
Of Twinkies and Hunger


"Stop it Luhan." Minseok tried to politely move away but the older squeezed his shoulder harder than necessary. "Come on baozi, please." Luhan continued to beg and Minseok saw the others laughing across the room. "Don't call me that and get off me." Minseok tried again and finally got out of Luhan's hold, much to the other's apparent annoyance.

"I always call you baozi." And it was that fact that had Minseok on edge. As if he wasn't self conscience already. "Well it's about time you stopped." Minseok said and grabbed his bag to leave. Practice ended well over fifteen minutes ago and it was starting to get stuffy in here. "What's wrong?" Jongdae asked from the floor by the door. He didn't look up from his phone though and that just added to the irritation. "Nothing is wrong." But it was so painfully obvious he was lying. Even dense Yixing caught onto the lie.

Minseok couldn't even remember what Luhan was originally asking him or what he wanted. He had learned to tone people out when they start rambling and Luhan was easily one of the worse. "I just want to go home." He said so only Luhan could hear it. "I'll go with you." Luhan made a move to grab his bag and swung it over his shoulders. "I wanna go alone." Minseok said and headed for the door. All he had to do was turn the handle and he'd be home-free and away from the nuisances.

"But it's so dark out. What if you get lost?" Luhan said and Junmyeon peeked his eyes open from where he was napping next to Wu Fan. "Do you think I'm that stupid?" Minseok spat out and swung the door all the way open, making it hit the wall and bounce back. He just let it close behind him just thankful to be out of the cramped practice room. "Hey, I'm going with you. And it's not a question." Wu fan soon joined him in the hallway. "We need to talk anyways."

The leader's 'talks' usually consisted of someone getting in trouble and Minseok couldn't think of anything bad he did recently. "There's nothing to talk about." Minseok pressed the elevator button repeatedly. Jamming the red button until it dinged and the doors opened. "There's a lot to talk about," Wu Fan pressed the button to the lobby. "Starting with why you're in such a mood." Wu Fan wasn't looking at him and Minseok was thankful because he can't stand the worry lines on the leader's forehead. 

"I'm not in a mood, just tired. Not to mention how sore my legs are." Minseok made a mental note to make sure he got some of the hot water back at the dorm. "And you don't think everyone is just as tired? You didn't have to be so snappy to Luhan, he just wanted you to go eat with him." They exited the elevator and bowed to the front desk lady on the way to the door. "I'm not that hungry."

In truth he was starving and could really go for fast food. Something greasy with a lot of meat and fat. Something salty and sugar filled like a cake. God he'd kill to get his hands on a piece of cake, he'd even settle for their manager's dry pies. But he knows he can't even touch that stuff if he wants to loose more weight. Having company officials pull you out of practice and into their office to tell you to loose weight, is the most embarrassing thing ever. Not to mention he knows the fans like to call him that ridiculous nicknames too. Stupid Luhan.

"Well I am so we're gonna stop somewhere." Wu Fan had permission to drive the car that day. Partly because the managers were too busy to worry about transportation and partly cause Wu Fan practically begged them. "Fine." Minseok left it at that when he slid into the van's passenger seat. His head was hurting on top of everything else. "You sure you don't want anything to eat? You haven't had anything since this morning." It was Wu Fan's job as leader to make sure everyone was feed, so Minseok can't blame him for asking. "I'm sure." Total lie.

It took a grand total of ten minutes to drive to the nearest McDonald's. It took six minutes waiting in the drive-thru line. And it took a total of two seconds staring at the menu board to realize just how hungry he was. It all looked so tempting and his tongue was starting to water. He prayed to whatever God there was that the other couldn't hear his stomach growling. He could really go for a burger right about now. 

It took two minutes for Wu fan to pay and 4 minutes for the food to get passed through the window. Minseok could smell the meat sitting in the white bag on the console between them. The smell of french fries, the fries he's been craving for weeks, wafted through the air. It was too humid outside even at this hour to open the window. And he'd look silly anyways. But God his stomach was getting louder.

He didn't try to hide the fact that he was watching Wu Fan open the wrapping of the burger. He was staring as he took the first bite and his lips afterwards. His mouth was so full of drool he was 100% positive if he tried to talk, it'd all come pouring out. "Want some of the soda?" Wu Fan nodded to the cup in between them. It was so tempting but it was so filled with sugar, "No thanks." He really wanted that coke.

He wanted to get away from the smells as soon as possible and before Wu Fan hears his stomach. It was growling a lot louder now that the bag was open and the  fried food smell intensified. He swore it was only because he was so hungry. He can't remember McDonald's ever smelling this strong. "Minseok?" It took several minutes for him to realize Wu Fan had been talking to him. He once again completely zoned him out. "What? I'm fine." He peeled his eyes away from the leader to stare out at the passing cars. But they had already made it to the apartment complex.

It took less than 15 minutes to be at the front door of their temporary dorm. It took 2 minutes for Wu Fan to punch in the number and push the door open. The stale air of the apartment hit him in the face like a ton of bricks. He barely sat his bag down by the door and got his shoes off before it all went to hell. He had been ruining on empty and water all day and it finally caught up with him all at once. Wu Fan dropped the bag of food when he heard Minseok hit the floor.

He woke up covered in sweat that was drying from the noisy fan blowing in the room. He was in his own bed, shirtless, and he felt something wet on his head. He reached up and felt the material of a hand towel. His stomach was churning and he  felt like vomiting out whatever was still in his stomach. Which knowing his diet probably wouldn't be much and he'd possibly just be dry heaving. "Oh my God are you alright?" Wu Fan had come out of the bathroom that attached the bedroom's together. "I-I'm fine." There was a weird taste in his throat. His mouth was now unbelievably dry. "Stop lying to me." Wu Fan sat on the edge of the bed and Minseok could still smell the fast food all over him.

"I'm hungry." Minseok said before he could try to think of a real excuse as to why he passed out. "Than why didn't you want to eat anything?" Wu Fan removed the rag from his head and helped him sit up straight against the wall. "Because I'm fat." Thinking it was one thing but actually saying it felt like dumbbells on his chest. "What?" The other asked. "Are you deaf?" Minseok snapped and closed his eyes because it was too bright in the room. "I said I'm fat. There I admit it can you leave me alone now?"

"You're not fat." Wu Fan moved to sit against the wall next to him. "Yes I am, duizhang. Even the CEOs think so." It was even more embarrassing to tell someone. "That's what they pulled me out earlier for. To tell me to loose weight and to work out more." Minseok really didn't want to admit it but this hurt him a lot more than the bullies in high school ever did. "But I'm always too tired to work out all the time. Besides them going around the bush to tell me to practically starve myself." He tried to keep from crying because that would just embarrass him more. "You've been starving yourself?" Wu Fan asked and put a hand on the older's shoulder.

"I only ate this morning because everyone was staring at me and I didn't want a million questions." He could taste the tears that leaked into his mouth. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and fall asleep. To slip away from the harsh reality of a world obsessed with thin waists. "B-but I'm so h-hungry." He was a step and a half away from a complete meltdown. He was failing at controlling the soft sobs filling the air around them. "Come on." Wu fan said and slid off the bed.

"Where?" Minseok asked and peeked his eyes open. "Keep your eyes closed and trust me." Wu Fan grabbed his hand and pulled him off the bed. "Why do I have to keep my eyes closed?" Minseok asked and he heard the door opening and shutting after them. Wu Fan was weaving them around the living room furniture.

"Just stand there for a minute." Wu Fan's hand left his but he did as he was told. He could feel the cold tile under his toes and the opening of a cabinet or drawer. There was rustling of plastic that he couldn't quite place. "Open your mouth for me." Wu Fan said from somewhere in front of him. "Why?" Minseok spoke and Wu Fan took his opportunity. Something soft was shoved into his open mouth and he almost choked on the sudden intrusion.

His tongue prodded at something that felt a lot like a snake cake, and he could only shake his head. Minseok went to move Wu Fan's hand away but he failed miserably. "Now bite or else I will force you." Minseok really wanted to see him try so he didn't bite down and smirked around the snack. Wu Fan's hands were suddenly on his jaw and under his chin. Forcing his mouth closed. "Swallow it." Wu Fan said and put a hand over the older's mouth.

He reluctantly swallowed but started crying again. This messed up his weight loss plans. Even one snack could screw up everything. But he wanted more and he couldn't swallow the saliva pooling in his mouth fast enough. He finally opened his eyes and saw Wu Fan opening another what looked to be a Twinkie. "You gotta eat at least five of these before the others get home." Wu Fan was dead set on getting food into his rather neglected stomach. "I can't."

"Like hell you can't. We all could do with a few less pounds. But this is not how to do things, because I would hate to have to explain why you've been hospitalized from starvation." Wu Fan held up the next Twinkie and pressed the end of it to Minseok's lips. The older rolled his eyes but took a bite anyways. This time he took his time in swallowing and savoring the cream filling on his tastebuds. "This is so good." 

Wu Fan was already opening another two Twinkies and sitting them on the counter in a row on their plastic. "Two down three to go. Better get eating because everyone else are on their way." Wu Fan shoved one into his own mouth and smiled. "Tomorrow you will eat two helpings of breakfast. For lunch, even if I have to force feed you, it'll be an all you can eat buffet. Just the two of us can go," Minseok went to say something but couldn't. "For dinner tomorrow Kyungsoo is cooking for all of us and you will eat enough to feed a small army."

Minseok really wanted to tell him not to bother because if he was caught eating any of that stuff he could get in trouble. And that's the last thing he needs right now. "For now I told Lay to pick up a burger or two for you." Wu Fan continued and opened the rest of the snack cakes on the counter. "Don't say no to me." But Minseok wouldn't dare because a burger sounded like Heaven right now.

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Chapter 1: Amazing Xiuris story. Really like the fact that Kris is taking good care of Minseok. Well done.
Chapter 1: aww;
food love :)
Chapter 1: You can't avoid food, like ever
Because its just so great ;u; I love food
ilan14 #4
Chapter 1: Omg! This is amazing. Love it.
Chapter 1: kris is so nice!!!

I want to see how Luhan will handle this baozi >o<