Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night


Jiyong stares at the paper blankly. Its 3.45 am already and nothing came out of his mind. Not even a word. He had been sitting on this ing chair for hours now. Since he can’t close his eyes for a sleep, he decides to write a song. Like always. But tonight, not a single idea strike. Not like he is having anything in mind. Nope, nothing is wrong. I feel good. Everything is fine. Jiyong muttered. 


But things like this happened. It just likes another bad hair day. Nothing when wrong, just... blank. Ahh what should I do? I can’t sleep.  Maybe because I slept too much on the day. Woke up at high noon already been his regular routine when there is no schedule ahead. He need rest. Not like his other members, who happily spend their free time hanging with their friends, going to gym or just lazily watching TV at home. Jiyong, he just need a good sleep.


Jiyong come out from his room and went straight to the kitchen. He is pouring a glass of orange juice when his stomach grumbling with a weird sound. He open the kitchen cabinet decide to cook ramen when suddenly he heard a loud laughter bursting out from the living room. He turned around revealing someone who is laughing hard over something on TV.



“Oh hyung!” Seungri turned. His eyes watered due to overly laugh.

“Ri, what are you doing? It's almost dawn. Haven't you got any sleep?" Jiyong shocked. 

"And what are laughing at?”


“Nothing.” Seungri quickly take the remote and switch off the TV. This just makes Jiyong more curious. He walks over to the living room.


“What are you watching maknae?? Are you watching here? Huh?” he tries to snatch away the remote from Seungri.


“Aniyo. I didn’t watch that. Hyung. Aniyo!” Seungri grip hard the remote and hide it behind his back. Jiyong struggle over Seungri, trying to get the remote.


“Give it to me!”




“Gimme that Ri or I will tickle you till there is no end.”


“Andwae! Hyungggg!”


In a second, Jiyong successfully managed to get the remote. He speedily switched on the TV, scared that the maknae will snatch away the remote.


The TV switched on exposing a colorful show with the characters sound so ‘squeaky’.


“You watch cartoon??” Jiyong’s body starts to vibrated. Oh this is funny!


“It just a cartoon. What a big deal?” Seungri pouted.


“It’s Jimmy Neutron for God sake! Who watch this?!” Jiyong can’t hold it anymore. He starts laughing out loud. Seungri slump his body. Still pouting.


After a minute or two, the laughing subsides. Jiyong sit next to Seungri. He shakes his head. He places his hand on Seungri’s lap.


“Why don’t you asleep yet? Something come into your mind?” Jiyong asked.


Seungri just shakes his head. Eyes on the TV.






“Ri!” Jiyong increase his voice a bit.




“Hey! What’s wrong with you?!” Jiyong can’t take it anymore. He put down the juice he drink on the table in front him and turn his body to Seungri.


“I just don’t feel sleepy” Seungri answered lazily.


“That all? You look like you have something on your mind.”


“No, hyung. I just can’t sleep. I already tried counting sheep and singing lullaby but nothing come out success. So I watch TV and turn out only this amuses me.”


Jiyong stares at Seungri. And when he see nothing suspicious, he slump his body back to the couch.


“Me too. I can’t sleep. And I can’t even have a single idea on writing song too.”Jiyong let out a sigh.


Seungri chuckles. “We are in the same boat.”




“Let just continue watching this. It so hilarious, hyung! I’ve watched three episodes already. They are doing marathon.” Seungri beamed.


And so they finished their night together watching the show that had amuse the little maknae, The Jimmy Neutron. 




The next morning, Daesung walk out from his room and heading to the kitchen to make himself a breakfast. He heard a funny song from the living room, just to find the sleeping leader and maknae, Seungri’s head lolling back and Jiyong head on Seungri’s lap with the TV playing Dora the Explorer.


“What the heck?!”




Tell me what you think! Thankyou for reading~! ^^ <3 



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ninadebrov23 #1
Chapter 1: This is soooo cuteee authornim 😂😂💙
pandari_1212 #2
Chapter 1: Really cute ❤️
Chapter 1: Awwwwww ❤️
Chapter 1: These 2 are cute! Watching cartoon all night! ^^
Chapter 1: Omo! So cute! I love those boys ^___^
Chapter 1: cute XD like this
KangGwisoon #7
Chapter 1: LOL XD fluffy GRI! >w< it was so sweet and adorable story ^^ jiyong the sandpaper leader and strong baby maknae seungri are watching cartoons :3 Daesung must be so shocked to see that XD keep writing author-nim :D
raya_VIP #8
Chapter 1: Oh... How I miss GRI veryyyy much.
to addition, GRI Fluff of it !!!

counting sheep and singing lullaby ->> if this really happen, than it's hard to believe that our baby panda is a REAL man now hahaha
and Dae's little appearance here really make me smiling wideee
Chapter 1: ohh...i subscribed!!!
because it's cute....
and their brotherhood bond...
unnie, i love your story!!