Chapter 4

How deep can you fall?

A/N: Im so so sorry fornot updating. I've been very busy studying for my finals, so I hope you understand! Anyways, I put up 2 chapters as an excuse! ^.^ Hope you enjoy! Oh, and I know this chap is rather chort, but the next is longer :D



I couldn’t spend much time thinking about the last evening. My day was packed full and, once again, I felt like a child trying to act all grown up. I had no idea if I was doing a good job or not, I was just happy if I managed to finish a schedule on time.

Everything had to be ready for tomorrow. And while pictures of the five came over my desk so often I began to see them with my eyes closed, I didn’t see them. I knew they were perfecting their dance, so I just concentrated on the task ahead.

I was utterly exhausted when I sent my assistant home. It was just past 11 pm. Good thing I had no social life.

Of course, I couldn’t just go home. While I was waiting for the elevator, a young man in a suit came towards me. He stood next to me, bowed and told me the boss was waiting for me.

At first I really didn’t want to go, thinking I had made a big mistake, but then I remembered the plan.

I was nervous, but I tried to keep my head up as good as possible while I followed the man. For a few seconds I wondered what his job here was and what he knew was going on in the company, but then my thoughts dwindled back to my own problem.

Be subtle, said a voice in my head, that sounded a bit like Jaejoong.

Entering the boss’ office had become a thing to dread. But dread didn’t keep my feet from crossing the line between the save hallway and room where scary things happened.

He was sitting in his chair the way he always did and he was looking at me the way he always did. Relaxed but alert.

“Shinae, it’s nice to see you again” he said.

I nodded and replied the usual things. Then it was his turn again.

“So, it seems that everything is going fine. I’m very pleased. How are the other team members acting now?”

“They are compliant.”

“That’s good. Don’t worry, once this is over, they will see what I saw in you.”

I paused for a bit. This may be just it.

“And what would that be?”

I glimpsed up and looked into his eyes for a moment, before I continued staring at the floor.


For what?, I wondered, but it was no time to ask this. I knew that he didn’t like too many questions, they made him wonder if he was being trusted.

“Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about?” I asked.

“There is, actually. Why did two members miss practice yesterday evening? I was told one didn’t even show up, while the other had just left in the middle of it.”

I glanced up, shocked. He looked at me, no, he rather bore holes into my skull. I looked down again. My heart raced. I had tried not to think about it but I knew that they’d missed it, even before Yunho had said it. I guess I was supposed to be sorry about that but I really wasn’t. I knew they’d be awesome with one practice more or less.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’m not the assistant anymore, I was home early yesterday, too.”

“Ah, that’s right. It’s a pity, though, because I could always rely on you. Well, I’ll have to find out another way. You may go.”

I bowed and left. I walked and walked and got into my car. Then I breathed again.

This was torment and both he and I knew it.

Asking me about where they were… Did he know? But it didn’t even matter. He’d most likely just said that to get a reaction from me. And how did I react? Was that glance too much? Did I say “I know where they were” or did I just show surprise that they’d missed practice?

I texted Jaejoong.

He talked to me today. Asked me if I knew why you hadn’t been at practice.

I started to drive home, but just a few minutes later I got a reply.

What did you answer? What did you do?

I answered:

Said I didn’t know. I tried not do show much reaction but I couldn’t stop myself completely.

He wrote:

Okay, good. Let’s see what happens next.

Jaejoong?  I typed.

Yeah, he answered.

Don’t miss practice for me. It’s not worth it.

He didn’t answer that. And I couldn’t stop thinking about the boss. About the video shoot, about my role in everything.

Sleep didn’t come easy that night. Somehow, I was getting more confused about everything. I wondered more than once why it had to me be, why I had been ripped from my, kind of boring, but save und unexciting job. There was nothing on the line if you design a CD cover.

But never minding my wishes, morning came and I had to put on the shoes of Im Shinae, team leader of the promotions team, division TVXQ.


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Chapter 5: Ok
This can't stop here


adekct #2
Chapter 5: A new fan of ur stories! Praying hard that u will update on this fanfic! Its a tortureeeee not knowing what will happen next! :)