Day 5 - Haze

30 Day Drabble Challenge

He wasn't sure how he got there but all he knew was that he wanted to leave.  Surrounding him was a thick canopy of trees and more trees, a tiny foot path before him. He wanted to run but where would he run to? The path behind him was blocked and there was absolutely no telling where the path before him lead. He decided it would probably be best to go slowly. Seeing as he really had no other choice, he gathered up his nerve and started down the tiny foot path to gods know where.

He hadn't gone far when he heard a soft voice call out his name. The voice was so familiar to him and it seemed to fill him with unspeakable warmth and happiness. He stopped his movements and scanned the surrounding area, "Hello? Who's there?" he called when he saw that there was noone in his vision. He waited... nothing. Shrugging, he blew it off, deciding that it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

As he traveled, he made a mental note that the trees started to get thicket and it seemed to be growing darker. When would this damn path end?

He got his answer a few moments later when he happened upon a clearing in the middle of the dense forest. The sun shone down upon him, a light breeze was blowing, birds were singing... it really felt like a fairy tale setting. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, he felt something brush against him. He turned to face the figure, a smile immediately forming on his lips.

Jongup. He started to speak to the younger but the sad, distant look in his eyes stopped the words before they could some out. It seemed Jongup was upset about something.  "Hyung... it is time for you to make a decision. There are two paths before you. To the right, is the path to me. If you choose this path you will face many hardships and trials. You will loose friends and loved ones,  as the love we have is still 'taboo', but you will always have me and our love. To the left, is the path to 'normalcy'. You will continue to live your life like you never loved me and people will accept you. But.. you'll never know what true love is. You will get married, have children, but you will always worry if she loved you for you or if it is your name she loves. You will never be truly happy. The choice is yours." When Jongup had finished, he leaned in, kissing him gently on the lips and that was when it happened.

The world around him began to spin and his heart began to beat at an erratic pace. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think and so he closed his eyes, hoping these feelings would pass. Then, he was falling... fast. When his body finally made contact with the ground, his eyes shot open.

"What the hell..." he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. Seems he must have hit the back of his head on his nightstand. He must have hit hard too because he could have sworn that from somewhere within the darkness of the room he heard Jongup's beautiful voice.. "Hyung.. what will you choose?"

Groaning, he bore the balls of his palms into his eyes. Surely he wasn't hearing things. It must have just been the haze left over from the dream.

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why no update T^T
Chapter 5: i like this ^^
update soon please :)
Chapter 5: who's referred to as 'he'?
I like this. Keep going author-ssi! :)