregnancy.

‘yup i must be nuts...’ i said aloud and moved to get out of bed to begin my first day at home.

‘ohayo ayumi-chan?’

I turned around and saw the face of my loving mother as she opened my bedroom door, it then dawned on me that we had an appointment at our favorite spa and salon and of course she wanted to buy things for her grandchild...i also wondered if siwon’s parents would do the same? I shook my head and smiled at my mother as i beckoned her to come in.

‘ohayo’re up early today’ i asked with a smile as i got a towel from my closet ‘we have a long day ahead of us’

She smiled and kissed my cheeks ‘my baby’s all grown up now, and you’re having a baby...mama is very proud of you for being brave’

‘i am happy with this pregnancy mama, and i cant wait for my baby to come out. I hope he’ll be healthy or she’ll be healthy’ i told her ‘arigato mama for being there...’

‘we’re a family ayumi-chan and we’ll never leave you, now hurry up and get dressed...oh and you have roses downstairs’ she said with a smile

‘roses? Did papa and oniisan get me flowers?’

She shook her head and smiled again ‘iie its from a certain choi siwon...hurry up ayumi-chan and lets have breakfast together.’

As soon as my mother left i was left wondering why the hell would choi siwon send me roses in japan? Was he trying to win my heart? A part of me hoped for that, the romantic side of me that is but the more realistic side scoffed to that idea of him wanting to win my heart...he just wants my baby but hell may freeze i would never give him my baby.

*Siwon’s pov*

‘you just gave her flowers instead of visiting her in japan? That’s so not you hyung...’

I rolled my eyes at eunhyuk and sighed in frustration, he was teaching me the steps for our new dance routine while giving me advices about love and what to do about the situation i’m in. I looked up at him as he was thumping his feet to the beat of y, free and single though i was all three of those i still didnt feel like rejoicing. I know i cant give Ayumi the love that she wants...yes im too much of a coward to give in to love but i also want to be a part of my baby’s life. I want to be able to hear him or her call me papa just like the rest of my brothers who are very much content with their family life, yet instead of trying to think of a way to soften ayumi’s anger towards me here i am dancing with the dance machine himself as he flipped his blonde hair to the beat.

‘uhh hyukkie what do you know about love?’ i asked him as a i took a drink from my water bottle.

He smiled and winked at me ‘because i think i have found the love of my life...and she’s just within arms reach!’


‘oh the pretty dancer in noona’s dance studio, you’ve met her right?’ he said happily

‘pretty michelle liang? The ice princess with doe like blue eyes?’ i asked ‘good luck with warming her heart hyukkie...’

‘ne...she’s a bit like you, all ice but deep within there’s a warm heart waiting for the right person to get rid of the ice and break down all the walls hyung, you should go and visit the mother of your baby...she loves you’

I must admit that the dance machine did have merit, can Ayumi be the one brave enough to see thru me? And if she is am i ready to take chances again?


sorry for the late update...uhh i plan to do a remake of ria and kyuhyun's love story...what do you guys think? i think i would've done it better than the way its done now. :) please dont forget to subscribe to my stories!! 

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ponsou #1
Chapter 18: bonjour, j'ai lu toutes vos histoires, c'est vraiment bon, dès la première histoire on a hâte de lire les autres, félicitations j'ai adoré mais j'ai hâte de la suite :).
hapieverafter #2
Hi! I'm a newbie! Just wanted to let you know that I like reading all your stories. I'm really looking forward to your story about Eunhyuk. =)
Chapter 16: I can imagine the wedding in my spectacular
Chapter 15: I'm sorry I didn't get to comment on chapter 14!! Siwon is falling!! Love story of hyukkie!!
meggie016 #5
Chapter 15: Can't wait for the wedding and them living in one house!

update more please :))
Chapter 13: Jiwon is such a sweetheart! Love the parents!
Chapter 12: Oouuhhh his parents wants him to marry her!! Yessssssaaaa
Chapter 11: He should ask minnie for the meaning ~~~~
Chapter 10: Listen to the monkey siwon ah!! She is the girl to break that ice in ur heart! Oohhh I Smell a hyukkie love story soon!! Ria n kyu? Sure !I'm cool with anything
Chapter 9: Of course the baby is hers... sayonara! I love that word..eternal goodbye to u siwon!