Meet Thunder

I Want You Again... Badly


“YA! YOU, COME HERE!” a stranger shouted, throwing a glass cup at IU. IU flinched, dodging the cup.

“Y-Yes sir?” IU asked in english.

“I asked for GREEN TEA! Not coffee! YOU SHOULD BE FIRED!” the customer shouted, slapping IU. IU closed her eyes tightly and apologized quickly.

“I’m sorry, sir. Your green tea will be here right away,” IU said quickly turning around.

“Forget it! I’m leaving,” the customer grumbled, slamming the door. IU sighed as she went behind the counter.

“Jieun, are you sure you can handle this? I mean, we can always go somewhere else and work,” Thunder, IU only friend, suggested. Jieun looked up with watery eyes and quickly shook her head.

“Ani, kwenchana. We’re fine!” IU exclaimed. Thunder was the only Korean friend she had in America. Technically, he was her only friend.


Flash Back:

“Omo, Lee Joon oppa, where is he?” Jieun wondered aloud as she stared at the clock. It read 11:00 P.M. Jieun was getting sleepy. Nevertheless, she sat on the bench she was waiting at, waiting for Lee Joon to come. She remembered that they had left at 6:00 P.M 2 days ago. Where could he be? Jieun wondered.

“Attention plane riders! The plane from Korea that is supposed to land in 5 minutes has been canceled! They weather had gone wacky, and they are heading back to Korea. We are expecting that the plane will arrive here tomorrow in the morning! Thank you for being patient!” the announcer announced. Jieun opened widely, wondering how Lee Joon could’ve been 2 days late. She sobbed quietly to herself, waiting for her boyfriend to arrive. 

“Um, ma’am?” someone said, shaking Jieun. Jieun yelped as she turned around. There stood a handsome Asian man with black hair. She gulped nervously.

“Are you okay?” the man asked. Jieun bit her lower lips. I don’t speak any English! Lee Joon told me that I don’t need to learn English since he was coming! Jieun thought nervously.

“Um. I speak no english,” Jieun said, as the man laughed. Jieun knew that she used the wrong grammar error.

“That’s fine,” the man said Korean, “You do speak Korean, right?”

“Omo! Neh, I do! How nice to see someone speak another language besides English!” Jieun exclaimed happily.

“So what’s your name?” the man chuckled, “I’m Thunder.”

“Thunder?” Jieun asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, my friends call me Thunder, so yeah,” Thunder said, sticking out his tongue, “Sounds silly, right?”

“No... I think that sounds fine,” Jieun smiled, “I’m Lee Jieun.”

“Lee Jieun... Huh, it sounds nice. It fits you,” Thunder smiled, “But I’m sure we can come up with a better name.”

“Eh? But I like my name,” Jieun said quietly.

“Well, let’s make it a nick name. How about IU?” Thunder asked. Jieun quietly mouthed the new name to herself and smiled brightly.

“I love that nick name!” Jieun giggled happily.

“Great! So... why were you crying?” Thunder asked.

“I can’t find my boyfriend! I’ve been sitting on this spot for more than 9 hours!” IU cried, tears flowing down her cheeks.

“9 hours? Hm... seems like your boyfriend isn’t coming back,” Thunder mumbled.

“What did you say?” IU asked.

“I mean, have you ever heard those stories where a couple goes and run away from their parents. Then, one of them ditches the other, leaving the one who was ditched hopeless,” Thunder explained, scratching the back of his head. IU stared at Thunder in disbelief. Lee Joon oppa won’t do such a thing, would he? IU wondered. Suddenly, more tears flowed down her cheeks.

“B-But he has the suitcase full of money! There were more than a million dollars in there!” IU cried.

“Exactly why he ditched you. He wanted you’re money,” Thunder said. IU cried louder and louder by the minute, thinking about what Thunder had said.

“I can’t live in America! I can’t speak their language, I can’t find my way anywhere, and I can’t buy anything without money!” IU cried.

“Sh, sh! Y-Ya, everyone is staring! Sh!” Thunder whispered, fake laughing as the tired people stared at IU and Thunder strangely. “Don’t worry, IU! I’ll take care of you!” IU immediately stopped crying and looked up at Thunder.

“Jinja? Really? You promise?” IU asked, holding her pinky up. Thunder smiled gently at IU, locking her pinky with his.

“I promise,” Thunder assured.

End of Flash Back


Yeah, Thunder oppa is a good friend, IU thought happily, My only good friend. As long as I trust him and he keeps his promise, no one can hurt me at all. No one.

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@FrancElLor: Haha, I almost forgot about this story! It would probably be one of my messiest writings, and I would probably try to rewrite it into a more realistic plot. :P
FrancElLor_13 #2
Chapter 23: awww so lovely..!!! Thunder and IU couple <3. . I really <3 it, it is so sweet. ..!!!! Great job author-nim! ^_^ ... Keep writing Thunder and IU stories ^_^
@Yoona_SONE: Haha, thanks! It's not my best fanfic, but I appreciate your compliment! ^^
@mydark-angel122: I'm glad you love it! Though it's not my best fanfic I've written here on AFF, I appreciate that you enjoyed it. ^_^
@animefreak39: Haha! Really? I ship anyone with IU, including Thunder. >.<
animefreak39 #5
Just finished it!! Its so totally CUUTE! And I'm a GIANT shipper of IU and Thunder so I was fangirling like every chapter XD
just finished reading your fanfic...
and i love it...!!!
@mira28: And thank YOU for reading the story! :D
mira28 #8
Love it and thanks<3<3
@simsimi092998: Thanks! :D