Perfect Imperfection



Fallyn and I were sitting on the couch with no noise except for the typing of the keyboard. She was taking me to this One Direction fansite where people wrote stories and made up quizzes about them. I actually found this quite fascinating.


“So what was so funny?” I asked her.


“Just these stories. Some are cute, some are weird, and some are just bad.”


“I’ve never seen anything like this.”


“It’s pretty awesome. So, you wanna make one?”


“For real?” I asked her.


“No. For fake.” I stuck my tongue out at her as she reached across the couch and grabbed the pad of paper Harry was writing on.


“We’re not going to write on the laptop?”


“Oh my gosh!” Fallyn shrieked, completely ignoring my question. “This is so cute!”




“Look what Harry wrote!”


I snatched the pad of paper from her and a huge smile formed on my face. All this time, he was planning on how to get Alice; a girl he had just met yesterday, a girl that he practically fell in love with at first glance.




The Alice Project


·         Serenade her


·         Be just her friend


·         Take her to different places


·         Just have fun with her


·         Do not come on too strong


·         Be Yourself!




“Aw!” I cooed. “You know what Fallyn? Maybe we should try and help Harry get Alice.”


“Now how in the world would that happen?” she asked, not even looking at me but instead at her laptop screen.


“Peer pressure!” I exclaimed. She gave me a weird look and then just shook her head. Handing me her laptop, I could tell she was holding back laughter. When I read the first paragraph I understood why.


I woke up. It was very sunny. I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple. I bit it. It tasted good. Liam walked in behind me. He heard me all the way outside walk into the kitchen. He must have some super ears.


Liam: Hi.


Me: Hello.


Liam: Nice apple.


Me: Thanks. You too.


I cried…




I burst out laughing and fell over on the floor while Fallyn just stared at me. She knew that I laughed at the dumbest things, but that truly was funny to me. I don’t know why it was but it didn’t really matter.


“That was the best story I ever read.”


“I know, right?”


She just nodded her head and continued to stare at her screen. I thought this would be a good time to question her on what I had been pondering for a while.


“Remember when I went to work with you that one day?” I asked her.


“Yeah, what about it?”


“You said you went to go get something. You didn’t come back with anything.”


“How would you know? You were out with Louis!” she exclaimed.


“What did you get then?”


She opened and then closed it several times trying to tell me what she had gotten. Exactly what I thought- she couldn’t do it.


“You don’t have to lie to me, you know,” I told her softly and a little hurt.


“I know.”


“Then why won’t you tell me where you were at? We’re best friends! Why can’t you tell me? It’s not like I’m going to judge you!”


“I can’t tell you!” she shouted at me. “And if I don’t want to tell you then I don’t have to!”


“Why are you yelling at me? I just asked you a simple question.”


“Because you keep asking me about it!”


“Well I would stop if you actually told me the truth!” I retorted.


“What part of I can’t tell you don’t you understand?”


“Why can’t you tell me?”


Her face then turned beet red as she got up off the couch and started to walk away. “Because it would ruin things!”


“What things?”


“Don’t worry about it!” she yelled. “I don’t want to see or talk to anybody ever again! Just leave me alone!”


“All right, see you in the bedroom we share,” I said sarcastically. She pointed her finger at me and started to say something but burst into laughter. I gave a smile as well and I could see her calming down.


Her shoulders fell and I could tell that she really wanted to cry. She couldn’t be doing something that bad…But then again, she may surprise me. And what things would she ruin by doing this? I was so confused but I decided it would be best not to push it.


“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I promise I will tell you, just not right now.”


“I’m fine with that. Just please don’t lie to me again. We’re friends Fal, you can tell me anything.”


“I know,” she replied, smiling. There was an awkward silence as she just stood there and stared around. I bit the inside of my lip and stared up. Wow, I did that a lot.


“Wow! Would you look at that lamp?” Fallyn exclaimed, pointing at the lamp on the end table by the couch. “That- that right there is a quality lamp!”


She then walked over to it and it like someone would do to a pet. I gave her the weirdest look ever. She then unplugged it and ran down the hallway.


“What are you doing?” I called out to her.


“We need a lamp!”


“We have like- three in there already.”


“Not like this one!” she shouted.


I gave a loud laugh and just shook my head. What in the world was that girl thinking? For some weird reason, that reminded me of something that I had promised Zayn I would do.


I got on the Internet on Fallyn’s computer and looked up nearby rehab centers. I found a really close one and then used my phone to call them. They were surprised that a celebrity would want to go there, but I didn’t want everybody finding out about this from a celebrity rehab center. I wanted it on the down low because I knew that paparazzi would give Zayn flack.


I got a scheduled meeting for Wednesday afternoon and was super happy. Zayn was finally doing this. After years and years of me telling him that he needed to stop, he finally realized it. I know I treated this celebrity ordeal like a bad thing, but truth is, I think it was the main reason he was quitting smoking.


“Oh my gosh!” Fallyn screamed. She ran back into the living room holding up one of my many wrestling singlets. She had the goofiest smile ever and I lightly smacked my head. Why did I even bring that?


“What is this?”


“A singlet,” I replied slowly.


“For what?”




She stared at it for a long while and then looked back over at me. “Can I wear it?”


“Knock yourself out.”


She started to take her pants off, but I shielded my eyes and sort of scolded her. “Not right here!”


“Sorry, I’ve been around Harry too long,” she told me. Even though she apologized she continued to undress. Luckily she had on a sports bra so it would look all right with the singlet.


“Why aren’t you dating Harry?” I asked her.


“We’re too good of friends. I mean, we were going to try it forever ago but then I decided he was too erted and I would probably smack him in the face everywhere we went together.”


“You do that anyway,” I stated, confused.


“Yeah, but it would be abuse if we were dating. This way, it’s just-”




“Exactly! But since we are on this topic, when are you and Niall going to date?”


“How about, never?” I suggested.


“Rian, you cannot tell me that you aren’t attracted to my brother.”


“I mean he’s gorgeous and his smile is amazing- and I love his personality- and wow! Those eyes! I could just get lost in them! They’re so beautiful! Oh, and-”


“You love him!” she interrupted.


“No I don’t! He’s just an awesome person. And besides Fallyn, he wouldn’t give me the time of day.”


“Whatever you say,” she said in a sing-song voice.


“Why? Did he say something?” I asked, my heart racing.


“No- but see how you just reacted? You do like him!”


“No I don’t!”


“Are we really going to do this again?” she questioned.


“I surely hope not.”


Fallyn then came back over to the couch and plopped down. She started surfing the Internet and no sooner her face was very red again. Her jaw was quivering and her eyes got puffy,


“What?” I asked in a panic-like matter.


“Look what these girls wrote!” She pushed the laptop into my body and just sat there, arms crossed.


Jackie123: ew, why is niall even in the band he is so ugly he doesn’t belong


X.belieber.X: I know! And what is up with those teeth? He needs them straightened! They’re so gross!


AsianBeard: He Could Leave The Band For All I Care. He Doesn’t Belong And He Is So Ugly. I Completely Agree!


My mouth dropped at this and suddenly I burst out in tears. Fallyn was doing the same though I could see she was trying hard to hold them in. Why would people say that about Niall, a guy that they didn’t even know! Niall would never ever say that about anyone!


“Those nasty, ty, preppy little sons of bit-”


“I know you want to, but don’t cuss,” I told her.


“How can I not? This is my own brother that they’re talking about! A person who has feelings just like them! Niall is not like that and he would never do that to anybody! Those girls can just crawl in a hole and die for all I care.”


“Hey!” I exclaimed, getting a really good idea. “Get your video camera.”




“Cause, we are going to rant like there’s no tomorrow.”




*By the way those are just fake usernames. Don’t go hating on people if they actually have those usernames. They were just pulled out of my and slapped on this story



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Is there any one directioner here?
The author have forgotten her password
This story is abandon
unstoppabledreamer #4
o_O I never knew there were 1D stories on here...
1directionlover #5
Chapter 21: Hi Sulphur_Sapphire, I was wondering. When do you usually update your new chapters ? Please let me know. You are really, really Good by the way !
ashleykobai #6
Chapter 19: woah! this story is quite good and should i ask... what website were you talking about in one chapter..? was it wattpad? please update soon and hoping you would be my friend... ^____^ totally love one direction the way you did... :)
1directionlover #7
Chapter 19: You are really good ! please update ASAP ! :)
PatriciaNicole #8
Chapter 1: Can you change the font color? it hurts my eye. well... the story is really really nice. Dont be mad. just sharing my thoughts