The Choi's

Bruised Minds, Broken Hearts (Hiatus)

No one would care right?

 No one ever cared about me so it certainty wouldn’t bother them now right? But.. now that I think about it, it’s kind of hard to care for someone you didn’t know even existed. Oh well. What difference would it make now then right? If no one knew, no one would miss me. Of course, my parents would know. They definitely wouldn’t care though.Sure the gave birth to me and all but, it’s not like they ever gave a about my life. They were always to busy screwing around with their lives to care about mine. Maybe it would just be best if I killed myself then.It would be a lot better the living in this hell hole.  



“BOY! get your sorry down here right now!”

Argh. What the does he want now. Didn’t he care that I was in the middle of arguing with myself right now?


I flinched at the thought of what would happen if I didn’t go down stairs.

I've been down that path before. And I sure as hell didn’t want to go back ever again.

“what do you want now?” I grumbled as I scurried down the stairs, coming to a stop in front of the people who decided to interrupt me my parents

“don’t you sass your appa boy.”

I Scoffed at him. Did he really have the nerve to call himself my appa, after everything he’s done to me? Instead of answering, I just rolled my eyes, which earned be a pretty hefty whack I the head from my mother. I winced as blood trickled down my forehead.

“Now, as I was going to say, myself and your umma are going out tonight-

“what does that have to do with me?”


“sorry...” I muttered as a large hand came down across my cheek.

your mother and I are going out tonight so you are going to the neighbours house. No way are we going to let you stay here by yourself.”

“ Fine. Whatever. What about Ms. Park? Why cant go to her place like I always do?”

Ms. Park was the elderly lady who lived at the end of the street. She may be old and boring but at least she was somewhat nice to me. Course, if my parents knew that, I’d never be allowed there again. Well… first I’d be beat up, then I’d never be allowed there again.

“Ms. Park broke her hip and is still in the hospital. If we had any other choice, you’d be at her house. Do you think we want the Choi’s to now about such an ungrateful boy like you!? Now, go pack a bag or something. Your staying the night.”

Even though I hadn’t actually said anything, my father whacked me across the face again, this time with enough force to knock me onto the floor.

With a wicked laugh, they both strode out of the room with oh-aren’t-we-so-big-and-mighty? attitudes.

Pissed of and bleeding slightly, I stood up and stormed of to my room so that I could tend to the wound on my head.

So, the Choi’s hey? That will be interesting. I’m not exactly aloud out very often and I’ve been home schooled all my life so I’ve never actually meet them but I tend to stare out my window for hours at a time( there’s not really much else to do when your not aloud to leave the house) so I’ve seen them coming and going every now and then. They seem nice enough.

The Choi’s have a son too.

Minho I think his name was…

Anyways, I’ve never actually meet the Choi’s before. I wonder how they’ll react when they meet me. I mean, I’m a freak. A loser. Worthless.

They’ll probably hate me and never want to lay eyes on me again.

Oh well. Wouldn’t be the fist time. Better get this over with. Boy, this was going to be an awkward meeting if there ever was one.

Quickly shoving some stuff into a bag I rushed down the stairs again before they had a chance to leave without me.

Luckily I made it down just as my umma was getting her coat on and my appa was routing around for his keys.

So… uh, which house is the Choi’s again?” I fidgeted around uncomfortably, praying I wouldn’t get hit for asking a question.

“Doesn’t matter.” he grumbled as he lay down on the floor, looking under the couch for his keys.

“we have to go over there anyways to talk to them for a few minutes.”


“Found ‘em!”

“Finally…” I muttered, barley loud enough for the to hear.

“What was that boy!?”


“Thought so.”

Damn him and his super sensitive hearing.

“ Alright, lets go, lets go.”



The Choi’s only lived a few houses down so instead of driving, we just walked, me tagging along Far behind them. When we reached the doorstep, I had to press up against the railing as much as possible to avoid getting smacked again.

“Hello Mrs. and Mr. Lee! It’s been too long! Oh, you must be Taemin! Please, come in!”


A woman, about 45 opened the door, smiling warmly at us. Mrs. Choi I guessed.

“Minho, come greet our guests!”

A boy, maybe a year or two older then me, appeared behind Mrs. Choi.

He was cute. Tall and muscular with long brown hair and big brown eyes.

He had adorable double lids too, which made him look kinda like the keroro.

“Hi there. I’m Minho. You must be Taemin. Nice to meet you.” he said, smiling warmly, just like his mother. Who, I might add, was almost identical to him. Or… should I say, he was identical to her. Either way, he was cute.

“Hi Minho. Nice to meet you too.”

“well then, we’d better get going. Have a good night son.”

I had to suppress an eye roll at the fakeness of their smiles and their kindness.

“Well then Taemin, better come in, it’s cold outside.” She said, once my parents had left.

I smiled at her and stepped into their large home. It was nice. Big but still cozy.

“Minho, why don’t you show Taemin to your room. I’m going to go start dinner.”

“ Sure thing umma.”

I followed behind Minho awkwardly as he lead me up the stairs and into his room.

I looked around admirably. His room was full of awards and trophies and video games and posters of soccer players. It looked so much different from by room which contained only a bed and a desk.

“Wow, your room is really nice” I said in amazement

He chuckled at that “ Thanks, it not much though.”

I just shook my head sadly. If this was considered “not much” for a room then he should see mine…

I pouted and looked around his room some more

“So, Taemin, How come I’ve never seen you around before? What school do you go to?”

“ Uh, well I don’t really like to go out that much” I lied easily. “And I’m home schooled so you wouldn’t have seen me there.”

“ Really? Home schooled? So, like, you’ve never been to a school before?”

“Nope.” I replied, shaking my head.



The awkward atmosphere continued on for another 5 or 10 minutes with strained conversation until Mrs. Choi finally called us down for dinner.


A/N: I probably cut it to short right? Sorry but I really wanted to get an update up before I go to sleep and I cant really think of anything else to write right now so you’ll have to deal with this =^.^=

Anyho’s comments are lovedJ


oh and sorry for any mistakes, I did check it over but if you see anything I missed, feel free to tell me:)


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Looking forward to chapter 3!!! Just 10 min ago I was like "Oh look... a 2min story...yay?" and now once I read it I'm like "OMG UPDATE~~~!!!!! Fighting!"
*pouts* Hwaiting
Okay :) I'll look forward to your next update :)
Takumichi #4
why havent u updated in over a year? please this story is sooo good. please update it!
SuperVelma #5
Noooooooo please hurry and update
LucifersJuliette #6
I loved this update =] The author note made me think of Sorry Sorry by Super Junior It was sad so i got but then sweet so i was happy but then it was over so sadness again then i saw the Tae gif so I was again Such an emotional rollercoaster
update! prease!!
update ~~~~~~~~~~