Chapter 2: "Flower Petals and Bicycle"

Miracle Somewhere


Chapter 2: “Flower Petals and Bicycle”

Three years ago..


    "Ya! Sungra-ah! You startled me with that sound of your sneeze!" Said Sunggi to Sungra that walking behind her.

    "Well ... these flower petals makes my nose itchy ..." she explained.

    "Hoo you’re right, i didn’t realize it’s already March. The cherry blossom petals are scattered everywhere ... ckckck feels like just yesterday we become a freshman, "Said Sunggi taking off her earphones she was wearing earlier.

    "Yep, and now we’re in Second grade! Yuhuu! I can’t wait to see my new classroom ~ Oh, by the way,  Sunggi-ah! Where are Sehun and Yixing? Usually the three of you went together," asked Sungra looking around.

    "Molla. Maybe Sehun isn’t awake yet. If Yixing, maybe he took the wrong way, or the wrong train. You know ... he's careless and forgetful. "


Sunggi and Sungra look back when they heard the sound of a bicycle bell behind them.

    "Hooy ~ Alone? The other eodisseo," asked Chanyeol while Baekhyun hitchhiking on the back of Chanyeol’s bike.

    "Oooh! Yeollie, Bacon annyeong!" Says Sungra to them both.

    "Wae? Who are you looking for? Minrin? Minra? Nugu?" asked Sunggi to Chanyeol.

    "Wahahaha aniii, I’m looking for you all," replied Chanyeol steady.

    "Aish ... I don’t look cool in front of Sungra .." whispered Baekhyun, then he got off the bike.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with an expression of joy and laughter. "Sungra-ah! Did you hear what Baekhyun said earlier!-umpph," Baekhyun quickly covered Chanyeol’s mouth with his ​​hand and smiled towards Sungra and Sunggi.

   "Ani. I did not say anything," said Baekhyun again. Chanyeol looked towards his friend and he got a brilliant idea.

   "AHA! YA! Baekhyun-ah! Will you accompany Sungra walking to school? I wanted to hitchhiking Sunggi! Come on~ Sunggi-ah you want it right?" asked Chanyeol towards Sunggi.

By reason of her detectives instinct Chanyeol’s idea motives was clearly visible. But riding a bike with one of the handsomest namja in school is also not a bad option.

   "Okay. Ppali Yeol! I'm in a hurry." Quickly Sunggi stand on Chanyeol’s bike and hold it Chanyeol’s shoulders.

   "Wow Sunggi-ah! You're lighter than Baekhyun! "

   “YA! You can’t decide that by your own Yeol! Sungra don’t want to go with me!" Baekhyun protest.

   "I don’t mind."

Baekhyun immediately stared at Sungra with bulging eyes when she said it. "See? I Told you. Okaay, annyeong Baek and Sungra-ah!"

   "Annyeong ~" said Sunggi.


Not caring shouts from Baekhyun, Chanyeol started pedaling his bike Sunggi just stuck out her tongue and smiled at Sungra.

   "Kajja," said Sungra to Baekhyun.


When Sungra said that to Baekhyun he began to blush. "Ah, nee kajja hehe!" He said.


Fresh spring breeze blowing on Chanyeol and Sunggi’s face. For Sunggi this includes the rare moments in her life. Although she and her friends are quite familiar with Chanyeol and his friends, but it is only Sehun and Yixing was close to her. First, Sehun was the son of a close friend of her parents. Second, Yixing is the only one that went to the same school with her since kindergarten until high school.

    "Well! Yeol! It’s rare for you were not with the other members of your gang," said Sunggi began the conversation.

    "Humm, at least we'll meet at the school ~ You're with your friends also like that right?" He replied with a grin which of course can’t be seen by Sunggi.

    "Right, it's just that usually you have gathered in front of the school gates together. I thought you guys are went to school together."

    "That’s...Kai said it’ll makes us looks cool! It was not my idea! Kai who proposed that idea!" Chanyeol said with a laugh.

    "Ckckck.We’re almost at school gate. I’ll walk from here. Stop the bike Yeol," pat Sunggi on Chanyeol’s shoulder so he will stop. But Chanyeol continue pedaling his bike and so Sunggi couldn’t get down.

    "YAA! Stopp I said!"

    "Neee Agassi~" right in front of the school gate Chanyeol stopped his bike. This is what Sunggi didn’t want -seen by many people.

    "Aish .." with a huff Sunggi got off the bike, but she did not forget to say, "Gomawo."

    "Kkkkk ~"

   "Well, you seem happy today Yeol," said Kyungsoo when he saw Chanyeol giggle. "Anii, it's just that, I understand why Sehun and Yixing says they are interesting."

    Kyungsoo looking around. He does not understand what, he just raised an eyebrow, sign that he does not understand.

    "Hhh. You are also familiar with them? I do not know since when we are so familiar with them...." Kyungsoo said with a sigh.

    "Hmm, Sehun and Sunggi already know each other, but they are not a factor. Although Suho hyung is student council president and Sungra is his representatives but is not because of that too. What is it? Kris? Kai? Molla Ahh, I'm so confused. "

    "Talking about me?"

    "Geez, Kai. Too much confident as usual? Hahaha," replied Kyungsoo.

    "Ani-__-I clearly hear my name called. So, what's up?" Asked him.

   Five minutes until the school bell would have rung. Usually these are times of determination for students who are still busy copying their friends’ homework. But of course this does not apply to Aera, Hahyo, Hachan, and Sungra. The four of them have completed their homework. Or maybe for Minrin, Heera, and Mintae that their class don’t have tasks for today.

    "Gyaaa! Ottohke?? I'm still left 5 numbers again! Essay again!!" Complained Hara with her hands still writing even though it is a mess.

    "CHAKKAMAN! I AM NOT FINISHED COPYING PAGE 3!" Said Niseul stopped Minra’s hand flipping Aera’s homework pages.

    "FINISH!" Said Sunggi and she massaged her aching arm direct result of her own pace working on her homework.


The school bell which is sounded like the telephone rung. That Eleven yeoja decided to go back to their own classes. Minrin, Heera and Mintae. Aera, Niseul, Hara, and Minra. Sunggi, Hahyo, Sungra and Hachan. Not many schools in Korea had only three classes each generation. Yeah but that's their school.

   "William Shakespeare?" Said Kai took the book out from Niseul’s hand.

   "Give it back! I'm reading it!" Said Niseul, trying to take her book back.

   "Is it interesting?"

   "Wae? Are you interested?" asked Niseul.

   "Just curious," Kai replied.

   "It belongs to Hara. Somehow she got a lot of books like that. Yeah but it's also not a bad book, though," said Niseul again.

   "I didn’t ask anything. Then you just have to borrow another one from Hara. I want to borrow this one! Gomawo ~" Kai left with book of quotes by William Sheakspeare on his hand.


   "Hara-ah! Can you lend her another book? I've always been curious about this guy..." Kai said pointing at the book to Hara.

   "You talk about it with Niseul. If you or Niseul want to borrow another book I’ll bring it," Hara replied brief, and she was busy again with her Geography Essay that has not finished.

   "Talking about what?" asked Sehun which appear suddenly.

   "Children don’t need to know," said Kai to Sehun, covering Sehun’s face with the book.

   "Oh? Sheakspeare? I know Romeo and Juliet!" Said Sehun who see Hara's books in Kai’s hand.

    Hara-ah! I borrowed the book from you first!" Protest Niseul to Hara.

   "Just talk about it you two...please? i’m busy here..” said Hara.

   "I'd like to read it first!" Said Niseul and Kai together.

   "Done," Regardless Niseul and Kai, Hara immediately rose from her chair and walked out of the classroom into the teacher room to collect her essay.

   "Aish, you should return the book to me just before the lunch break Kim Jongin," After warned Kai, Niseul went to Aera and Minra and started chatting with them.

   "I know you're not really interested in the book Kai. You really michi, "said Sehun with a grin.

   "When love is not madness it is not love," said Kai with  a wink and then left.

    "Mwoya? What did he just say?" Sehun said not to anyone.


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