Dance With My Daddy.


I, like everyone else have a father whom I love unconditionally.
I love him so much, I dance with him all the time.
Mostly, at nights though.
Because its usually at this time, he dances with my mother.
My mother who left us both, for another man.
To find her happiness that she can't seem to find in us.

My dad has gone senile.
With love, he's still living.
I admire my father because if I am in his shoes, I might have just killed myself.

Kim Jaejoong, a man who was a heartthrob of women, is my daddy.
And he loves me, as my mother.
As a wife that he's lost.


NOOO, this is not .
HA, that might be the first that's in your mind right?
Have you watched 200PoundsBeauty?
In the movie, her father has gone senile because he loves her mother too much right?
This is similar to that.
And this is my second oneshot, so please support me! *winkwinks

I made this due to my undying love for Alex of Clazziquai and his soulful beautiful vocals.
This story came upon me while I was replaying " Dance With My Daddy " by Alex on repeat.
I thank all the higher power above me for creating this man.
He is perfect. ♥


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CandyFreak #1
Chapter 1:! This so well written and realistic!!! Awesome!!!!
armless-ambidextrian #2
I really liked this story because I felt that it's very suitable with the song that was chosen as well. I find that the way you write is so extremely relatable as well. Keep up! ^.^
hielooo #3
wow great job like it!!!
@nobody-myself THANKYOU! :)
@candyforlove Yes, its a oneshot.Hehe. Thankyou for reading by the way. Your comment made my day. Honestly. :)
T_T..your story is so touching...!<br />
i ♥ it...good job~~~
This is so touching!!!<br />
I really love this story..<br />
is this a oneshot?<br />
or are you going to continue another chapter? :)
@Animesekai Thankyouverymuch! I appreciate your liking! Truly made my day! Thanks for the comment yeah, lovely? Do read my other work too! :)
@Candyforlove Thankyou so much for subscribing and commenting you gorgeous person! You the best! Hope you enjoyed the story! Do comment! :)