Are boyfriends money?

Who needs a guy?

Right so, I was very happily taking an afternoon siesta when my friend calls me up to ask me to come along to the mall with his girlfriend because her mum isn't allowing her to go alone with a boy. 

Now I'm used to a situation like this since I'm the single friend who can be dumped at the first oppurtunity and parents generally like me but I'm not in the mood to see all that coupley stuff so I refuse. 

So my friend begs me and because I have a very kind heart I accept (he promised to buy me an EXO album because his dad is going to Busan). 

Which landed me in the mall from where I am writing this rant. 

I am alone and waiting for my car to get here so I can go back home because I COULD NOT STAND IT ANYMORE. 

So this friend's girlfriend is basically fleecing him. Whichever shop they went into she would make these gross cutesy faces and he would buy her WHATEVER SHE WANTS.

So I tell my friend "Bro I've been your wingman for a hell of a long time. Why you no buy me free stuff?" and he just goes all *death glare* leave-my-girlfriend-alone

So I just kinda follow them around because I feel awkward alone (no better with them)

So we go into each store and the same routine happens. 

Girlfriend: Hey! I so need random object! Please get me random object! I love you!

Boyfriend: Oh my babe! Sure thing!




So in the end when she had practically robbed him, I left. I could not see my friend being used anymore. And whenever you try to talk sense into them they just think you're jealous. I mean seriously. 

So I left and went to the food court and got myself an icecream and contemplated on the state of today's youth. 

My question now - is a boyfriend a synonym for an ATM? And that too one you don't even have to return money to. Wait no, then its not an ATM. Then its an equivalent of robbing a bank. 

So is a relationship a bank robbery? 

(I don't even know what I'm saying.) 

So my car's here and I'll just go back. And die. Probably not. But still. 

Peace out. 

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Chapter 3: You were right. I don't understand. I really don't. Why would you do that? Its okay for say one thing occasionally... But all the time? :/

I have too much pride as a woman to even think of this scenario occurring. I cannot help but look down upon your friend's girlfriend. I really don't like her. And omg, they always get jealous when you try to explain what is wrong with their other half. I just give up and let them suffer. They usually deserve it for not listening to me. *miffed*
Chapter 2: I CANNOT AGREE MORE! Like really. the first issue is so true. Get a sweater! And for the second one, get a life! Really? Four minutes and she doesn't love you? Really? >_<