Our Talk

Perfect Imperfection


We arrived home somewhere around nine o’clock. Beside me in the car, Fallyn was dozing off, her head slowly falling over and then snapping back up. I had to say it was actually kind of funny. I wonder why she would be tired for though. It wasn’t really that late.

It wasn’t really my business either. Liam got out of the car and opened the door where Fallyn was. He then unbuckled her and took her out of the car, carrying her to the house door bridal style as Louis fumbled with putting the key in the lock.

I chuckled a bit and then got out myself with Niall right behind me. Louis finally got the door opened and when he did all the boys tried to squeeze through the door at the same time and got stuck in the doorframe.

“I have seniority!” Louis shouted. “I get to go in first!”

“Well I have the y hair! That beats seniority any day,” Harry argued.

“I’m Irish. Let me through,” Niall said, trying to wiggle out from in between Harry and Louis.

“Vas ‘appenin?” Zayn suddenly threw out.

I smiled greatly at his catchphrase and soon all the boys were laughing. They all then agreed that Zayn go in first and Liam next since he was carrying Fallyn.

Liam started to take Fallyn to our room but I ran in front of him and blocked our doorway. “You can’t go in.”

“What? Why not?”

“You just can’t.” I told him.

He gave a very confused look and then turned around halfway. “Where am I going to put her then?”

“I’ll get her.”

“Rian, don’t be like that. Come on, just move and I’ll put her in bed and we can go our separate ways.”

“But Fallyn said,” I told him. “Just please? Let me take her.”

Liam sighed softly and sat her feet on the ground. I then wrapped one of her arms around me and reached for the door handle. Liam had already left so I went ahead and opened the door, kicking it to get it completely open.

I pretty much drug Fallyn to her bed and then tried my best to carefully lay her down. I tucked her in the blankets and then ran back to the door to shut and lock it.

Just as I had change into my pajamas to go to bed, someone knocked on the door. “Who is it?”


Niall. I think sometimes he forgot that he had an Irish accent. I unlocked the door and opened it slowly, trying to hide what was inside of our room.

“I thought we were going to talk,” Niall told me, staring at me deeply with his gorgeous blue eyes. For a minute, I was too stunned to answer. Niall had said himself that the only thing he liked on his body was his eyes. Now, standing here, I could easily see why.

“Oh, yeah.” I snapped myself out of my daze and slid out of the room. Niall walked down the hallway to the living room and plopped down on the couch. It was dark with only a small lamp that was beside Niall on the end table. I sat down right beside him and he just looked at me.

“What?” I asked slowly.

“Are you going to talk or what?”

“Well what do you want to know?”

“How boys have been treating you,” he almost whispered. And from that one sentence I could tell how sensitive and caring Niall really was. He actually wanted to know my problems; he wanted to listen and help me.

“Honestly, like crap,” I replied. “I’ve only had about two boyfriends who never cheated on me. But, they dumped me so I couldn’t really stay with them.”

“Why would anybody ever leave you?” Niall questioned. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

“Why are you so insecure about yourself?”

“Just a feeling I can’t get rid of. I hate everything about me except for my eyes.”

“Niall, why would you say that? You are so adorable and perfect in your own way, you have four boys that care about you, fans that adore you, and you’re making your singing dream come to life. What more could you want?”

“I don’t know really,” he told me. “It’s just I feel like I’m the odd one out in the band. I feel like I’m the least unloved by fans and I’m afraid the manager will fire me because I’m not popular like the other boys.”

My mouth dropped and I honestly think I started to tear up a bit. How could he ever think any of these things about him? He always seems so fine and chill in his videos, but this is how he really feels about it all? It really just about killed me.

“I don’t know about you Niall, but I love every part of you. I know many fans that love you and I’m pretty sure your manager isn’t going to fire you. The boys would not stand for that,” I explained.

“True, but I still feel like the outcast. It hurts me really.”

I moved closer to Niall and laid my head on his shoulder. I hated seeing that frown on his face. I wanted to cheer him up, but I didn’t really know how. Being a girl, I knew how it was to feel like an outcast. Numerous things separated girls into different cliques. But, if you think about it, we’re all outcasts; we don’t fit in every category.

“You’re insecure. Don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or,” I sang to him softly.

 A little smile creeped upon his face. “That’s so original.”

“You don’t know-o-ow you don’t know you’re beautiful,” I continued on as he finally gave a slight chuckle, much different than his normal laugh.

“You know what I like about you Niall?”

“What?” he asked.

“Your teeth. And your laugh.”

“I can’t understand why you’d like either of those things. My teeth aren’t straight and my laugh is obnoxious.”

“I love your teeth and your laugh is contagious and sweet. I don’t know if you know this, but your teeth is what makes your smile so darn cute.”

“Really?” he asked, looking down at me.

“Really, really.”

He then gave me a sweet smile and my stomach flipped and churned. There goes that feeling again; the feeling that could be so wonderful yet cause so much drama. I knew I shouldn’t do this, but I couldn’t hold back the feelings that had started up in my heart.

Niall gave a tiny cough and then broke the gaze. “So, here I am getting a pep talk from you when I was the one that was supposed to cheer you up.”

“But I’m fine. Better than I have been in a while,” I told him in a slight daze.

“I’m sure you are,” he replied smiling, “But I have a few things to say. Forget those boys who cheated on you-  they’re s.  They’re going to regret it down the road I’m sure of it. And as for those that broke up with you, we never realize what we have until it’s gone. You are a very pretty girl and I don’t want guys like that to make you think any different.”

“I have a few times, but Zayn was always there for me. He helped me through it.”

“Zayn. Right.”


“Nothing, it’s fine,” he said quickly. He then grabbed the remote, turned off the lamp, and turned the television on. “Hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

“You’re wonderful, you know that?” he asked me, laughing a little as he did so.

I’m so glad it was dark because I knew I had to be blushing like an idiot. I know for a fact that I was smiling like one. Why do I always embarrass myself in front of cute guys?

“Are you going to-” Niall stopped to cough, “To stay with me- in here?”

“I will if that’s okay.”

“Yeah! Yeah it’s perfectly fine.”

“I’ll probably fall asleep though,” I warned him.

“Why do you think my arm is there?” Niall said, although I couldn’t tell if he was joking around or being serious.

“To look nice,” I replied.

Niall nodded his head as if that were a good response and continued to watch the television.

“Goodnight Niall,” I told him, as his arm went around my shoulder almost in a protective way.

“Goodnight Rian,” Niall told me as my eyelids closed and consumed what little light there was left in the room.

You love him was the last thing I remember thinking. You love him and you’ve only known him for a day…

This could not go well.



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unstoppabledreamer #4
o_O I never knew there were 1D stories on here...
1directionlover #5
Chapter 21: Hi Sulphur_Sapphire, I was wondering. When do you usually update your new chapters ? Please let me know. You are really, really Good by the way !
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 19: woah! this story is quite good and should i ask... what website were you talking about in one chapter..? was it wattpad? please update soon and hoping you would be my friend... ^____^ totally love one direction the way you did... :)
1directionlover #7
Chapter 19: You are really good ! please update ASAP ! :)
PatriciaNicole #8
Chapter 1: Can you change the font color? it hurts my eye. well... the story is really really nice. Dont be mad. just sharing my thoughts