Of Shadows and Lingering

Through My Lens


Keeping this shout out here because she is absolutely amazing:

Our very own deliberatemistake has set up shop and not only is she amazing and super talented at writing, but she's also a killer graphics artist.
So run on over to her shop and awe at her amazingness.

Her shop be here. Go be obsessed with it!





On February 2nd, Sungjong does not want to get out of bed. His cheeks are smushed against his pillow, his hair splayed across the pillowcase, and his legs have long kicked his blankets to the floor.


Still, Sungjong does not want to leave his bed.


Sungjong is not necessarily afraid of change. He just doesn’t like it. He finds no thrill in changing what is perfectly good, and currently, there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything in his life.


Nothing is wrong with the fact that he is head over heels in love with his photographer. Nothing is wrong with that sweet smile that lingers a second longer than any professional relationship should. Nothing is wrong, but that doesn’t mean everything is right.


His fingers curl over the ghost of Myungsoo’s fingers. For once, it isn’t enough not to be wrong.




It is said that when the groundhog leaves its home on February 2nd, it predicts the length of winter.


If there are clouds that day, the groundhog will not see its shadow and the winter will be six weeks shorter. But if the sun casts a shadow on the ground, the groundhog will retreat to the safety of its burrow and winter will wage war six weeks longer.


Myungsoo always found this ironic –that the sun could scare off what the clouds welcomed. And yet, this February, Myungsoo crosses his fingers.


This February looms over his shoulders and Myungsoo has never wished for clouds so much. But even Myungsoo cannot know everything. This time, even Myungsoo cannot know that even if Sungjong should see his shadow, if Sungjong should see what he used to be, the spring will still come early.




Sungjong is busy digging a hole. He wants to stick his head into this hole and pretend the world doesn’t exist. Sungjong wants to reject this reality and replace it with his own.


But Myungsoo’s hugs aren’t as warm here.


And his smile doesn’t quite compare to the sun here.


Or perhaps the sun is just too bright.


Sungjong looks up and the sun is blinding; but the sun here could never be as blinding as Myungsoo’s smile –Myungsoo’s smile that makes Sungjong blind to the way Myungsoo still trips over the wires in his studio when he walks in late on photoshoot days.


Sungjong pulls the blankets back onto the bed, and it’s warm; but the blankets here could never be as warm as Myungsoo’s arms around his waist, Myungsoo’s scarf around his neck, Myungsoo’s breath against his ear, Myungsoo’s existence in his heart when Sungjong forgets he has one.


When Sungjong sees the shadows today, lurking in the corners below his bed, too ashamed to step into the sunlight –Sungjong knows. There is dark, and there is light.


They complement one another. They do not run away from another.


When Sungjong looks outside, the buds have already formed –and the leaves simply bide their time.


But they are all ready. Because they know what Myungsoo does not. Myungsoo has been too engrossed in his snowball warfare to realize that winter’s war has long passed. Myungsoo has been too absorbed by his winter romance to realize that the ice has long melted away. Myungsoo has been too busy wondering and pondering and thinking to stop and know.


But the spring is ready.


There will be no shadows on the second. The spring knows this. Sungjong has commanded it to be so. The spring knows this.


And the spring knows one thing more. The spring knows what winter does not.


But this secret is not the spring’s to tell.



Sungjong enters the studio with a smile. Myungsoo is sitting on his usual chair, his head collapsed against the desk and folders of photographs scattered almost artfully across what little empty space is left. Their photoshoot starts late that day. Sungjong doesn’t mind.


The lights in the studio aren’t bright enough today. Sungjong blames the lack of sun. Myungsoo doesn’t mind. Not today. They resort to using flash. Sungjong hates flash.


Sungjong is blinded; just for a few seconds. He looks back; just for a few seconds. Sungjong hates flash; just for a few seconds. Because there is a shadow. Just for a few seconds.


But Sungjong is just now realizing what he’s known for a long time. That he has a shadow, that he will always have a shadow.


But it’s hard to see a shadow if you spend your life living in it.

Winter’s shadow is cold. Sungjong’s shadow is cold.


Sungjong doesn’t want to live in the cold.


Myungsoo is his flash. Myungsoo is his sun. Myungsoo casts a light that draws Sungjong from his comfortable home, where not wrong is right enough, so that Sungjong can look back at his shadow rather than live with it.


The groundhogs cannot see their shadows, but Sungjong can.


He doesn’t mind.


Spring smiles. The wind whispers and the buds gossip. But this secret is not theirs to tell.



Please love me, I check obsessively to see if anyone has commented within the thirty seconds since I last refreshed the page.


And Infinite and Big Bang will soon be within breathing distance of each other. My heart pounds.

UPDATE: 2/3/2012

I asked you guys to love me... and you did. Thanks for a whopping 8 comments over 2 days! At this rate... I might have to update before Friday!
Here's sneak peek as a thank you! Guess what I'm gearing up for? 



Spring holds many wonders.

The birds chirp and the wind sighs and the marshmallow clouds melt into puddles of white that wisp all over the canvas blue skies.

Spring holds many wonders and one horror.

Sungjong pretends Valentine’s Day isn’t approaching.


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Chapter 7: There are only that many Fridays in a month and then you say you won't update on Friday...this not fair...you have to double update the next time you do.
Chapter 7: I can't say I'm glad you decided to do this but I do admire you. I hope everything works out the way you want it to. :)
Chapter 7: CONGRATS! XD I really confused why this chapter disappeared from chapter list, but it's okay then if you want to edit it :) keep it up author-nim XD
Chapter 7: Ahem ahem, I pass the non-existent crown of the infinite corner to you. Bless thee. Hmm...for celebration, how about that you have been planning to write for ages?
Chapter 7: sorry i havent been commenting but i did read! i love it so far :)
Chapter 7: This is..... Beautiful...
Chapter 7: I'm craving chocolate all of a sudden. Say, does Sungjong has some to spare?
Valentine's Day or night should I say is so beautiful. I like Sungjong the best when he is in Myungsoo's embrace. Funny, short form of Myungsoo would be...my. Haha. Sungjong's chibi reappears that's so cute! Yes, chibi approves, me approves. I agree with Mr. Manager, they are too cute.
I just thought...nvm. The title - through my lens, that's Myung's camera lens right? But then...forget it.
Anyways beautiful chapter and it leaves me craving for an epilogue.