A Terrible Accident

I Want You Again... Badly

"Of all the places, why the Ferris Wheel?" Thunder groaned.

"It's the only ride we can be alone," Sandara sighed.

"How about your car?" Thunder suggested.

"People will stare at us," Sandara replied calmly. Thunder threw his hand up in the air.

"People are staring up at us!" Thunder shuted coldly.

"Ya, calm down!" Sandara scolded, "You're having temper issues, Thunder! What's wrong with you?" Thunder sighed heavily and gripped his fist tighter. He slowly gritted his teeth angrily. He really didn't want to see his sister right now. He wanted to go home, run into his room, and cry. He held his tears back, trying to be manly.

"Alright… what do you want to talk about, Noona?" Thunder asked, holding his anger back.

"You and your girlfriend," Sandara said.

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Thunder shouted.

"Oh, who cares if she's not, Thunder? What matters is that you love IU! You can't deny that!" Sandara shouted. 


"Are you sure this is okay?" IU whispered. The three 2NE1 members laughed and giggled, putting Park Bom's cell phone on speaker.

"Course it is, my dear! Aren't you interested of what Thunder thinks of you?" Park Bom asked, as IU blushed. Minzy giggled and pinched IU's stretchy cheeks.

"Aigoo~ You're adorable!" Minzy squealed.

"Even our maknae loves you," CL mumbled, rolling her eyes. They softened up, seeing the two little maknaes hugging and showering each other with love. Suddenly, the phone stopped ringing. The girls gasped; IU was the loudest to gasp. 

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Thunder shouted. IU raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh, who cares if she's not, Thunder? What matters is that you love IU! You can't deny that!" Sandara shouted. The atmosphere grew intense. No one spoke, even Thunder and Sandara didn't speak. For a second, the girls at home thought that Sandara had hung up the phone on them. They had planned to do some secret spying earlier: Sandara takes Thunder far away, Thunder confessed, IU hears the confession, replies to the confession by phone, and they live happily every after!

"Maybe I can't deny that," Thunder started slowly, "But I'm sure that I can avoid that subject." No, no, no! CL, Minzy, and Park Bom thought, biting their nails, Don't avoid the subject! Don't avoid that subject!!!

"Look, when you left, I saw what happened with IU and Lee Joon–"

"Don't you dare speak of that man's name," Thunder hissed.

"Don't you dare speak of that man's name," Thunder hissed. His eyes were dark and clouded. They were dark from talking about Lee Joon and IU, and they were clouded because tears were forming.

"Who cares about that guy's name? Look, I recorded everything on my secret watch video, see?" Sandara said, pulling up her sleeve. There on her wrist was a plain looking watch. Thunder yawned with boredom, as Sandara, clicked on something on the watch. Suddenly, a blurry video image appeared. When Thunder heard sounds, he raised his eyebrow in shock. He quickly stared at the watch, seeing what had happened earlier when he had ran away from the "kiss scene."

IU, who was shocked, listened extra carefully. Minzy, CL, and Park Bom exchanged sneaky glances, giggling silently constantly. They watched IU lean closer to the phone, even though it was loud enough already. IU wanted to make sure she got the exact information. Since when did Sandara unnie have a secret camera disguised as a watch? IU wondered. 

"Oh… so that's what happened," Thunder mumbled. They were not able to hear what the watch shown, but that didn't matter. What mattered at that moment to IU was what Thunder was saying.

"Yes! You see, they never got together! You just missed the most important event!" Sandara sighed, exaggerating her statements. Thunder was quiet, as Sandara continued to explain to Thunder about what had happened. 

"So…" Sandara finally finished, "What are your thought about IU now?" IU leaned forward, hearing things extra carefully. 

"I… I don't know," Thunder answered. IU was suddenly filled with rage. He doesn't know? IU thought, He doesn't know?!?! After all he heard, he doesn't know his own answer?

Quickly, IU picked up the phone.

"YA, THUNDER OPPA!" she screamed. Thunder seemed shocked when he stuttered IU's name. "LISTEN UP, OPPA! I know you might not 'know' you answer right now, but I'm going to be here for you no matter what, like we promise!"

Of course, IU thought, sighing as her daydreaming thoughts drifted away, I will never have the courage to pick up that phone and scream everything I want to say.

"I… I don't know," Thunder answered hesitantly. He looked away, the tears about to spill on the corner of his eyes. Sandara looked as furious as IU was.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Sandara asked, an anger mark appearing on her forehead.

"I mean, I want to fall in love with her, but I don't want to at the same time. W-What if I hurt her? What if IU and I fall in love and I hurt her like Lee Joon?" Thunder asked. Sandara just laughed and caressed her little brother's cheek. That was it. Thunder started to sob silently, as Sandara pulled him into a hug.

"Thunder… that will never happen because… You're not Lee Joon," his older sister smiled, caressing his hair. Thunder needed a tissue at that moment.

"N-Noona," Thunder sobbed, as the brotherly and sisterly moment began to develop.

"Well, then that's entirely your fault," Sandara blamed, examining her nails. The world seemed like it fell on Thunder. You could've said something more encouraging like my thoughts wanted you to say, Thunder thought lazily, sighing.

"Psh. This is one reason why I don't want to talk to you," Thunder frowned. Sandara raised an eyebrow, and smiled softly at her little brother.

"Thunder-ah, if you worry about love that much, warn IU about the consequences or something," Sandara said.

"What if she doesn't accept me?" Thunder asked worriedly.

"THUNDER OPPA!" a sudden voice interrupted. Thunder widened his eyes. He knew exactly who that voice belonged to. And right now, he feared to talk to her.

"I-IU?" Thunder stuttered, looking around. Sandara panicked. Darn it, IU! You weren't supposed to speak! Sandara thought, biting her lower lips. 

"THUNDER OPPA!" IU exclaimed, "I promise that I'll accept you! I promise that I'll be happy! I promise! I'll be your girlfriend!" Thunder was shocked, and he lowered his head. He stood silent for a few moment. Suddenly, he stood up. 

"Thunder…" Sandara started. Suddenly, Thunder kicked the wall. Sandara screamed.

"NOONA, HOW COULD YOU!?!?" Thunder shouted angrily, hot tears boiling down his cheeks. 

"I– I only wanted you to be with IU!" Sandara defended.

"YOU LET HER EAVES DROP! WHAT KIND OF SISTER ARE YOU!?!?" Thunder yelled, kicking the car. Sandara screamed, holding onto the car with her dear life. Accidentally, Thunder kicked the door opened, which caused him to unbalance.

"WOAH!" Thunder yelped loudly. The crowd down on the ground pointing at Thunder, who was about to fall. The whispered and gasped, some even screamed.

"THUNDER-AH!" Sandara screamed, extending her hand. Thunder was about to grab her hand until suddenly…

Their hands barely touched each other, and Thunder slipped. Thunder dropped his mouth. He couldn't believe that he was going to die. Besides, he was pretty high. Sandara looked out the window as tears strolled down her cheeks.

"THUNDER! THUNDER!!" Sandara shouted. Thunder looked shocked. Suddenly, a small smile appeared on his face. If I'm gone… If I die… then can't IU be with Lee Joon? I wouldn't be a distraction, then! he thought, still smiling like a fool.

"THUNDER! THUNDER!!" Sandara shouted. IU, Park Bom, Minzy, and CL looked shocked and pale. They waited for Sandara to say something. Quickly, Minzy grabbed the phone.

"Sandara unnie, Sandara unnie!" Minzy cried, "Unnie, speak to us!" The four waited for a reply from Sandara. Suddenly, the phone clicked. She had hung up. The two slowly stared at the screen, and then hung up as well. Just then, IU's cell phone started ringing. She had received a text message. Quickly, IU read it. She gasped, and dropped her phone, covering with both of her hands.

"W-What? IU, what happened?" Park Bom asked, worried. IU shook her head quickly.

"It's impossible… I-I won't believe it!" IU shouted, running towards the door. She burst the door opened, running away from the house. CL slowly bent down and picked up IU's phone. The screen was broken, but the phone was working. You could barely manage what the message wrote.

To: IU ^^

From: Sandara Unnie :D

Hospital. Thunder. Dead.

"That's all it says," CL mumbled. Her hand started to get all shaky. Another message popped up. CL opened it.

To: IU ^^

From: Sandara Unnie :D

Maybe. Have hope. 

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@FrancElLor: Haha, I almost forgot about this story! It would probably be one of my messiest writings, and I would probably try to rewrite it into a more realistic plot. :P
FrancElLor_13 #2
Chapter 23: awww so lovely..!!! Thunder and IU couple <3. . I really <3 it, it is so sweet. ..!!!! Great job author-nim! ^_^ ... Keep writing Thunder and IU stories ^_^
@Yoona_SONE: Haha, thanks! It's not my best fanfic, but I appreciate your compliment! ^^
@mydark-angel122: I'm glad you love it! Though it's not my best fanfic I've written here on AFF, I appreciate that you enjoyed it. ^_^
@animefreak39: Haha! Really? I ship anyone with IU, including Thunder. >.<
animefreak39 #5
Just finished it!! Its so totally CUUTE! And I'm a GIANT shipper of IU and Thunder so I was fangirling like every chapter XD
just finished reading your fanfic...
and i love it...!!!
@mira28: And thank YOU for reading the story! :D
mira28 #8
Love it and thanks<3<3
@simsimi092998: Thanks! :D