
BBCs United

Block B released an official statement through their law firm Shinwon

The report is as follows:



"This is the official statement of the 7 members in response to Stardom Entertainment’s (Stardom below) statement on January 4th, 2013.

Firstly, we are very sorry to cause worry to all the fans who love and care for Block B from the start of the new year.

The Block B members took a long time thinking about their decision to nullify their contract and file for an injunction. However, they have come to their decision because of the many things that happened from the start of the contract with Stardom, which [caused them to decide that they] cannot trust Stardom anymore. We would like to let you know that the choice was unavoidable.

Stardom currently states that they have straightened out all the profit [issues] as if there was a mutual agreement about the balance distribution calculation, but this is false. The actual truth will all be revealed in court.

The explanation that Stardom gave about the previous CEO, Mr. Lee, is also false, and they are just trying to deny responsibility. Stardom has explicitly and implicitly agreed to use the title of CEO for Mr. Lee from the start.

On other matters, Stardom’s statement that the contract is nullified because of dissatisfaction about appearing on television and because of a mastermind behind the other members is also completely different from the truth. It is nothing but them trying to derogate the members’ unavoidable decision after careful consideration.

We respectfully ask Stardom to stop making comments that mislead the media and the public.

We apologize once again about causing worry to the fans. The Block B members promise to respond to the fans’ love with a more mature side.

January 4th, 2013

Law firm Shinwon, legal representative of the 7 Block B members"

- Admin T & D

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why have i not seen this?
i am like hardcore Block B Fan!
Chapter 22: wow i have nothing to say to this.
can someone please just press the delete button and make this horrible nightmare disappear?
Flower- #3
Chapter 22: As if changing their legal representation will help them. I'm really really mad. Seriously Stardon? SERIOUSLY?!!!?! God, just stop it already!!
Chapter 22: how sick can stardom get?
my mom wanted to talk to me while I read

i halfway shouted at her.
Oh man, look at this period at the end. I'm so damn serious.
Chapter 22: Seriously...I hate Stardom even more now....
iamaflamer #6
Chapter 22: Oh my goodness ____ stardom.