
You can't love anyone but me...


It was early morning when I woke up with a broad back infront of my face.
"morning Chunji..." I yawned loudly. "Morning Hun.."
I stretched my right arm towards the small table beside with bed, grabbing chunji's iphone. 
I quickly unlocked it and a photo popped up. The photo was bright and colourful.
"Yah chunji oppa... What's this?" I softly asked him. Chunji glanced over.  
"mmhf? Oh that. I went clubbing last time with the boys." 
"hm... clubbing?" I shyly asked chunji. Chunji rolled over facing me
"Yeah, I'll take you clubbing with me someday! We'll have lots of fun!" 
Chunji grinned widely. "Anyways, Let's get some breakfast?" 
I nodded and hopped out of bed, Only to feel the cold floor. 
We both walked the bathroom freshining up our faces and raced down to the kitchen. 
"HAHA! I beat you~" I proudly giggled. Chunji chuckled and crossed his arms
leaning on the kitchen bench "Eggs and bacon?" 
"Yes please!" I grinned. "Eggs and bacon it is" I walked over to the stool 
and sat down, watching chunji make breakfast. 
I studied his handsome features and stared for quite a while. 
"I know I'm hot but you don't need to stare" Chunji wiggled his eye brows and placed down
two plates of egg and bacon. "Y-yah I wasn't staring!" I lightly slapped chunji's shoulder. 
"Aigoo... that hurt.." He pouted and rubbed his shoulder. 
I giggled and grabbed a fork, stuffing pieces of bacon and egg into my mouth. 
We Both ate breakfast with small chit-chat and giggles. 
"here drink up" Chunji poured a glass of orange juice and slid it across the table. 
I gulped down the orange liquid. "About this morning's topic..." 
chunji grinned. "You want to go? I mean clubbing, if that's what you're on about" 
"Will you take me oppa?" I tried my best at ageyo. Seems like 
I've made myself look like an idiot. Aish. 
Chunji chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I promise, how bout later today? After work?" 
I pouted and forward my pinky "promise me?" 
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yuyuharu #1
Chapter 3: Sequel please... i love it