Lovely day eh?



I saw a silhouette moving towards me. Then I ran straight to a corner and huddled by myself only hoping that it was part of my imagination. Everything cleared up. I glanced up to meet my face with a guy who I have never seen before. I melted in those eyes, but I never seen this person in my life. He reached for hand gently, except he grabbed it and pulled me to come with him. I jerked away and screamed out for help. My life is on the line right now. All the glass shattered.  He covered his ears and ducked as the glass rain down to the floor. Swiftly he clogged my mouth with a cloth. As my hand went up; immediately to take out the cloth, but the guy took out a long rope and snatched my hands to tie them together. I lifted my leg to sack him except I ended up kicking his palm; which was there to stop me. He forced me into the backseat. Tears streamed down my face. I let them flow and as I slowly I fell into a light slumber.

                I woke up to find sunrays shone into my eyes. I tried to lift my hand to block the light, to my surprise they were tied up. I looked around and remembered everything that happened. I let out a muffled scream. The guy only let out a small sigh and continued driving. Then I closed my eyes for a minute and everything went black.

                I felt a soft tug at my hand and I slowly opened my eyes to face the guy. He grabbed the ropes and dragged me towards a small boat. This boat was beautiful. The white boat was elegant and well crafted. My eyes must have widened at the boat to earn a calming chuckle from him. We walked side by side in silence. Suddenly a deep shriek was heard. We turned out heads instantly and the guy’s face met with my brother’s fist. Sadly he recovered quickly and fried back hard. I spat out the cloth as if it was poison and screamed at the top of my lungs. None of them paid any attention to me. The guy, in a few minutes, was standing in front of my brother’s corpse. I dropped to my knees and shuffled my way to my brother. My head fell to his chest, as if he didn’t seem dead enough; I had to check for a single heartbeat. There was nothing. My tears threaten to roll down my cheeks except I forcefully blinked them back. The guy turned my head to his face and the tears returned. He gave a sad meaningful look. At that moment I felt like repeatedly slapping him, but all my energy was used since I haven‘t ate anything. Also my hands were tied. As the sun started to set, the guy sat me down on one of the couches I lied down while facing the back of the guy. I started to wonder many questions. All the thoughts started to flow like a damn in a river that was finally destroyed. I started to whimper for my brain was flashing back memories of my brother. Everything seemed so crazy to be real. I started biting my knees and pinching my hand hoping everything was a nightmare. Except every time I injured myself I caused pain to myself. I bit my lips until the blood dripped into my mouth and I was greeted with a very metallic taste. With a simple glance at the broad shoulders and the masculine figure, I fell straight to sleep.

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