Falling Head over Heals for you..... Literally

Falling Head over Heals for you..... Literally


Kyuhyun grumpily grabbed his phone that was waking all the daylights out of him. He was too lazy to even move a single muscle in his body. Blame it on the winter. He loves to hibernate all through the weekend.
"How are you, Kyuhyun-ah?" The other line asked, making Kyuhyun sat in surprise because he knew too well who owns that voice. It's Kim Heechul. To hear a very....ahm...sweet voice (??) from the diva is such a miracle.
Kyuhyun closed his eyes thinking that he was just hallucinating. 
"Kyu, my lovely dongsaeng. Are you still there?"
No. He is definitely not having any hallucinations. Kim ing Heechul is seriously using a very sweet tone on the other line for him. What is happening? Did Hankyung finally made him drink a potion to remove his snarky attitude? Because the sweet Heechul is definitely the most horrible thing that Kyuhyun could ever imagined.
"Hyung, it is still December. April 1st is still too far away."
Kyuhyun believes that Heechul is just playing tricks on him. It's not even April fool’s day yet. Heechul is really excited. Well, the leader of all evil stuffs is always on the go for fooling around.
"Kyu~" Heechul sing song making Kyuhyun cringe. That was just too gross in his opinion.
"Hyung, you are giving me goose bumps. Seriously, what do you want?"
Having Heechul talked to him in a sweet manner definitely has a prize to it. And he shiver when he thought what could his evil hyung is going to ask for him.
"Kyu, can you accompany me in going to the ski resort?"
"I knew it!" Kyuhyun groaned. 
Heechul has been bugging him in going to the ski resort since the start of their holiday vacation. Hankyung would be coming along too since his cousin owns the ski resort. He prefers sleeping and snuggling with his bed than waste his energy and time in that ski resort where he knows he will just look like a third wheel in the couple's vacation.
"My answer is still no, Hyung." Kyuhyun interrupted despite his knowledge that Heechul hated being interrupted when he's talking.
"Cho Kyuhyun!" Now Heechul is back to his snarky self. "You listen to me."
"No hyung." Kyuhyun said lazily and lied in his bed again.
Kyuhyun fell down face first in the mountain of snow in front of him after Heechul pushed him. He groaned in annoyance. Where is Kyuhyun, you may ask? Well, Heechul had successfully made him agree in going to the ski resort after some violent threats that involves in burning Kyuhyun's laptop down that has all of his game data and also destroying his bed. Kyuhyun did not believe him at first. But when Heechul barged inside his room holding a gallon of what seemed to Kyuhyun as a highly flammable liquid and a lighter, he immediately agreed. After all, he still wanted to live. his laziness!
So here is Kyuhyun buried in a mountain of snow while Heechul was laughing his off behind him. One thing he learned is to never mess around with someone like Kim Heechul. He wonders how Hankyung deals with the diva. He doesn't want to know, though if it involves some scenes.
"Are you okay?"
A voice suddenly asked him. Does it look like he's okay after making his poor face land on the ground full of snow? Yes! He is definitely not okay! He pushed himself from the ground and was about to yell at whoever ask that stupid question when he felt his jaw dropped literally to the snow-covered ground when he saw the person standing in front of him with worried look.
Standing in front of him is the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life. Well, Heechul is beautiful too, but this person is different. He's like an angel while the sunlight was shining behind him. 
Is he dead? Kyuhyun can't help but wonder. Heechul did not kill him, right? Or did he? The beautiful angel in front of him moves his lips, but Kyuhyun is not focusing on what the person was saying as he was busy admiring the beautiful sight in front of him.
The beautiful angel went towards him and he felt how the angel brushed his hands on his cheeks as if removing something on it. Kyuhyun felt his cheeks became hot from the mere contact and he swore his heart stopped beating for a while. Heechul's smirk suddenly came into view as he pushed the beautiful angel away from Kyuhyun.
"Hi there, Sungmin. I'm Heechul. I believe Hannie had told you about me." Heechul said towards the beautiful angel while shaking his hands.
"Ah... Yes. Hankyung hyung had told me about you." The beautiful angel, named Sungmin, replied. He glanced at Kyuhyun, who is now drooling in front of them. "Is he alright?" Sungmin asked and Heechul mentally face palmed himself from embarrassment.
"Yes. He is. Don’t mind him." Heechul replied and pushed Sungmin away. "If I am not mistaken, you still have a meeting to attend."
Sungmin arched his brows and Heechul immediately thought of a reason as to why he knows that certain information. "Hannie told me." He added and Sungmin nodded his head when he remembered that he really has an appointment. He bowed at Heechul before walking away not without glancing at Kyuhyun's way.
Kyuhyun was woken up from his senses when Heechul hit his head harshly. "Yah! Why did you do that?"
"Because you look like a retard in front of Sungmin! You are embarrassing me in front of him! Will you wipe that drool away? It's disguting!" Heechul pointed out.
Kyuhyun's eyes widened. It really is embarrassing! But instead of wiping his drool away, the name of the beautiful angel quickly registered on his mind. "Sungmin? That's his name?"
"Yes! That's Lee Sungmin. Apparently he's the owner of this-" Heechul paused when he realized something. "Wait! You like him, don't you?"
Kyuhyun widened his eyes and he immediately shook his head in reply. But Kim Heechul is Kim Heechul. He can't be fooled. He smirked at Kyuhyun, making the latter cringed in fear as he felt the dark aura surrounding him. Well, not literally though.
"Let me help you in courting him then. You know you can rely on me with that matter."
NO! Kyuhyun wanted to shout what his mind wanted him to say. But instead, he only gulped in fear and anxiety when he saw Heechul's evil smirk.
Heechul pushed Kyuhyun's body inside the cable car. The latter was about to protest when he saw that Sungmin was inside the one of the cable cars all alone with a smile on his face as he admires the beauty of snow-covered mountains below. Even though he was scared of heights, Kyuhyun fought it as he wanted to get closer to Sungmin. 
Kyuhyun was not looking at anything around him. He prefers to watch Sungmin's breathtaking smile. He knows that he had fallen in love at first sight with the man. But he was too coward to even approach him. He was not like this before.
Kyuhyun was being dragged by both Heechul and Hankyung outside his room for a dinner after his cable car ride. He hated how the couple was being lovey dovey in front of him. Are they mocking him for being single since he was born? Oh! His poor love life. He even wanted to throw up when he saw Heechul acting like a baby in front of Hankyung. He excused himself before he could even witness how the two eat each other in front of him. It is not a very good sight for him to see.
He sighed in relief when he finally went out of the restaurant. He looked around him and his eyes suddenly widened when he saw Sungmin happily bouncing towards him. His heart started to beat wildly against his chest when Sungmin stopped and wave his hand towards him. Did Sungmin finally notice him? Oh my God! He won't let this chance slip by. He excitedly waved back while his cheeks were burning despite the cold air around them.
But sadly, Sungmin's wave was not for him. A certain horse ruined that moment. He is a horse, in Kyuhyun's point of view. But he cannot deny the fact that the guy was a very handsome horse. He has even those Greek gods' features that Kyuhyun admires a lot.
"Siwon! Over here!" Sungmin called out and Kyuhyun can only lower his hand in embarrassment and pretend that he was shooing some invisible insects away.
Siwon. So the horse has a name. He watched how Sungmin happily grabbed the horse's hand and he can't help but clenched his fist in jealousy. He is damn jealous! How he wish it was his hand that Sungmin was holding on to.
Kyuhyun slump his back as he headed towards the hotel he was staying at. He was totally down that he even ignores Heechul and Hankyung's make out session in front of his room. He closed the door and lazily laid his body on the bed, burying his face in the pillow beneath him. For the first time in his life, Kyuhyun cried because of a broken heart.
After crying his heart out and drowning the poor pillow in his tears, he decided to go out of his room to grab something to drink. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Sungmin passed by. His breath was caught in his throat when the sweet scent coming from Sungmin's perfume lingered around him.
Sungmin paused when he noticed that someone was looking at him. He turned around, and Kyuhyun, just to make sure, looked around him with hopes that Sungmin was really staring at him.
"Hi." Sungmin said.
Kyuhyun dumbly pointed at himself and Sungmin can't help but chuckled at him.
"You are Kyuhyun, right?"
By this time, Sungmin was now standing just a few inches away from him. He hurriedly swallowed the invisible hard lump on his throat, making him choke. How in the hell did he choke when it was only an invisible lump? Oh God! Everything he does is so embarrassing. Is breathing even counted?
Sungmin worriedly patted his back and he swears he will faint anytime soon because of Sungmin's warm hands against his clothed skin.
"Hey! Are you okay? I'll get you some water." 
Kyuhyun doesn't know how he managed to do it, but he had grabbed Sungmin's hand to stop him from going away. He felt thousands of electricity ran down up his spine when their fingers intertwined and his knees soon began to wobble like jelly.
"I... I am f-fine. Just... Just stay here."
Smooth move, Kyuhyun. Very smooth. But well, it's still embarrassing on his part when all of a sudden, his knees gave up on him. Luckily, Sungmin managed to catch him before his landed on the cold floor.
Kyuhyun mentally kicked himself and even threw curses in his mind because of what happened. He was sure that the tomatoes and other red-colored stuffs would be embarrassed with the color of his cheeks right now. God! He wanted to be swallowed by the ground this instant.
Kyuhyun slowly turned his head towards Sungmin who was still not letting his waist go. Their gazes soon met and Kyuhyun felt like he had reached the seventh door of the heavens when he saw Sungmin's face up close. He was totally breathtaking.
"I'm sorry." Kyuhyun mumbled. His lips and mind seemed to betray him as he spoke words that he knew he won't be able to say if he's in his coward self. "I have fallen."
Sungmin smiled at him. "It's okay. I managed to catch you."
Kyuhyun was about to say more, when he felt something soft landed on his lips. His eyes widened when he realized that Sungmin was touching his lips with his own.
Sungmin is kissing him?! He felt like he was floating on air while being surrounded by lovely flowers, bunnies, unicorns- wait! Is that Siwon?
"Oh! Sorry to interrupt, Hyung."
That is indeed Siwon. 
Sungmin let Kyuhyun go, and the latter literally landed his on the hard floor, making him groan in pain.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Kyuhyun." Sungmin apologized and was about to help him when he quickly stood up and smiled awkwardly.
"It's okay. I think I should go now." Kyuhyun said and walked away. But Sungmin called him and he can't help but smile triumphantly at himself. Sungmin wanted him to stay right? That's why he called him again. He dramatically turned towards Sungmin's direction.
"Yes?" He asked handsomely.
"I.. I just wanted to tell you that you are going the wrong way." Sungmin replied and it took awhile for Kyuhyun to register what Sungmin was telling him. 
When he finally understood, he looked behind him and indeed, he's going towards a wall. Who ing put that damn wall there?
"Oh! Hahaha." Kyuhyun awkwardly laughed at his dumb self. Kyuhyun, why are you so dumb? So embarrassing.  I was just curious to see the wall's structure. Hahaha."
He was still laughing as he walked away from Sungmin and Siwon. The two can only watch him in confusion. 
"He's a weird one, Hyung." Siwon commented.
"That makes him more adorable in my eyes." Sungmin replied.
"Whatever hyung. I can't stop you from falling for that weird guy." Siwon said.
"Someday he's going to be mine."
Hankyung was laughing too hard while Heechul was busy scolding Kyuhyun after hearing the latter's story.
"You are hopeless, Kyuhyun. Why are you even my cousin? You are embarrassing me!" Heechul angrily said and then glared at his lover. "Stop laughing! It's not funny."
"Sorry Chullie. But I just found out that Kyuhyun can be adorable sometimes especially when he's in front of my cousin. I wish I was there to record everything." Hankyung replied trying to stop himself from laughing at the now sulking Kyuhyun in front of them.
"You are not helping. And may I remind you, you act exactly like Kyuhyun here when you met me." Heechul smirked when he saw his lover stopped from laughing.
"But that was because..." Hankyung can't seem to continue as he stared at Heechul in fear.
"Because I'm beautiful?" Heechul asked while batting his eyelashes seductively.
"Because of your snarky attitude." Kyuhyun answered for Hankyung's sake earning him a glare from Heechul. "Hyung, I give up."
"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! How can you end something that you did not even try to begin with? You are not worthy to be called my cousin if you will give up just like that. There's no such word that exist in our family's vocabulary." Heechul pointed out, trying to make sense at his sulking cousin.
"But he has already Siwon." Kyuhyun hopelessly replied.
"Siwon? You mean Choi Siwon?" Hankyung asked and when he saw Kyuhyun nod his head in reply, he can't help but laughed again.
"Yah! What's so funny?" Heechul asked irritatingly.
"I know I don't have a chance against Siwon. Because even though he looks like a horse, he is definitely gifted with a god-like face while I am nothing compared to his looks." Kyuhyun continue to pity himself and Heechul glared at Hankyung.
"I'm sorry. But Siwon is Sungmin's brother. Half brother to be exact." Hankyung replied. 
Kyuhyun suddenly stop from sulking and saw a light of hope shone on him upon hearing Hankyung's statement. "Hyung, you are not kidding?"
"I am not. Why don't you ask Sungmin instead?" Hankyung offered.
"Ask me what?"
All three heads turned towards the owner of the voice, who is standing in front of them. 
"Hi there Sungmin." Hankyung greeted before turning towards Kyuhyun who still haven't recovered from the shock of having Sungmin in front of them. "Kyuhyun just wanted to ask you something. Me and Heechul will leave the two of you behind."
Kyuhyun saw Heechul and Hankyung walked away, leaving him alone inside the restaurant. Well, he is not alone. Sungmin was standing in front of him and just being this close to his love interest makes him weak both inside and out.
"Are you not going to ask me to sit down?" Sungmin asked and Kyuhyun hurriedly get up from his seat, not without knocking down his chair and the glass of water in front of him, spilling all of its content at the white table cloth.
Sungmin can't help but chuckle at the sight. Kyuhyun is too adorable even how stupid he looked like in front of him. 
"You know, Leeteuk hyung would be mad when he finds out that one of his favorite white table clothes is ruined." He teases Kyuhyun.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry." Kyuhyun apologized while bowing his head.
"Apology accepted." Sungmin said before sitting at one of the empty chairs and Kyuhyun did the same without realizing that his chair was knocked down by his clumsiness awhile ago making him land in his ...again! Damnit! Why can't he act normal in front of Sungmin? His is surely having a lot of bruises from falling a lot of times.
Sungmin chuckled. "You're so cute."
"W-what did you say?" Kyuhyun was blushing madly. If other people will call him cute, he will definitely throw curses at them. He hated that word. But since Sungmin is the one who said that word, he felt like it was the one of the most beautiful word that exists in Sungmin's vocabulary.
"You're cute. And I mean it. You seemed to fall a lot lately. Mind if I will always be at your side to catch you?" Sungmin said and grabbed Kyuhyun's cold and sweaty hands. He doesn’t mind though. He liked how their hands fit perfectly together. "So, what do you want to ask me?" He asked but Kyuhyun kept silent. "I will be the one to ask you then. And I won't take no for an answer. Will you be my boyfriend?"
Kyuhyun heard it wrongly. He knew he did. Why even Sungmin would ask someone as clumsy and coward like him to be his boyfriend? Sungmin defines the word perfect, while he is the total opposite of him. Although, he is proud to say that he's gifted with a genius brain but he becomes a total idiot when Sungmin's around. It's just too impossible for him to be Sungmin's lover.
"Silence means yes, then." 
Without a warning, Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun's lips for the second time. Kyuhyun was taken aback and it took his brain a while to process what's happening.
He won't let his coward self take over him. When Sungmin was about to move his lips away from his, he quickly bit the latter's lower lip, asking for more. And this time, it was him who initiated the kiss. He savors Sungmin's lips and soon their tongues were battling for dominance, to which he miraculously won.
When they parted, he stared at Sungmin's face. "I am falling for you head over heels.... Literally."
“Literally?” Sungmin asked with a pout on his face.
Kyuhyun felt his breath hitched because of the adorable sight in front of him. “Stop pouting. You’re making it hard for me to concentrate.”
“I am intending to do that, actually.” Sungmin teased.
“Sungmin, I had fallen head over heels for you since the first time I saw you, both literally and figuratively.” Kyuhyun whispered and he silently thanked the heavens for giving him the courage to say that.
"Good. I will catch you every time you fall for me, be it literally or not." Sungmin replied and kissed Kyuhyun's lips again.
Kyuhyun silently thanked the threats that Heechul had said to him just to make him go with his cousin in this ski resort. He’s thinking of the threats, not his cousin. If his cousin never did that, he won’t get the chance to meet the beautiful angel, who’s currently kissing him. He had undergone through a lot of embarrassing stuff in front of Sungmin before, but now he doesn’t mind it at all. He’s even willing to be dumb and stupid just to make Sungmin notice him.
(a/n) This is actually inspired by SS501's MV for the song Coward. 
I'm sorry for the failed crack :( 
Thanks for reading this. Have a great day~^^
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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 1: OMG Kyuhyun.. Wall structure??? *face palming with Chullie XD*
Chapter 1: So cute <3 Perfect story :)
kelly_kyu #3
Chapter 1: "Mind if I will always be at your side to catch you?" awww Min I love you <333
this is so adorable <3 sweetness overloaded!!!!!
and fail!Kyu is hilarious kkk
ayawani #4
Chapter 1: "... Mind if I will always be at your
side to catch you?" gyahahahaha.. I love Sungmin.. XD
venzsuju #5
Chapter 1: hahaha sweet~
genius kyu turn to pabbo kyu when sungmin around~ wkwkwk
minniemgee #6
Chapter 1: and that is..my funny and sweet kyumin..chuu~^^
Chapter 1: kyumin never fails to weaken my heart. this is sweet and amazing
Chapter 1: This is so cute..! >.< Fate really brings them together :))
_chxnbxek #9
Chapter 1: Hehe.. i love this.
Chapter 1: Kyus so cute!!!!
Hanchul well done for getting kyumin together :the cutest dorkiest couple!!!