Chapter 3

Hand Me What's In Your Hands

Changmin and Seohyun

"Juhyun! Seo Juhyun!" Changmin called as he knocked on the door.

"Go away!" Seohyun sighed. She woke up early today and she just arrived from college. She had threw her body on the sofa. A minute after she closed her eyes, she heard the bell ringing. She knew it was Changmin coming to talk to her about their mission but she needed some sleep. She figuered if she ignored him, he'd leave but he didn't.

"I know you're inside, I saw your car outside!" Changmin called.

Seohyun shook her head as she stumbled her way to the door. "What do you want?" she asked, not opening the door.

"You're not going to invite me in?"





"I want to sleep"


Seohyun heaved a sigh as she opened the door to the grinning Changmin, "What do you want?"

Seohyun moved from his way so he can enter her apartment, he sat on the sofa noisly. "I'm hungry, make something for me" he said.

"Stop beating around the bush Changmin. We both know you hate my cooking" Seohyun said, taking a seat facing him.

"Did you get invited to the party?" Changmin asked, suddenly serious.

Seohyun smiled proudly, "Yup!"

Changmin looked disapointed, "Already? I came here proud of myself for getting an invitation and you got one expected of the smartest girl in our university."

"Well Thank you, second smartest person in our university" Seohyun said.

"Yunho contacted me earlier. He said we don't have to do separate reports, I think he just doesn't want to read two documents so after the party, let's meet at  your place to start on the report okay?"

"Why my  apartment and not yours?" Seohyun questioned.

"Well...if you want to come to my untidy apartment...."

"Be here right after the party. I have to sleep before 12:00am" Seohyun said.

"Whatever," Changminsaid.

"Now that it's settled, get out," Seohyun said.

"But I'm hungry, order me something please," Changmin cried.

"Shim Changmin" Seohyun started.

"Okay okay, I'll leave. Geez" 


Changmin was heading to Yoona's party when his phone started vibrating in his pockets. When the lights were red, Changmin found his chance and took out his phone.

1 Text Message.

Who could it be?

What do you think? -Seohyun

Seohyun sent him a picture of her wearing a dazzling long red dress.

Changmin laughed out loud, making the old woman in the car next to him, shake her head.

That Seohyun. She's going to attract a lot of attention.

Yah. This is a college party not a formal dance. Wear something hot and less...classy. -Changmin

He pressed "Send" right when the lights turned yellow, signaling him to put his phone back in his pocket

About ten minutes later, he felt his phone vibrating but was unable to read Seohyun's response then he felt it vibrating again...then again...then again. Exactly how many messages Seohyun sent him, he did not know until he arrived at Yoona's house.

10 Text Messages.

Why didn't you repspond quickly?!!!! -Seohyun

Omg! I arrived already T.T I'm so stupid -Seohyun

Everyone is looking at me now!!!! -Seohyun

Should I leave? -Seohyun

I can't leave now, can I?- Seohyun

This is so awkward!! I'm standing by myself T.T -Seohyun

I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid!!! -Seohyun

Oh god help me. This is the most embarassing thing that has ever happened to me... -Seohyun

Yah! why aren't you responding? Where are you? -Seohyun

 The last text was 2 minutes ago. 

It's okay. Just do things your way, Seo. And stop texting me. I'm going in right now. Oh...and don't forget the mission. We're not here to just play. -Changmin

Changmin parked his motorcyle and headed to Yoona's lighted villa.The party's "center" was in the back yard. That's where there was a stage with some students singing and playing instruments. Dim lightening, girls showing too much skin, boys staring like hungry animals. dancing. alcholo. smoking. weed. As he he expected, Seohyun did stand out.

Surveying his surroundings, Changmin spotted one of his classmates passing a needle to a terrified teenager.

"It won't hurt, I promise you. You'll feel better when this gets into your blood, babe. trust me. Are you not trusting me now?" the man was saying.

Changmin felt the urge to go and hancuff the boy but he contained himself.

Instead, he walked over to them

"Hi!" he greeted them, "Why are you making this beautiful girl crying?"

"None of your bussines" the boy said.

"Why are you crying?" Changmin ignored the boy and looked at the girl. She brushed her tears messily then gave him a scared look.

"I'm not...crying" the girl said, but she was shuddering.

"You want to dance?" Changmin asked.

No response. So Changmin pulled her up, "Come on, let's dance!"

The boy held the girl's other wrist. "Come on, babe. let's get out of here"

"But..." the girl stammered as she shot Changmin a look that screamed help me!

"What's going on over here?" Yoona rushed to them. She looked at Changmin and smiled then turned to the couple. "Changmin is my special guest, I hope both of you treat him with respect" 

"But Miss Yoona..." the boy protested.

"Do you want to stay or leave?" Yoona asked.

"Sorry," the boy looked at his feet bitterly.

"You," she looked at the girl, "Follow me"

The boy let go of the girl's hand involuntary as Yoona pulled the girl inside her villa.

"You're lucky Yoona saved your ," the boy snickered as he walked away towards needle counter.



Hm, what should I do now…

Changmin decided this is the perfect timing to start his investigation. He watched Yoona and the girl disappear inside then followed them. As soon as he entered the Villa, he became Agent Changmin. He carefully looked in the first floor for any clues. Nothing looked suspicious to him and the basement door was locked so he decided to move on to the second floor. He knew he had to be really careful not to get caught. He made sure no one was near the stairs as he went up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Yoona’s voice startled him. She was coming down from the second floor while Changmin was making sure no one down stairs saw him going up.

“Bathroom” Changmin answered almost immediately. They were trained to use the bathroom excuse every time they get caught doing something that they shouldn’t be doing.

“There’s a bathroom in the first floor,” Yoona said, studying him.

“Somebody’s using it”

“There’s another one next to the kitchen” Yoona challenged him.

“Really? I didn’t know. Thanks Yoona” he responded carefully with a smile as he turned to go use the dirty bathroom he saw earlier. He reminded himself to tell Yoona her housekeepers were dancing with some of the students instead of cleaning after he exits the bathroom.

“I’ll show you the way” Yoona said, her tone more relaxed now.



God, what do I do now? Seohyun thought nervously.  She had just entered the back yard of the Im Family. She got Changmin’s message too late so she knew her wardrobe choice was completely out of place.

She initially planned to look for Jonghyun since he was the one who invited her but he was singing on stage so now she was standing in the middle of the back yard (more like back park thought Seohyun) with no one to talk to since Changmin didn’t arrive yet, and even if he did, they’re not supposed to know each other so she would still be all alone. She felt everyone’s eyes on her and it made her feel conscious of her every move.

She kept sending Changmin text messages so she wouldn’t look like a loner but then he told her to stop texting him so she just stood there, feeling abandoned.

She spotted Kyuhyun sitting on the grass with Tiffany, he was smirking at her and she smiled to herself as she walked to him.  Kyuhyun watched her as she bravely sat next to him.

“You’ll dirty that nice dress,” Kyuhyun said, clearly suppressing a smirk.

“It doesn’t matter” Seohyun said. “I don’t plan on ever getting up”

Seohyun expected Kyuhyun to ask “Why?” but he didn’t seem interested at all.

“So,” Seohyun began, trying to start a conversation, “Why is a good-looking guy like you just sitting here instead of dancing or playing around? There are all kinds of…goods here”

“I don’t always smoke, drink or dance.” Kyuhyun said indifferently.

“But you’re a part of the clique. Isn’t it the point of the parties that you have fun?” Seohyun asked.

“It’s just a waste of time. Like everything else we do,” Kyuhyun said in that same bored uncaring tone.

“You think everything is a waste of time?” Seohyun raised her eye brows.

“Pretty much, yeah” Kyuhyun said.

“Well, that’s pretty pathetic if you ask me,” Seohyun said, turning her attention to Jonghyun killing the stage.

 Kyuhyun sniggered in response. “You’re the first to call me pathetic”

She knew she shouldn’t have said what she did. She knew she wasn’t being a good agent but once she started, there was no stopping her, “You’re filthy rich with the ability to achieve a lot of great things but you’re just sitting here lazily doing nothing like an ungrateful goldfish. You know there are people out there who just wish for half of the money you undeservingly have, right?”

She took a deep breathe, “You know these people would actually use the money to make a difference? Invent something that would help others, or help the sick and the needy or invest this money in trying to come up with a cure for some diseases.”

She sighed helplessly  “ There are people, Kyuhyun, people with actual goals and dreams but they just don’t have the money or the ability to do so while you…” she shook her head as she looked him straight in the eyes, “Aigo, so pitiful!”

She looked away for a moment but Kyuhyun enveloped her head in his hands strongly and made her face him. He stared at her with the same cold eyes but she thought saw something more this time, something much more powerful, hatred.

“These people are delusional.”Kyuhyun said, “They can dream but once they achieve those so-called ambitions, they will regret doing them for free. You know why? Because no one deserves your help. You can call me evil or whatever, but this is the truth that you’re not used to. You shouldn’t help strangers for no reason. If you do help them, then they’ll just laugh at your stupidity and continue to use you, don’t even deny it.  They won’t do anything back for you, what’s the point, then? The world, Seohyun, is not all bright with butterflies and happy endings. The main characters are the smart ones and the smart ones do things to get something in exchange, not for free.”

“That’s wrong though!” Seohyun snapped, “That’s bull! People have feelings. People should help each other to make this world a better place for other people. Those people that you call ‘bad’,  they just make wrong decisions because of the circumstances they were put in!”

“People are bad because they are” Kyuhyun laughed bitterly, “They just like to blame their environment for their mistakes. ”

“You’re crazy!” Seohyun shouted,  frustrated.

“And you watch too many fairytails” Kyuhyun said.

“That’s just...ridiculous” Seohyun said and broke eye contact with him. She felt herself heat up with anger. How can anyone be like this? I don’t understand him. It’s frustrating me.

Seohyun noticed that one of the housekeepers was going around with drinks.

“Here!” Seohyun called and took a cup full of vodka.

“How about your family?” Seohyun turned to glare at Kyuhyun, “Don’t they do things for you for free?”

“They don’t actually” Kyuhyun retorted.

“They give you money without you working for it. That’s called ‘free’” Seohyun reasoned.

“They give me money because they want me to inherit their stupid business; they hate the people they work with so they don’t want them to be the ones taking their place after they die. Other than that, they don’t care” Kyuhyun said.

“I don’t believe it” Seohyun said, drinking a big sip of the drink. She felt her head getting a little dizzy so she mentally reminded herself to not drink for the rest of the night.

“Whatever,” Kyuhyun said.

“Whatever,” Seohyun agreed, pulling her attention back to Jonghyun.

After Jonghyun finished singing “Sorry Sorry”, Yoona mounted the stage with Taecyeon following behind her. Taecyeon looked as masculine as he did in the picture she saw with Yunho and Changmin.  His body built and strong looking, his expression while smiling alluring and dark looking.

“I would like to welcome a new person to our parties, Shim Changmin. Thank you for coming!” Yoona grinned, looking at the crowd.  Seohyun followed her gaze and sure enough, there was Changmin smiling like an idiot. Everyone clapped for Changmin and a few patted his shoulder in a welcoming manner, all the while he didn’t break eye contact with her.

“I also want to welcome a new student to our parties then. Seohyun-ssi, thank you for coming!” Jonghyun added brightly.

Seohyun felt her face flush red as the crowd clapped for her. She didn’t like the idea of her and Changmin being called at the same time. What if someone thought it was weird that at the same day, two new students started attending this university and these two already got invitations to the Clique’s party while it took old students a lot of time (and effort) to get invited. She saw Taecyeon snatching the MIC from Jonghyun’s hand with a sly smile that scared Seohyun. A little. Jonghyun didn’t seem to mind though.

“Changmin-ssi and Seohyun-ssi, come on the stage with us,” Taecyeon said, not looking as welcoming as he tried to be.

Seohyun was getting sweaty now. They were not supposed to get a lot of attention. They were supposed to just “fit in” with other students. Now that they’re known among these people, they’ll be recognized a lot even after their mission is over, and it’ll be hard for them to go undercover again. She also didn’t like the thought of what the students would do after Seohyun and Changmin reveal that they’re police agents. How would Kyuhyun, the bastard, react when he finds out?

Seohyun’s legs didn’t want to get up. All she wanted is to sit here next to the bastard and watch from far away but a girl pulled her up w. And the students kept pushing her until she finally was on stage, standing right next to Changmin. Who’s supposed to be a stranger.

She bowed slightly to him as a greeting (like a stranger would) and he gave her an encouraging nod. (like a friend would)

“Changmin-ssi, you want to say anything? We don’t usually allow students to give speeches but since Yoong called you ‘special’, we’ll let you give one” Taecyeon asked and the crowd clapped in excitement.

Changmin confidently took the MIC from Taecyeon who stared at him, his expression full of haterd.

“What’s up everyone!”  Changmin shouted as he threw a fist in the air. The crowd shouted back responses and claps, “I actually got nothing to say…” he scratched his head comically, “but I hope we have fun together...and….that’s it!”

Everyone clapped for him as he bowed unnecessarily deep like a superstar. “Thank you! Thank you!” he threw a couple of kisses to three random girls. One pretended to catch it, the other just smiled back and the last one threw one right back at him.

“Seohyun-ssi, do you want to say anything?” Taecyeon asked Seohyun who, at this point, was very nervous.

She grabbed the MIC slowly, she didn’t know why but as soon as she held the MIC, her eyes found Kyuhyun, “Thank you, Jonghyun-ssi for inviting me. I want to say to a certain person here tonight that if everything we do is a waste of time then why are you here? Why’re you alive? Why didn’t you commit suicide if you really thought your living for nothing? I mean it’s not like you’re doing anything spectacular anyways.  I believe, that deep inside you, you know everything is not just a waste of time and you’re just scared to admit it. I really wish that everyone here who have a good dream will be able to one day achieve them.” To Seohyun’s amusement, the way Kyuhyun reacted wasn’t as powerful as she expected, all he did was yawn, “Thank you.”

Seohyun didn’t earn as much of claps as Changmin did because most of these students didn’t understand what she’s saying and those who did, thought it was just another stupid thing that another girl had said. Anyways, whatever excitement Changmin brought to the crowd disappeared with Seohyun’s complicated speech.

“That was…something” Jonghyun told Seohyun after her mini-lecture as they descended down the stairs. She laughed uneasily in response.

“Do you want to sing something tonight?” Jonghyun asked her.

“I rather not,” Seohyun replied.

“As you like, I’ll go back on stage now” Jonghyun said.  Seohyun nodded and waved good bye.

Seohyun spotted Changmin going to the dance floor with Yoona, and Changmin saw her looking at him then winked. She shook her head and chuckled softly at her stupid friend.

“Wanna dance too?” Seohyun turned to see an older looking male smiling at her. To be honest, Seohyun didn’t enjoy dancing since skinship wasn’t her thing unless she was kicking someone’s , which wasn’t the case here but just because she doesn’t usually enjoy dancing doesn’t mean she can’t dance.

“Well…” she started but the guy cut her off.

“Come on, don’t tell me you can’t dance?” the guy said, moving closer to her and she took a step back.

“It’s not that, I just don’t want to dance now,” Seohyun said, using her stern commanding tone.

The guy reached for her shoulder and she stepped back, glaring at him “Don’t touch me”

“Come on, babe. You’re going to have fun I promise you,” this time he grabbed her arm.

Seohyun lost it. She was just about to pull her dress up so she could kick his face when Kyuhyun’s voice stopped her.

“She said she doesn’t want to dance with you.” Kyuhyun said coldly to the guy. The guy’s face turned down immediately

“She’s with you? Sorry Kyuhyun” the guy apologized quickly and left the two of them.

Kyuhyun and Seohyun stared at each other for a good few seconds. “You’re welcome” Kyuhyun said.

“I could’ve handled it by myself, I don’t need to thank you” Seohyun shrugged. 

“Right.” Kyuhyun said, looking down at her, disappointed.  Seohyun felt a bit guilty for being rude.

“So…” Seohyun said as she pointed to dance floor, “do you want to…dance?”

“I thought you didn’t want to dance” Kyuhyun said, raising his eyebrows.

“Not with that guy,” Seohyun said.

“You want to dance with me then?” Kyuhyun asked. He’s pushing it, Seohyun thought, heating up again.

“Why can’t you just say you don’t want to dance. “ Seohyun said, turning to go as her temper started to rise again. “I’ll go get a snack instead”

“Okay.” Kyuhyun called after her. She faced him, surprised.

“Okay, what?” she asked.

“Okay, I’ll dance with you” Kyuhyun said, smiling. This was the first time Kyuhyun ever smiled to Seohyun  and much to Seohyun’s surprise,  it made her feel accomplished.


I don’t think your boyfriend is happy to see us dancing together,” Changmin whispered in Yoona’s ears as they swayed to the calm music that was playing. She followed his gaze to Taecyeon then shrugged .

“Taecyeon? He’s not my boyfriend.  I don’t have a boyfriend” Yoona said, her eyes boring into his “Taecyeon just doesn’t like us being friendly with people outside our clique”

“So this is something unusual?” Changmin asked.

“What is?”

“You…befriending someone outside of your clique” Changmin said, smiling.

“You can say that,” Yoona said, grinning back.

“I feel special” Changmin whispered, lowering his tone ily.

Yoona laughed a laugh he had never seen laugh like it before, opened wide as her fell back with her eyes closed. Changmin was proud of being the one who caused it.

“Changmin,” Yoona said, rather serious.

“Hm?” he breathed against her bare neck.

“Do you, you know, have dreams?” Yoona asked, then she immeditly regretted it and laugh easily, “Sorry, I know it’s a weird question. It’s just what Seohyun said earlier kept me thinking about it.”

“Do you have a dream?” Changmin asked.

“I asked first,” Yoona said, smiling softly.

“Well…” Changmin wondered whether he should tell this to Yoona or not but then decided the truth wouldn’t hurt, “I want to make people who are lost happy. You know, people that need someone to help them overcome something because they can’t do it themselves?”

“That’s a noble one,” Yoona said, “I want to have a dream too. When I used to be young, I really liked dancing and cooking, I wanted to either be a dancing trainer or a chief but my Dad said it wasn’t for us,  people from high class. I asked Tiffany Unnie about it and she said doctors, lawyers and engineers were the best jobs so I thought being a doctor wasn’t bad because you get to wear those nice outfits and cure people and I told Dad about it. But he said I couldn’t because I’m going to work in his company . I was so sad back then…”

Changmin saw a dark cloud over Yoona as she zoned out and he wanted to do anything—anything to bring back her smile.

“So…” Changmin said, “Nice house”

It was lame, Changmin knew it but it successfully brought Yoona back from her sad thoughts and she laughed at his randomness.

“Thanks, you wanna go sightseeing?” Yoona asked.

“Just me and you? Alone?” Changmin asked, making Yoona laugh again.

“Yes!” Yoona said in midst of laughing. Changmin just loved how Yoona laughed and smiled at about everything he said.  Yoona’s chick image that he saw during their first meeting changed completely.  He found her to be really down to earth and friendly.

“You sure about that?” Changmin asked, “Your parents might come home.”

“I’m only showing you around, Changmin. We’re not going to do anything reckless” Yoona assured him, still smiling, “And my mom IS actually home”

“After you, then” he said.


“You said some really wise words out there,” Kyuhyun said softly in Seohyun’s ears as they danced to the music.

“I’m glad you liked them,” Seohyun whispered back.

“I didn’t say that now, did I?” Kyuhyun said and pulled back, wanting to see Seohyun’s expression.

“Please let’s not start again now,” Seohyun sighed.

“I agree. What do you want to talk about then?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Anything,” Seohyun said then when Kyuhyun didn’t reply she added, “Do you like dancing?”

“Not really. You know, I haven’t danced in two years until now,” Kyuhyun said.

“Are you saying you’ve never had a girlfriend in two years?” Seohyun asked.

“You’re being too nosey now, I’m starting to regret dancing with you” Kyuhyun said, his cold tone back.

“I’m sorry,” Seohyun said immediately.

“I’ll forgive you this once,” Kyuhyun said, he wasn’t as relaxed as before but his coldness wasn’t there either, “What about you, do you have a boyfriend?”

“No,” Seohyun said.

“I thought so,” Kyuhyun replied with another smirk of his.

“And why do you exactly think so?” Seohyun asked, a little annoyed. It was amazing how fast the atmosphere between them changed. First he teases her, then he gets annoyed by her then he saves her then he dances with her, then he gets annoyed by her again, then back to teasing. Were they now considered friends? Enemies? Strangers? Seohyun didn’t know.

“Just because,” Kyuhyun whispered, this time his breath was soft against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

“Why do you like provoking me?” Seohyun asked.

“I can ask you the same thing.” Kyuhyun replied.

Seohyun shook her head, slightly frustrated by the fact he doesn’t answer her questions. She hates not knowing things. She could, of course, ask for a complete autobiography about Kyuhyun but somehow, she didn’t want to feel like she’s intruding on his privacy even though it’s completely normal for an agent to research people she meets on duty.

“What’re you thinking about?” Kyuhyun suddenly asked. Seohyun pulled away a little so she could look at his face. He looked a little curious, a little amused and—calculating?

“nothing in particular,” Seohyun answered, leaning closer to him with her face lowered so he couldn’t see her face.  This is her third encounter with Kyuhyun yet it feels like he understands her very well. It both frightened and amused her.

“since you respected my privacy, I’ll respect yours and not insist too,” Kyuhyun said. Respected your privacy? Oh Kyuhyun, you don’t know anything…, thought Seohyun, already feeling guilty about even thinking about researching him. No, wait, Seohyun. This is your job. Job before emotions, remember? Look him up when you go home tonight. This is the right thing to do.

Seohyun’s inner conflict s was suddenly apparent as she looked down and found herself stepping on Kyuhyun’s feet.

“Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked, sincerely worried and held her firmly to him in case she fainted.

“Yes. Yes.Yes” Seohyun replied, suddenly unsure, “I mean no no…just…” she felt her skin burning, “I’m going to use the bathroom”

“I’ll go with you,” Kyuhyun offered.

“No it’s fine, really, I’ll be fine” Seohyun insisted and pushed the hand that was holding her away.



Yoona’s room wasn’t like Changmin imagined it to be. He imagined it to be huge, pink and decorated with expensive furniture. Her room wasn’t pink, huge or luctuerly decorated. Instead, there was a small cozy room with baby blue wallpaper, a small bed, a closet and a door that leads to a bathroom.

“Not very fancy, right?” Yoona asked, looking at him, “My mom wanted to make it as fancy as the rest of the house but I didn’t let her. I like simple things. I know this is hard to believe but I wish I wasn’t rich. I wish I was just, you know, a girl that goes to school, and then come home to do chores and study or have a part-time job. When I was young…I would get home. Eat lunch all alone because my parents are always busy. Sometimes, I don’t see them for three days sometimes, three weeks. Sometimes a month. When there were school events, they never came or even remembered them. When it was my birthday, they would send me a lot of gifts but they’re not always there even though they promise me they’ll come, each year.”

Changmin listened and didn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say to her.

“You know…my parents don’t even meet each other unless something was up or if they had a dinner party. Sometimes, sometimes I think the reason I don’t have siblings is because after they finally got a heir to the company, they stopped sleeping together,” she laughed bitterly. “Never mind that now though. Now I like that they’re always busy because I get to do things that normal parents don’t allow their kids to do…like pot”

“You don’t seem to like it Yoona,” Changmin said, “Don’t kid yourself. You wish they stopped you from pot, don’t you?”

Yoona wore a shocked and a hurt look. Changmin’s bluntness hit a soft spot.  Cheeks turning pink, eyes getting watery, Yoona closed her eyes and Changmin immediately moved to hold her in his arms.

“I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry,” Changmin said, genuine as he pulled her towards him.

Yoona sniffled as she finally, wrapped her hands around him too. They stayed like that for a few minutes then Yoona, finally, broke the hug.

“I look terrible like this, don’t I?” she half-laughed half-cried.

“You look drop dead gorgeous,” Changmin answered, his eyes boring into hers. Yoona looked back at him, shocked by the intensity of his words.

“Changmin...I think…” Yoona whispered, her eyes looking at him, “I think I’m going to kiss you”

She leaned towards him and was delighted when he leaned towards her as well, his eyes looking deep and thoughtful as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do this or not.  There was something sad about them and Yoona’s eyes closed as his lips were a few millimeters away from hers.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Yoona’s head turned sharply towards the door.

“Dad,” Yoona said, not looking scared in any way, “What do you think you’re doing, coming in my room without knocking?”

“I did knock but you were too busy getting harassed,” Yoona’s dad said curtly.

“I’m not being harassed and it’s none of your business what I do with my life!” Yoona exclaimed.

“I’m your Dad, Yoona! How dare you raise your voice like that?!” Yoona’s Dad shouted back, “How dare you do this in my house!”

“My Dad? My Dad?” she asked her eyes stinging with tears that she didn’t let out, “Since when?”

“Since forever!” Yoona’s Dad yelled, “Now I hope you tell this—this friend of yours to leave before I break his skull”

Changmin wondered if he should leave and let Yoona have a conversation with her Dad or no but then the door was slammed open before he could make his decision.

“People can hear, lower your voices!” Yoona’s mom hissed, looking at her husband then at her daughter.

“How can you tell me to lower my voice when your daughter here was about to do indecent things with this boy!” Yoona’s Dad spat, pointing his index finger at Changmin

Yoona stared at Changmin helplessly and shook her head.

“Oh, so now she’s my daughter?! She’s your daughter too!” Yoona’s mom shouted.

“You’re the mom; this is your job! You know if your daughter is a then it means you are a horrible mother, yes, that’s what it means!” Yoona’s Dad yelled, not looking apologetic in the slightest way. Changmin suppressed the urge to slap him in the face.

“I’m a horrible Mom?” Yoona’s Mom laughed, walking towards her husband, challenging her husband,“You, at this age, sleep with the maid every single night and you’re married to me and have a grown up daughter yet you dare call me a horrible Mom… “

“Shut up,” Yoona breathed, looking on the floor as tears finally rolled down her cheeks, “Changmin please leave.”

Changmin nodded, understanding, then left the room. He stayed behind the door though, eavesdropping. To please his conscious, he convinced himself it’s a part of his job. He stood there just so he can gather as much information as he can.

“You’re so embarrassing,” he heard Yoona saying to her parents, “How can you even call yourselves parents? Just how can you? I hate the both of you so much. I try to ignore you but you always manage to ruin everything for me. Why did you have to do this? Why in front of him?! Just why?”

She stayed quite for a few seconds, probably holding her breath before she continued, “Why, Mom? Why, Dad?”

Changmin did not want to listen any longer, it didn’t feel right. He finally went down the stairs and into the backyard.

A few minutes later, Yoona’s Mom came out, smiling to everyone as she went on the stage.

“Sorry guys, Yoona’s sick so please go home for tonight and come next time,” Yoona’s mom said, “Yoona sends you her apologies but my husband took her to the hospital”

A few people looked worried but the majority looked disappointed and angry even that the party was canceled only because Yoona was sick.

Changmin saw Seohyun raising her eye brows at him from across the crowd. She was asking him, what happened? But he shrugged.

I don’t know.











A/N This chapter in my opinion. I'm so so sorry. I wrote this one like 7 months ago so I don't know why it's like this but I'll try to write better quality ones in the fututre. >.< Oh, more characters are going to show up. And just as a warning, there's no such thing as a perfect human so if your bias is in the story. No matter how much you(and I) love him/her, they're going to be humans, they're going to have flaws so if you can't accept that we're all full of flaws, feel free to unsubscribe. I don't mind.




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Chapter 5: And finally kim taeyeon appears... hehehehe update soon...
Chapter 5: And finally kim taeyeon appears... hehehehe update soon...
yoonhaefever #3
Chapter 5: Poor Yoona :( I wonder why she didn't go to school? I hope Changmin doesn't have to arrest her and can help her with her family problems :D author fighting !!!
houtafifistories #4
Chapter 5: omoooooooooooo taeyeeeeeeeeeeon !! I love heeer the sweet girl <3 ^_^ it's wonderful <3
HiAndGoodbye #5
Chapter 3: Great first three chapters (: I really like the instant connection between Changmin and Yoona<3
houtafifistories #6
Chapter 3: God I love changmin's character he is playful and cool yet so gentle and caring . I felt so sorry for yoona hope she ll be fine . And changmin friendshi with seohyun gave the story a breath of fresh air . I loooove it !! Update as soon as you can pleassse ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: Aww. :( Poor Yoona....
Chapter 3: okayy... i love how kyu is now nicer to seo and same with yoona and changmin! uppdate soon!1! ^^
Chapter 2: Hehe Seo is so nice to kyu and Jong ^^ she is going to that party,*Evil thought* Hehehehe Hwaiting update soon :3