
Now is good


Day (800)

“What if I’ll break my heart again? What if I break both of our hearts again?” Jiyong asked.

“I’ll make sure we won’t.” Seunghyun said, confidently.

“I don’t want you to take me as a concept or an object that you’ll feel complete or alive when having me. I hate that a lot. I’m just a ed up boy, who’s looking for his own peace of mind. Don’t assign me yours.”

“Okay.” Seunghyun answered.


Jiyong smiled.

“Feels like deja vu.” Jiyong joked.

Seunghyun smiled. And he promises to himself that this time, he’ll never let Jiyong go.

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Danees #1
Chapter 2: So glad it ends with a good note. Thank you so much!
charlottelehnsher #2
Chapter 1: I really like your writing style, it's really great and stand out than most of one shots
Chapter 2: That was great .
But, i would preffer if you explained how jiyong and seunghyun mae up .
And, 'its just me'
Actually i dun like this kind of fic cz i need to read it upside down(?)
But thx fo the GTOP fic