The dwarf

Unexpected King

“Do you want some bread?” Grundy asked Minhyun, JR, Baekho and their manager Hyun. JR looked nervously at the bread “it’s just normal bread” Grundy said. JR reached for the piece of bread but Baekho picked it before noticing that JR wanted it “Learn to be a bit more polite and patient” Grundy said angry to Baekho who pulled a I didn’t notice face which was something typical for him.

Grundy gave JR, Minhyun and manager Hyun also a piece of bread. “If I may ask” Minhyun started a bit nervous “what do you want to ask” Grundy asked angry which scared Minhyun even more than he already was “nothing” he said “no now ask it” Grundy’s angry face came really close to Minhyun’s face “hold it back” said the man who was riding. That made Grundy cool down again and sit back. Minhyun was shaking of fear “ You can just ask him” the rider said. Minhyun nodded “w…w…who are you?” Grundy smiled a little bit and nodded” good question boy” “ I’m Grundy a dwarf with some troll blood” “A dwarf? Like in Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings?” Baekho asked while he was chewing on his bread “Didn’t your parents teach you to be polite?” Grundy asked “eeerm yes they did” “why do you talk with your mouth full?” the dwarf was really irritated and poked him with his walking stick on his feed “auw that hurts” Baekho complained “oh and I have never heard of Harry Potter and The lord of the rings” Grundy continued and he rolled with his eyes.

“Grundy, you said you would pull the car, but where is it?” their manager suddenly noticed “I am a dwarf, don’t believe everything I say” the manager sighed, “ I should have known this” he mutterd

“ I actually didn’t offer you all a ride for some stupid conversations” Grundy said, “I want to warn you all” he continued “warn us for what?” JR asked “ I cant tell that much. But stay out of trouble and don’t get yourself into danger” suddenly the couch stopped “we are arrived at the bungalows” the rider said and JR, Baekho, Minhyun and their manager stepped out before they could ask something.

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I'm sorry I wont be doing chapter 6 this week :C maybe saterday but only when I'm lucky with Wifi in the train^^


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topbom4eva #1
Chapter 7: please keep updateing soon this is really amazing
Chapter 6: wait where is my bias Ren oppa T^T please update soon!!!
like it cuz ma babe is there JRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!