11:45 PM

Into the Night: Cinderella's Lie

After everything they had been through, finding answers was the least she could do.

But there were just too many things left unsaid...


The girl ran from the crime scene in tears. Shock and sorrow overpowered her natural instinct to stay and make sure it really was him. It couldn't be him. He couldn't be dead. After everything they had been through together, there was no way he would leave her like this.

She tried to deny it, but deep down, she knew he was gone... Afterall, that was were they always met up...

Her legs gave way, causing her to fall to the ground. She wanted to get back up and keep running away, but her legs wouldn't allow her to keep going.

A cheerful melody rang out from her phone. It was her little sister.



Kongji? For a second, the girl had almost forgotten her own name... But how could she forget her own name?

"Kongji-unnie! Are you there?" the voice on the other end asked again, now more worried.

"I'm here Inhwa..." she choked out.

A sigh of relief, "Thank God, I thought that they might have..."

Kongji let out a chuckle. It was just like Inhwa to be so nervous... He was like that too...

"Inhwa... Shinhyo's dead."

"What? That's not- I mean he can't- You and Oppa were just talking 30 minutes ago!"

Was it only 30 minutes ago? Had she been  It felt like hours since they talked... Who knew it would be their last conversation...


Kongji spun around in her chair. "Sorry Oppa! I really wanted to pick you up at the airport!" The clock on the wall read 11:45. "I know it's your birthday, but I really can't leave!" Kongji started twirling the lotus pendent around her neck.

"15 more minutes right?" Shinhyo guessed.

"Sorry Oppa..."

His cheerful laugh rang through the speaker. "It's fine Kongji. Just don't be late!"

"Come on, why would I be late on our first date?" she joked.

Shinhyo laughed again,"But seriously, don't be late tonight okay? I have something to tell you."

"Can't you tell me now?" she pleaded.

"Don't be so impatient! Just don't be late okay? I'll be waiting outside at the usual place until you get here!"

"Oppa! It's freezing outside!" Kongji nagged, "You're going to get a cold!"

"Just another reason why you shouldn't be late!"

"Oppa!!!" she yelled again. Kongji tried to think of something to get him to stay inside, but gave up. "Just... stay safe..."

Shinhyo sighed sadly, "I should be the one telling you that... But I guess that's just another reason why I love you."

Love me? Kongji was speechless, she had hoped for years that he might like her as more than a friend, but love?

Back to his cheerful self, Shinhyo said "I'll hang up first okay? Bye!"

"Wait!" Kongji shouted when she finally found her voice, but she was too late. He had already hung up.

"I love you too..."


"Unnie? Are you okay?" Inhwa sounded like she was holding back tears as well.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Kongji gathered herself "Yeah. I'm fine."

Buring anger began to replace her sorrow. Someone she loved was taken from her. Someone was responible and that person had to  pay the price. Kongji wasn't the weak little girl she was the last time something like this happened. No. This time she could do something about it.

"Inhwa, call everyone back in." she commanded.

"But, it's past midnight. You'd be breaking your own rules!"

"Inhwa, please. This concerns them too."

There was no reply for a minute. "Okay. I'll send out an emergency notice. Stay safe Unnie."

"You too..."


The police station went into a frenzy.

Finally, they had something on this criminal mastermind taking over Seoul.

And it's all thanks to a flower.


So...  You've finally met the heroine of the story! ^^

What do you think of her so far?

Oh, and sorry if this chapter seemed a little cheesy... Hopefully it wasn't too bad...

Don't forget to comment!



P.S. I finally got a tumblr! Follow me if you want :P I still have no clue how tumblr works though....



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First chapter's finally up!


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rion_01 #1
Chapter 3: BAP's involved. Yay~ I wonder what are their roles in this fic. Some kind of gangsters that Eli and Kevin mentioned? They seem like they are at the end of the chapter~ Oh well, I guess I just have to wait for the next update^^ Thanks~ <3
rion_01 #2
Chapter 2: Awh, that's too bad >.< I wonder what happened to that guy. Nice chapter. Update whenever you can~! <3
Chapter 2: Really a big mystery. As I read the chapter, I began to wonder and be curious of who did it to Shinhyo... And I'm starting to have a guess. LOL. But I know that it's wrong HAHA.

Anyways, hope you update the fic soon. This is a nice fic that one should read...

P.S. I really like Kevin and his smile. Keke~ XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh. I forgot that i subscribed to this story. Im so happy i did though^^ love it already. Please update soon, ill still be here :3
This is sooooooo interesting ._.
Updaaate sooonnnn!
Interesting...update soon~^^