Day 3 - Restless

30 Day Drabble Challenge

He was having another of those nights again. One of those nights where no matter what he did, he could seem to fall asleep. He partially blamed it on being homesick, as he hadn't been in the dorm for very long but honestly, he knew that wasn't the entire reason. He wondered if it was because of the showcase they would have coming up or their debut but every time he thought about those things he actually felt relatively calm.


Turning to lie on his side he stared out his window, trying his best to count the millions of stars in the heavens, hoping they'd ease him into a restful sleep. “One – Yongguk hyung, two – Daehyun hyung, three – Youngjae hyung, four – me, five – Junghongie....” he stopped counting so he could search for the biggest, brightest star in the sky. Upon finding it, a smile formed on his face, his hand moving upwards as if to hold the star gently. “Himchan hyung... you're the brightest one.”


After a moment more of staring at the bright star, he sighed, rolling onto his back again. It seemed like it would be another restless night.


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why no update T^T
Chapter 5: i like this ^^
update soon please :)
Chapter 5: who's referred to as 'he'?
I like this. Keep going author-ssi! :)