the intern.
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Isn’t it every fangirl’s dream to meet their idols? To be able to see them not from the small screen of their tv or laptop and be able to interact with them?

For me, those reasons were partly why I became an intern for Channel M.

Being able to communicate to idols and joke with them was that I imagined and what they had promised me.

In the end, the company gave me small tasks that only make me feel more isolated from them. You see, the thing I do in the company is be everyone’s slave. I do the asks for everyone.

Despite being paid a measly amount I continued to work under them because someday I know I would be able to become a reporter who would be invited to the hottest parties and being able to communicate with my idols.




“Miss Song, can you get me a caramel macchiato!” “Can you help me make a copy of the interview with Song Joongki!” “Help me distribute this letters around the office.” Thousands of request bombarded me the moment I stepped into the office. Being an intern , I can’t decline their requests since they are my senior and if I want to get to the position of Star Reporter, I will work my for it.

“This are the scripts for the interview with Infinite,” My co-worker said as he flung the files onto my desk. Is this it? Am I really gonna interview an idol?

“Please pass it to Reporter NaNa, she is at Angel-in-us Coffee at Myeongdong.”

I mentally cursed in my head. So much for hope.




“What took you so long, the interview is starting in 20 minutes and they haven’t read their scripts!” PD Park immediately chided me when I reached. “Sorry, I promise I won’t do this again…” I muttered.  “Tsk, interns this days…” He cursed under his breath.

Being scolded is part of the job when you become an intern, since interns are meant to be pushovers.

“OKAY, Infinite has reached Myeongdong and are walking towards the café everyone on standby please.” PD

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Chapter 2: OMG U. THAT'S NOT NICE.
Chapter 2: Hey namberlyyyy. lol. I love it so far and no prob about the u/n. You totally got me down in my tweet tho. I always use the :/ face. Haha. pmsl at qianhui.
Bang-Jello #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^