Trip Down Memory Lane

Bruised Minds, Broken Hearts (Hiatus)

Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry! its been almost 3 months since i updated! *Hides* Please forgive me. i wish i had a viable excuse, but i don't. i've just been lazy TT.TT i hope chapter makes up for it though! (it probably won't cause its not even very goodT.T) agian, SORRY! lets get on with the story while i go drown in shame.



We all sat around the small dining table, Minho and I on one side, Minhos brother Minseok on the other side, and Minhos parents on the ends.

So, Taemin-ah, do you go to Minhos school? We’ve never heard him mention you? Mr. Choi asked

Taemins home schooled appa. Minho answered for me.

 I just nodded awkwardly as the all the Chois (minus Minho) all stared at me. All thinking the same thing.

Oh, he must be a dork, a genius child, a nerd, etc etc

Ha. As if. I may be socially awkward , but I’m not a nerd. Just an abused kid who brings to much shame on his parent to even be seen in public.

To be honest, I dont really hate my parents. They work hard. They dont deserve a kid like me, who only brings shame to the family. If only I could compare to my brother then maybe, just maybe my parents could love me again and every thing could go back to the way it was before. Before the accident. Before my parents lost their jobs. Before the world seemingly turned its back on me.



(3rd person POV)

“ Taemin-ah!” A voice call from the other side of the door.

“Deh Hyung? What is it?” Asked a six year old Lee Taemin.

“I’m going to the store. Do you want to come?”

“Deh!” He replied cheerfully

“Come on and get ready then!”

“Okay, I’ll be right there!”

Taemin happily jumped up from his little desk, where he’d just finished drawing a picture of his family.

Quickly shoving on his shoes on-his favourite pair of sneakers, the ones with the race cars on them- and grabbing his jacket out of the closet, he ran for the door.

Taemins hand was on the doorknob, when he stopped. Thinking quick, he turned around and ran back to his room to grab the picture so that he could show Taesun hyung.

Once his picture was clenched tightly in his hand, he dashed out through the door and ran to the car to meet his big brother.

“Hurry up Tae, I don’t have all day!”

“Sorry hyung.”

“ It’s fine. Do you have you seatbelt on?” Taesun asked, turning around to look at Taemin while he backed out of the driveway.

“Deh Hyu-”

Pain. That’s all that was felt in that moment. Pain and heat. And cold. Glass shattering every where. Fire the doors. And spinning. They were spinning. But why? What happened. One minute they where driving and then BAM. All these things started happing at once. But then it was over. They stopped spinning, glass stopped shattering. It was silent. To silent. The only sound was the fire crackling. Then emotion rushed down on to the little boy sitting helplessly in the ravaged car. Pain the dominating emotion, surrounded by sorrow and anguish. Emotions that where new to the young Taemin.

“HYUNG!!” he screamed. Fire separated him from Taesun and he was unable to see him.

No reply came from the front of the car.

Taemin, confused and scared, retched his seatbelt off and, ignoring the flames that stood in the way, pushed open the car door.

“TAESUN HYUNG!!” Taemin yelled again, this time from the outside of the burning car.

Still no reply came form his Hyung.

His parents were there then. And lots of other people. Some were in yellow


They pulled the burning door off of the car and reached inside. A moment later, they pulled a body out of the drivers seat. A very still, unrecognizable body.

Tears streamed down Taemins face in a never ending waterfall as he knelt on the pavement. Still clutching his picture.

“HYUNG!!” he let out one final heartbroken screech.

And then everything went black.


I found out later that the driver of the transport truck that had hit us died had died on impact, just like my brother.

After that accident, my parents went in to a depression. Drinking alcohol, eating, and sleeping was basically all their day consisted of for a three weeks after the crash. They stopped going to work, they stopped showering, they stopped socializing. They just stopped caring about everything in general. That included me.

Me, who was still recovering from broken ribs and third degree burns. Me who had just lost his brother, while right next to him. Me who was also depressed.

After they lost their jobs, they sobered up and started socializing again. Eventually they got new jobs, but they never started caring for their broken six year old son again.

But, it wasn’t until I turned eight that the abuse started. that’s when I started to wish they would just stop caring for me again. That was ten times better.

“…Taemin? TAEMIN!”

“Huh? What?” I looked up to see that all four Choi’s were looking at me weirdly.

“Taemin, I asked you if you were done?” Mrs. Choi said.

I looked down at my plate and noticed that it was empty. Huh, I don’t even remember eating all that, but boy am I full. That must have been an awesome meal. to bad I can’t remember it…

“oh, deh, sorry. It was very good. Thank you.” I replied quickly,

“No problem dear.” she said but she still looking a bit worried.

“ Taemin-ah, come with me, I’ll show you where you can sleep.” Minho said, smiling at me.

It was so cute the way his overly large eyes scrunched up when he smiled.

Blagh, what the ! Stupid gay thoughts, get out of my head!

“Taemin…?” Minho looked glanced back at me with his eyebrow raised.

“Oh, sorry, coming.”


I dashed up the stairs behind Minho(damn his long legs...) and almost crashed into him when he stopped suddenly.     



“this is where you can sleep tonight.”

“but this is your room…”

“yeah I know, but we don’t have a spare room. Sorry bout that.”

“oh, no that’s okay. But where will you sleep?”

“Well, you can sleep in my bed if you want and I’ll sleep on the floor…”

“But that wouldn’t be fair of me, then I’d be taking your bed. I’m a guest so I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“Taemin, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll sleep on the floor.”


“Fine, look, we can both sleep in my bed if you want.” Minho sighed.

I blushed at the though of sleeping next to Minho but I quickly brushed it off.

“ Um, okay I guess…”I muttered.

“Good, no that that setteled, do you want to play my x-box? I bet I can bet you!” Minho said, laughing.

“Ha, as if. Your on!” I said, even though I’d never played an X-Box in my life.

 "Well, Come on then!”


 A/N, another slightly rushed chapter... OTL. but, i hope you liked it anyways:) If you see any mistakes, let me know.

As always, comments are loved:) also, i can't belive i've got 26 subscribers with only one chapter! adghjklkjhgfdk

Thank you sooo much guys!




















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Looking forward to chapter 3!!! Just 10 min ago I was like "Oh look... a 2min story...yay?" and now once I read it I'm like "OMG UPDATE~~~!!!!! Fighting!"
*pouts* Hwaiting
Okay :) I'll look forward to your next update :)
Takumichi #4
why havent u updated in over a year? please this story is sooo good. please update it!
SuperVelma #5
Noooooooo please hurry and update
LucifersJuliette #6
I loved this update =] The author note made me think of Sorry Sorry by Super Junior It was sad so i got but then sweet so i was happy but then it was over so sadness again then i saw the Tae gif so I was again Such an emotional rollercoaster
update! prease!!
update ~~~~~~~~~~