Dancer with a broken heart.

Because of Love


"who are you two?"she panicked trying to get away from us. "
"well I'm yoseob and this is Hyunseung we won't hurt you I promise. "he said. She backed out of the corner. 
"okay. How old are you two. "she asked. 
"well I turned 23 yesterday and he is turning 24 in September. How bout you?"
"I'm Ga Eul. I'm 20,today is my birthday. January 6."she said. 
"what are you gonna do today?"I asked.she shrugged. 
"nothing. My parents don't like me so we don't celebrate. However I have watch my other siblings parties and my parents parties." she said. 
"Wow. That's cold.even for a parent. "I said. She nodded. 
"I dont have friends either." Ga Eul said.  
*poor girl. She doesn't even have friends.*i thought. I felt bad. 
"my best friend is madame Jung and she's in her 70s. She like a mom to me." she said. 
"we'll be your friend. We find you rather interesting. "yoseob said. 
"really?"she said. Yoseob nodded. 
"just give us a second....FRIEND!" yoseob  said. She laughed cutely. 
"dude we should throw her a birthday party!It would be fun. She can talk to Hyuna and others. " he said. I nodded. I was thinking the same. 
"we are back. Can we have your phone number friend?"yoseob asked. 
"yeah,can I have yours?"she asked.we nodded. We gave her our phones and typed our number into hers. 
"here. I gotta go. See ya!" Ga Eul said. She waved goodbye. 
Yoseob pushed up against the wall a sighed.
"woah. He said softy watching her exit the building. 
What do you think????? Yoseob likes her already. Her broken heart comes from her childhood and family. Hyunseungs comes from love through. The party is next!
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-notyourself #1
Chapter 3: update it soon please *-* i'm liking it ^^
unstoppable_M1KA4 #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh! You should update this ! Great story so far