Review List

Utopia Request & Review Shop (URRS) [Close]

Username | Story Title (Chapter of where review is located.Can also click on # to get to review page of story)     

* = Completed


*1. Hwang_Tiffany | Forbbiden Love (4)

*2. ClouDYesung | The Difference Between A o And A Drama (5)

3. CoolerThanYou | Thirst of Blood (6)

4. ThatOneOtherWriter | Diary of a Lonely Dragon Head [ClouDYesung is currently reviewing]

5. SHINeeSuju4ever | Living with my Clumsy Brother aka The Leader of SHINee [UwinLe is currently reviewing]

6. chibimusicstar Bringing Back Your Smile (7)

7. zining | Woebegone


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zasstar #1
Wanna request but it is now close, huhuu
Chapter 8: Read it ^^. Will credit when using the lappy
CoolerThanYou #3
Chapter 1: Read my review! Thank you! I'll credit :3
Requested :D
Hi, I was wondering if you guys still accept Review requests, because it seems like you still marked the review requests as accepting.
Hello, I sent in a job application form^^
I sent in an employment form.
I sent in an application form :)
Send request ^^
Chapter 6: Thank you for the review! It was really helpful and I'll go back in the story to change some things since I'm not perfect^^ Thank you so much and I'll credit you for the review~