
Language of Flowers

Not edited. Be nice.



It’s been two weeks since he-who-gives-she-flowers has made his first move and Hyoyeon can’t help but fall for him; despite not knowing who he is. She feels an awfully strong attraction towards this anonymous man simply because, well, she loved the attention she was finally getting. She loved it, and she was beginning to love the person that was giving it to her.

There wasn’t much of a choice to her heart that wasn’t used to all the flowers and sweet nothings in the cards. It made her giddy.

She’s making her way to the dance studio now. Hyoyeon rents a room out for two hours every Monday and Saturday to get herself moving.  Lord knows she hates exercise and dancing was the only way to stay fit that Hyoyeon was ok with.

“Hey Junho.”

“Hyoyeon.” Junho nods his head towards her and throws Hyoyeon the keys to the practice room.

“Knock yourself out.”

She smirks. “You know I always do. You sure you don’t want to have a drink with me this time? As always, my treat. No? At least practice with me, yeah? I’m sure another one of your boys can watch the place.”

Junho smiles a friendly smile and rejects her again.

“I’d love to Hyoyeon, but you know none of my boys are any more capable than I am.”

He winks, she laughs.

“Of course they aren’t.” A hint of sarcasm and off she saunters to her dance room.

The hallways are empty as usual. She hums a tune. Hyoyeon always manages to land a time slot during which the dance studio is barren. She likes being alone when she dances. Junho’s seen her dance a few times and has always encouraged her to, quote, “show her jaw-dropping talent to the world” and all Hyoyeon ever does is laugh it off, thinking the idea ridiculous.

She unlocks the door, takes a step in, and makes sure the door is closed behind her, locked. Her gym bag’s thrown to the side and she stretches lightly as she makes her way to the speakers. iPod plugged in and 2PM playing in the background, Hyoyeon feels lighter on her feet and walks to the middle of the room, conveniently marked with a cross.

She stares at her own reflection for a while, studying her body, letting her body familiarize with the beat of Electricity. She tilts her head and makes a note to herself to think, just think, about joining Jessica and her gym sessions: work on her stomach.

At least then you’ll be using that gym bag for actual gym purposes.

She shrugs the entire idea off and dances.

Song after song, move after move, beads of sweat pouring out, each breath deeper than the last.

She stops midway of I Got A Boy and sees the door opening. She wonders who before thinking the obvious.

“Hey, I’m taking up on your offer. Let’s practice?” He hesitates. “But not to this song. You know I don’t do Girls’ Generation well. It’s like you doing, no, you do most dances well.”


“Ok, ok. You are the God of dancing. Oh Hyoyeon, teach me your ways.” He rolls his eyes. “But you get my point.”

She chuckles. “Come on, Junho. Get your here and dance to some GG.”

Hyoyeon makes sure to capture each move Junho makes in her mind for good. It’s not every day you see Junho dance to GG.

“You definitely can’t dance to GG. I’ve been meaning to try out Latin dancing. Be my partner?”

“Who else would you dance with right now; your gym bag?”

So she’s twisted and turned and dipped towards the floor by him. He lifts her at one point and Hyoyeon makes a note to compliment his strength after.

The routine ends and the two are lying down on the floor, exhausted. They have nothing to say to each other. They both stare at each other for five seconds, complimenting each other with no words.

Hyoyeon gets up after the exchange of eye contact, unplugs her iPod and picks her gym bag up, slinging it over a shoulder. Junho takes it that it’s the end of the day of her and gets up as well.

“Already? Usually you stay the full two hours. You’ve got about forty-five minutes left.” He says, looking at his watch.

“I know, but I’m beat today. Long day, long week, actually.” Hyoyeon starts searching her bag for the keys, blocking the door. Midway, she feels weight on her unoccupied shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll lock up.” Junho dangles his own keys in front of her. “Go on home.”


Hyoyeon makes her way out and reaches the front desk. She continues her search for the keys; they needed to be returned after all.

“Keep the keys. No one books your room. Count it yours.”

“You make it sound haunted.” She shudders. “Am I going to have to pay extra rent?”

“So long you only occupy two hours only two days a week, no. All yours.”

“You’re the best. Hey, my offer for that drink is still up; or no drinks if you’re not into alcohol. We can chill at the playground. How long has it been since we’ve done that; two weeks?”

“Thanks, again, Hyo. But you’re tired, I’m tired. It’s best you just head home, ok? I’ll just break into your place if I want your company.”

“Right, you have a copy of my keys. Forgot about that.”

“That’s right, and you have a copy of mine. We’re even, I did not steal my copy from you, we made these 2 years ago.”

She chuckles. “I know, I know, I remember. Alright, chance lost. See you around.”

Hyoyeon steps outside and takes a breath of fresh air.

The smell of spring. How nice.

She takes the long way back home tonight; the weather’s nice.

Eventually making it to her doorstep, she switches the lights on and leaves her gym bag on the couch. Hyoyeon stops by at the kitchen for a huge gulp of water before making her way to the windowsill. She lifts it up to let the air in and looks out to see if there were any flowers waiting for her.

She smiles to herself. Of course.

She brings them in and grabs the dictionary. She couldn’t find the meaning this time. Confused, she takes a look at the card that always came with the flowers.

“The definition isn’t there is it? I’ve left this flower out on purpose. I don’t really know why. Spark a new kind of curiosity from you, I guess.

They’re yellow tulips, Hyoyeon. Definition: hopelessly in love.

We’ve met. Trust me. So I’m not completely anonymous to you.

But from day one, from the day you walked in, you had an aura that pulled me in. Your hair looked really nice that day, and so did you. I approached you and, before the both of us knew it, we were as close. Well, at least I thought we were close. The feeling might not be mutual. I hope it is. I really do.

Because Hyoyeon, if this, whatever this is, doesn’t work out, I want to stay as close as we were before.

You’re amazing at studying and dancing, Hyoyeon. You’re gorgeous and no matter how silent you stay within that clique of yours, you captured my attention. Your personality is loud and it’s such a great contrast to how shy you are around others. If you were just as bold to other people, I’m sure you’d have everyone at your feet.

But I’m glad you didn’t. Because then I’d wouldn’t have you to myself.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been sending you flowers. I’m going to stop now. I hope you enjoyed them. I’m leaving my name at the end, and you can do whatever you want about this situation after seeing it if you’re uncomfortable. You can ignore it, don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

Yours, or at least I hope to be,



She doesn’t want to believe it. Her mystery man, right in front of her, the entire time.

Hyoyeon searches her bedside table, almost frantically, desperately, for the pair of keys he’d given her and once found, she makes straight for the door. 

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hyofandom #1
Chapter 2: sweet and simple yet intriguing. Kudos to the author!
penny0922 #2
Chapter 2: Its nice....... Mystery solved in the end.
But seem like there another part going on.... Like have hyoyeon found the key???