First Day

BangUp Oneshots





JongUp sat quietly at his desk twiddling his thumbs while waiting for class to begin. There was no one else in the classroom yet. Everyone was outside chatting with their friends until the bell rang but JongUp was the new kid and he had no one to talk to. He knew he was a little strange so he didn’t even attempt to talk to anyone on his way to the classroom. People stared at him and one girl even attempted to talk to him but he just scurried away like a frightened mouse.

The door to the classroom opened and a man that JongUp assumed to be the teacher walked in. He set his things out on the table then sat down and began to leaf through a book. JongUp took the opportunity to study him. He had a pretty modern hairstyle for a teacher but then again he was young. His hair was perfectly pushed up off his forehead and he wore earrings in both ears. JongUp was just thinking he was pretty handsome when the man looked up and locked eyes with him.

He was surprised as he hadn’t even noticed there was anyone in the classroom. JongUp hastily stood up and bowed while introducing himself, somehow succeeding in tripping over his tied shoelaces in his rush to get up. The man bit back a smile as he looked at the awkward boy in front of him.

“I’m Bang YongGuk,” he said. “I’m your substitute for today. Why aren’t you outside with all your friends, JongUp?”

“I’m new,” JongUp said simply, sitting back down.

“Ah,” YongGuk said, “well that makes two of us. I’m still training to be a teacher so today may or may not be a disaster.”

JongUp smiled at YongGuk and YongGuk smiled back. JongUp thought YongGuk seemed like a nice guy; it was a shame he would only be here for today and then tomorrow JongUp would be thrown at a completely new teacher.

The warning bell rang and the door opened for the swarm of students to rush in. They looked curiously at both JongUp and YongGuk as they took their seats and JongUp could hear them whispering about him.

YongGuk stood and the class immediately hushed. JongUp realized YongGuk could have a commanding presence but it made him feel protected instead of intimidated in his new, uncomfortable situation.

YongGuk introduced himself then asked JongUp to come forward and introduce himself to his classmates. JongUp’s eyes widened and he slowly got out of his seat and walked to the front of the classroom. YongGuk gave him a reassuring smile and JongUp cleared his throat.

“Hello, I’m Moon JongUp, please treat me well.”

YongGuk nodded and JongUp hurried back to his seat, his heart thumping in his chest.

More whispering started as soon as JongUp sat but with a glare from YongGuk it ceased.

The class went by without any hitches and when the bell rang everyone rushed out of the class. JongUp looked up from packing up his bag to see YongGuk cleaning the chalkboard.

“Do you need help?” JongUp asked.

YongGuk turned around, once again surprised that JongUp was there.

“I used to do it all the time at my old school,” JongUp added so he didn’t seem too much like a -up.

“Well if you really want to,” YongGuk said, chuckling.

JongUp quickly got up from his seat and hurried to the front of the classroom. He took the duster from YongGuk and started to erase the board. He stood on his toes to reach the higher part of the board but he was still too short.

“Do you need help?” YongGuk asked.

JongUp’s face turned red and he handed the duster back to YongGuk.

“I just wanted to help…” he mumbled, not sure why he was so embarrassed.

“Hey, it’s fine. You did help,” YongGuk assured him. He ruffled his hair and JongUp looked up at him with a blinding smile.

YongGuk finished erasing the board and JongUp clapped the dusters together outside the classroom window. When they were finished they gathered up their things and headed for the door.

“Are you busy right now?” YongGuk suddenly asked.

“No, why?” JongUp asked. “Do you need more help? I can help you!”

YongGuk couldn’t help but laugh at the excited boy. JongUp made him smile and that only urged him on.

“I was actually wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee or something?” YongGuk asked.

JongUp’s mouth formed a silent ‘o’. Was YongGuk…asking him out?

“I mean if you don’t want to I totally understand!” YongGuk said hastily, hoping he hadn’t come on too strong for the shy student in front of him.

“No, I do!” JongUp said, surprising himself. “I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me out!”

It was YongGuk’s turn to become red in the face. Apparently JongUp could be blunt too.

“Neither was I,” YongGuk said laughing.

“This is ok, right?” JongUp asked as they headed out the classroom. “Since you’re a substitute and everything…?”

YongGuk thought about it for a few seconds then shrugged.

“Well, we’re not dating, right? We’re just getting some coffee,” he justified.

JongUp thought it over and nodded.

“And what if we hit it off, Mr. Bang?” JongUp asked.

YongGuk couldn’t help but grin. He’d never met anyone like JongUp before. He said things that could potentially be awkward yet he said them with such ease.

“Call me hyung,” YongGuk said, “and if we hit it off…we just do. I’ll wait until you turn twenty and then we’ll go public.”

“Sounds like a plan,” JongUp said, smiling brightly.

His first day hadn’t turned out to be so bad after all!


I haven't updated in forever, I'm sorry ;_; I hope this isn't a measly return >_< please let me know what you think! ^^

ps. the indentation went all weird and refused to be adjusted >_>


pic cr:

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Chapter 4: waaaaaaah please update another chapter soon!! I'm really liking the way your write. omfg and bangup too <3

gimme more feels author nim <3
hello your story has been added to the b.a.p fanfic directory, ababyzdirectory, on tumblr. If you do not wish for it to be in the directory, please tell me and I will immediately remove it.
Chapter 4: so cuteee *-*
but poor jongup :/
Chapter 4: Awhhhh!:) Is this kind of like a continuation of the other one?
But regardless, it's really sweet, and Jongup is such a precious puppy❤
I'll keep waiting:) ❤BangUp❤
Chapter 3: jongup so cutee ^^
i want bang as a teacher too T^T :p
Chapter 3: ....Please...please tell me that there will be more in the future...I'm begging you lol
Seriously though, this...this is so cute, I think my brain melted. too many feels ^_^
The quote in the description, is it really from Jongup?
Chapter 3: This was the best one so far. I loved it. Teacher Bang and Student Gup taken with a twist, since Yongguk is the substitute and a teacher-in-training. It's not completely wrong.

Great job! :)
Chapter 2: alkhfakjsghaskjghakj doesnt this means there will be more bangup oneshot in the future?! /subscribed
Chapter 2: so cutee ^^