Their conversation

Unexpected Arrival

Jiyong was crying endlessly as he punched through the wall at the back of the church. He didn't mind if his fist were already bleeding. He just needed another pain to forget about his pain in the heart.


He stopped on his tracks when he saw Chaerin staring worriedly at him.


"Why are you here?" he asked her without any emotions on his face.

"I should be the one asking that. Why are you here? And what the hell are you doing? You should be with us right now, enjoying." she said.

"None of your business. You should be with him. Go now" he told her as he wiped the blood in his hands.

"None of my business? Of course it is! You're my bestfriend Jiyong. Why are you being like this? You should be supporting me! You should be happy for me. Don't act like a mess!"

"That's the reason why I'm like this. Because I'm your bestfriend. Only bestfriend! I know I promised you that I will support you in whatever decisions you make but I have my limitations too. I'm also a human. I have my own feelings. Please understand that."

"I thought you already agreed to this Ji. You promised me. You told me you'll support me on this. You told me you'll be happy for me. You told me you'll move on. You promised me you'll forget me-"

"But I can't!" he shouted. "You're the only one that I want. Just be thankful that I didn't ruined your wedding earlier. And remember? I didn't promise you anything. You're the one who made that promise. Chae, don't you have pity on me? I already suffered a lot. You are the reason why I'm like this. I already did my part in this. Walking you to your husband, that was already suicide for me. But your wish to forget you and be happy, that's too much too take." he paused for while, catching his breath. He didn't already know what he was saying. He's so hurt to think of things to say.

"I guess it's just right that you saw me in this state. So that you can see what you've done. You're a monster Lee Charin! You ruined my life!" she slapped him hard that made his head turn to the other side.


When he turned to her, he saw her crying. The words he said to her flooded his mind. He realized that he had hurt her. 


He reached for her face and wiped the tears off her cheeks.


"I...I'm sorry Chae. I didn't know what I was saying. I shouldn't have said those words. You're not a monster,I am. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he said, crying.

"I'll accept your apology if you'll promise me THIS TIME, that you will be alright and happy without me." she told him, smiling.

There was a long silence. He thought of it over and over again.

Then, he smiled weakly at her and said the words that she has been waiting for "I PROMISE."

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MeLoveKPOP #1
Chapter 1: Omg! this is interesting! ^^ They start as not liking each other.. This will go far dear!!!
DidiSkydragonLover #2
Chapter 1: omo chae don't do that to jiyong :/ He has feelings for you :/ I hope she realizes it and dumps who ever she's gettin married to. BTW good start :D Update soon :)