1:00 AM

Into the Night: Cinderella's Lie

Countless crimes throughout the year and not a single piece of evidence.

Now they had something. A small something but something.

Still, how could a simple flower catch a mastermind?


Kevin sat at Eli's desk twirling a pen, bored. Eli had gone to the Chief's office to talk about what he had found at the crime scene, but why couldn't he go in and listen? He had every right to be in that room too! Wasn't he hired as a consultant for this case?

"Whatever I guess..." he sighed finally putting the pen down. Kevin wasn't the type to be mad for so long over something so trivial. There were more important things to attend to.

The crime scene photos he took were scattered across the desk. There had to be something in these photos. They couldn't just rely on a flower to catch a criminal right? But Kevin couldn't see anything. Nothing stuck him as important.

He sighed and check the time: 12:30 AM.

"Already?" Kevin thought, "I hope I actually get some sleep... She's going to kill me if I'm late."

Another sigh escaped his mouth. A stressed-out Kevin began moving the pictures around on the desk before a flash of  caught his attention. He stopped moving the pictures. "How did this get here?" he muttered to himself.

It was the picture of the girl he saw at the crime scene. It must have gotten printed by accident somehow. Taking it from the pile, Kevin examined the girl in the photo. She wore a simple outfit; a white skirt, a denim jacket covering a purple shirt, a pair of sneakers, and a necklace around her neck. She looked around his age, maybe a little younger. Her emotions were so strong compared to everyone else...

"Did she know him?" Kevin came to conclude.

"Hey sorry for the wait." Eli came back with a Red Bull in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. "Seriously Eli? Red Bull?" Kevin joked, taking the coffee from his friend.

Eli laughed, "Yes Red Bull! But who's that girl?" he asked pointing to the picture Kevin held up.

"I don't know... I think she might have known Shinhyo though..." he answered. Kevin put the picture back down. "So... What's going on? Everyone seems extra excited..."

"The flower we found... It's a symbol of the Yeon Group."

Kevin tilted his head in confusion, "The 'Lotus" Group?" he repeated in English, "I've never heard of them."

Pulling out a file, Eli showed Kevin everything he had on the Yeon Group. "They're a new criminal organization that appeared about a year ago, maybe even before that."

"There's nothing here but a list and some pictures..." Kevin pointed out.

"That's because we have nothing." Eli sighed, "We don't even know if the group has a name. The only reason we call them the Yeon Group is because of the lotus they leave."

Kevin looked at the file more closely. Art gallery heists, stealing top secret information, a few fights with other gangs like the Kwan or Min. The list seemed to go on and on, but no suspect was ever officially named.

"So you have nothing on these guys? Just a flower?" Kevin asked to be sure. Eli nodded sadly. Kevin went on, "And with Shinhyo's murder, you think that they're getting to cocky..."

Not surprised at his friend's correct conclusion, Eli just nodded, "This one slip up could lead us to finding who these guys really are!" He pulled out his phone and checked the time, "It's almost 1 AM. You have another job tomorrow right? Come on, I'll drive you home."

Something wasn't right... Kevin didn't think that a group that seemed to pride itself on secrecy would do something like this. Still, he kept his thoughts to himself. He had too much on his mind right now and Eli was a great detective. Eli would figure it out eventually right?


"Yah! That hurt Himchan!" a young boy shouted as his 'hyung' cleaned the cut on his arm.

"It's your fault for being so careless..." another boy muttered, "How many times do we have to tell you to be more careful when were out on the streets?"

A deep voice shouted from the back of the room, "Zelo! Himchan! Wake the others up!"

Sensing that something was wrong, the two quickly bandaged Zelo's injury and ran to wake the others up.

"Ehh? I just went to sleep!" one mumbled frustrated. "Come on Daehyun!" Zelo pleaded, "Yongguk sounds really serious!"

His efforts were of no avail, Daehyun was fast asleep once again.

Youngjae yawned, "I'll wake him up..." He grabbed a water bottle next to his bed and dumped it all over the sleeping boy.


Yongguk walked into the room just as Jongup jumped out of bed from Daehyun scream. "Good, you're all up. Get dressed were going back to HQ."

Confused glances were exchanges between the five. It was almost 1:00... Whatever happened to the Midnight Rule? They could potentially be caught... Feeling the uncertainity in his group, Yongguk reminded them of what they owed to their Boss...

Each nodded, remembering how their Boss saved each of them. They remembered how they were brought into this new 'family' and how grateful they were for a second chance...

Zelo was the first to speak. He cleared his voice and smiled, "Well, let's not keep the Boss waiting!"


Strong or clever? Take your pick but you can't have both.

This was how the underground worked.

But why couldn't you have both?

Strike hard and strike smart.

This is how you survive without getting caught.


Sorry for the long wait! Hope I didn't disappoint with this chapter!

I hope you guys like B.A.P. cuz they're going to be appearing a lot :)

See you soon!

Don't forget to comment~!

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First chapter's finally up!


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rion_01 #1
Chapter 3: BAP's involved. Yay~ I wonder what are their roles in this fic. Some kind of gangsters that Eli and Kevin mentioned? They seem like they are at the end of the chapter~ Oh well, I guess I just have to wait for the next update^^ Thanks~ <3
rion_01 #2
Chapter 2: Awh, that's too bad >.< I wonder what happened to that guy. Nice chapter. Update whenever you can~! <3
Chapter 2: Really a big mystery. As I read the chapter, I began to wonder and be curious of who did it to Shinhyo... And I'm starting to have a guess. LOL. But I know that it's wrong HAHA.

Anyways, hope you update the fic soon. This is a nice fic that one should read...

P.S. I really like Kevin and his smile. Keke~ XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. I forgot that i subscribed to this story. Im so happy i did though^^ love it already. Please update soon, ill still be here :3
This is sooooooo interesting ._.
Updaaate sooonnnn!
Interesting...update soon~^^