I can't Do This

I Hate That I Need You...


...To say he was surprised was an understatement. The good part of him viciously shoved down the cruel thought that whispered into his brain that this was great.
You looked up at him, the tears back in your eyes, "I can't do it, Yuggie! I can't continue with a guy like him!" He tilted his head, reaching up to push some hair out of your eyes, waiting desperately for you to continue. 
"I feel so horrible...I can't hold onto it anymore..." He let out a breath, capturing your attention, and he nodded at you, his voice coming out scratchy. "What's wrong?" His mind was racing with million things that could have gone wrong, none of them good.
"He's...cheating, Yuggie..." Every muscle in his body was on sudden alert, and he tried his damnedest to not surge up and punch a hole into the wall. He ing knew it! And that son of a was going to die. 
You went on with your story. "I found out about seven months ago." He stopped the blur of thoughts in his mind, staring at you incredulously, "Then why-" In YongGuk's voice was the deepest pits of gravel; even he knew it was a dangerous, dangerous tone. "Why didn't you say something?" You winced, hiding your eyes from him, "I didn't want you to worry. I thought it was my fault..." You looked off to the right. "He apologized and by then he had already asked me to marry him! ...I thought it was maybe something I had done, that I could fix. Couples have come back from worse."
His vision was starting to dim from all the anger that was surging through his veins and he was glad you had a hold on his hand otherwise he would be after him. "And you had already paid for everything. I couldn't let you down like that, Yuggie..." A small sob escaped you and he crumbled at your feet... it only looked like he knelt down. 
"What the hell do you mean let me down?"
You sniffled, daring to look at him in the eyes, "I always depend on you. I got to be friends with the boys because of you, I still have my job because of you, and you paid for everything, and it was beautiful! And I wanted to show that I was a big girl and could take care of my own problems, instead of running to you." 
Before he could stop it, the words fell out of his mouth, "I like when you run to me." You looked startled for a moment, but then your face melted into a look that broke and mended his heart instantaneously. "You're my best friend, Yuggie, but I needed to be a big girl. I failed though..." You lifted on hand and swiped at the straying tears on your cheek. "He's cheated four times now. The last one I caught him in. The day before our wedding." 
The look of pure anger on his face must have startled you, for you clamped down on his hand, and he didn't even realize he was pulling out of the grip. "I didn't want to tell you that either, because I knew you'd be mad." YongGuk's head hung and his shoulders where like slabs on granite. 
"I'm not mad at you," he growled out, the cords in his neck standing out, trying to keep it all bottled in. 
You laughed a bit. "I was just worried, I wouldn't find anyone else." At this he couldn't keep his seat and pushed himself up, tearing himself out of your grip. He walked over to stare straight at the wall in front of him. He just could let it go without any sort of a response. "Yugg-."
And he punched it. Hard.
The pain flew up his nerves, your shocked gasp echoing in his mind, he couldn't let this cause the end of your friendship too, he couldn't say the words that where on the very tip of his tongue. The words that he was free to say now that that idiot had missed his chance.
The paint clung to his bloodied knuckles and you rushed to his side, reaching for his hand, and he let you drag him to the sink, running his hand under water. You berated him, cursing, trying to stop the miniscule cuts on his hand to stop bleeding. It was nothing compared to the bleeding out his brain was doing then, his teeth set on his tongue to prevent the words from coming out. Your touch was always like nothing else, even if you were yelling at him, he couldn't help but let the tiniest smile cross his face. 
Your hair fell forward, and he begged himself to push it back, but he knew if he did he'd kiss you, and he couldn't-.
So you lifted your head, looking at him, all that pain washed away, filled with anger and worry about him, and ...
He couldn't do it anymore.
Something in his brain just snapped, and his body started to act independently.
His right hand came up, gently laying on your cheek and he turned your lips to his, laying them in a soft, open kiss. 
You didn't move. 
Something he expected.
So he kissed under your eyes, trying to wipe away the tear tracks with his lips, and then rested them again on your plump lips. 
"There's always somebody for everyone," he whispered onto them.
You still weren't moving; in fact you had slowly dropped his hand, and he knew he had blown it. 
But he couldn't do it anymore. He knew he would have to stay away from you for now, but maybe, maybe one day you could forgive him. 
He turned to leave, a horrible look on his face, when he felt small hands grab onto his back. They were oh-so-warm to his now cold body and they turned him around fast enough to make his head spin. He didn't have time to register that they had planted themselves on his stomach, before an all new development rocked his world. 
You shoved your face into his space and pressed your lips to his in a hungry kiss, that had every thing pushed down, blinded emotion inside of it.
He imploded, the feeling like nothing else he had ever experienced, you were kissing him, and it wasn't some nightmare he had to wake up from.
You tasted like something sweet and exciting as he took it deeper, holding onto your hips to anchor himself to the world. It was shattering and completing, it was lighting, it was fireworks.
The rest of the world faded, and it was only this moment for him, and he knew he was right in calling you his soul mate. There was nothing else this could be.
You slowly edged away, breathing hard onto his neck, a shocked look on your face, and after a moment of both collecting your breath you erupted into tears again, scaring the out of him.
"What-!" You hit him in his chest, hard and kept hitting him, confusing him with every blow. He held onto your shoulder's gently, his strength far out-powering yours, stopping the pounding until you looked at him.
"How long, you idiot!?" He tilted his head, not understanding what you meant, until you waved your arms around, "This! This kiss! How long have you been keeping it locked up!?" Your eyes left no room for him to lie anymore and he whispered his answer.
You laid your forehead on his chin, tightening your grip on his shirt, "You're an idiot, you know that..." 
He nodded, his hand sliding up to rest along your back, "I know...I just didn't want to ruin the best thing I have in my life." 
You scoffed, looking up at him, "You know, he never has said anything like that." YongGuk sighed in annoyance, pulling you to him tightly, "Well...if you want to be with me, I'll say it every chance I can." 
You let out a breath on his skin, "Are...you asking me out, Bang?" 
He nodded, still afraid of what his answer might be. It could mean the end of what was most important to him, you could hate him forever...
When your answer came, it was every dream he'd ever had rolled into one...
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Chapter 1: Poor Yonggukie~ (; _ ;) Evenmore he's the best man! Who is soon-to-be-my-husband? Himchan?? Hahaha~ XD
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 4: awww that was so cute!!!
Chapter 4: WAAAAAH i just finished reading

So beautiful...ㅠ^ㅠ
Although i wish i could censor the cussing... c:

OMO a sequel??
I just died... Thank you so much haha
I didn't realize it was finished until I went to the forward to subscribe and saw it was completed :(
Oi, Gukkie why so sweet?
marilyynvovo #6
Chapter 4: Omg. This is daebak! I barely finished reading the first chapter then all of a sudden... 3 more appear! So fast... Update more please!(:
