Torn with Confusion

Jaejoong the

As the night drew along, Yunho, Ara, Jaejoong, and all the people in the palace felt drowsiness hit them like a rock. They danced, they ate, they sang, they performed; there was nothing left to do. It was well past the middle of the night and King Sejong was beginning to complain about his old joints giving way. Ara knew it was time to quit while he was still decently composed.


She walked up to Yunho and whispered to him, “I think it is time for us to leave now.”


Yunho took her by the arm and led both her and King Sejong outside. As they said their good-byes, the driver hesitantly approached King Sejong. “S-sir, Your Highness, um… well, one of the wheels has a crack in it and we need to repair it so we can have a safe journey. Everyone in town is asleep and the craftsmen here ran out of wood today.”


King Sejong eyed the driver, glaring unforgivingly. “Where shall we sleep then? Certainly not in the carriage.”


“You can stay here for the night.” Yunho smiled and offered his palace as a home to his noble guests. “I have quite a few extra rooms that need some extra attention. I hardly get overnight visitors.”


It looked like her father was going to object, so Ara piped up quickly, “That would be wonderful! I will be able to understand what it feels like living here. Do you not think this is a wonderful chance, father?” She looked at him with encouraging eyes.


King Sejong sighed. “If we have no other place to stay, then we shall sleep here for the night.”


Jaejoong breathed lightly, nodding off. The moon was silent tonight. It did not have its usual glimmer, nor did it seem as large as usual. It seemed boring for once, and Jaejoong needed something to keep him awake until all the fuss in the palace died down so he could escape from the prison he had to call home. He did not hate being there because of Yunho; he hated being there because of the feelings he had for him. He never intended to fall in love with a prince; he had his own back home. Speaking of, he would see Siwon first thing when he got back.


He heard voices pass his room which he did not recognize, but knew, somehow, they were Ara’s and her father’s. He sneered at them. Soon after, Yunho’s shuffles came back, along with a yawn, and he heard him slide his door open and shut, finally getting to bed. Jaejoong sighed. He did not want to do this for the sake of a happy future, but he had to for the happiness of the present. He did not want to suffer now and regret it later. He always wanted to be happy, and if running away every now and then was what it took, then that was what he would do.


As he gathered everything he thought he needed and wanted (which included expensive items to help pay his family’s debt back home), he placed them in the sheets that were on his bed. He tied it into a knot so nothing would fall out. Opening the window, he looked back one last time. Was this really the smartest choice? He did not care. He threw his leg over the window sill and was about to sling his other one out when he heard a voice behind him.


“What have I done wrong?”


Jaejoong bit his lip. “Nothing.”


Yunho took a seat on the floor, his legs crossed. “If I have not done wrong, then why are you leaving?”


“Why do you just barge into my room like that?” Jaejoong blurted out, pulling his leg back inside the window.


“I wish to see my queen. Is there something wrong with that?” He tilted his head in such an innocent way that it made Jaejoong question if this was really the man he had slept with twice already.


Jaejoong ground his teeth together and scoffed. “Of course. You do not have a queen anyway, so why keep speaking of her? There is only me and I am a man! Why must my gender be an issue? Why can the masses not realize that there is nothing wrong with what we do and that you should be allowed to be with who you wish because you are the king, not them?”


Yunho stared at Jaejoong as he saw a few tear drops fall down his face. He lowered his head and smiled softly. “I did not think you cared for my well-being that much.”


Jaejoong jerked his head up. He blushed madly, not realizing that he had revealed his true worries to Yunho. “So? I am human and so are you. I have the right to care about who I want and what I want and so do you.” He gathered the blanket again and this time managed the swing both his legs out the window, hopping onto the ground.


Yunho jumped up and ran toward the window. “Jaejoong, wait!” He almost did not follow him, but chose to anyway, ripping a strand of his clothes on a thorn bush. He grabbed the bag from Jaejoong, earning a glare. “Jaejoong, if it means that much to you, I am willing to tell everyone about you and will give up my throne to be with you.”


Jaejoong, awestruck, stared at the king. “You… would do that for me?”


Yunho nodded with a kind smile gracing his lips. “I do not have any reason why I could not.”


“What about Princess Ara?” He bit his lip and looked away, her tongue leaving a bad taste on his lips.


“Forget about her,” Yunho growled in an almost-inaudible voice. “She is not interested in me and I am certainly not interested in her.” After fixing his tone to be softer, Yunho set the blanket down and approached Jaejoong slowly. “So, will you stay with me, Jaejoong?”


Jaejoong looked up at Yunho, holding back the tears. He was so confused with himself. One moment he wanted to go back to the familiar hell he called home, and the next second he wanted to stay at the palace with Yunho to live their lives together. At home he would be put in physical pain once more, but at the palace, Yunho would never let anyone hurt him. Even so, Jaejoong missed his mother and siblings. He needed to see them. He was torn in his decision, but he figured out a plan that might just work to his advantage. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck and hid his face in his shoulder. “I am confused, Yunho.”


Yunho rubbed Jaejoong’s back soothingly. “I will fix everything, Jaejoong. I promise.”


From there, Yunho spent his first night in Jaejoong’s room. They laid in each other’s arms, comfort radiating from the other like the sun with the earth. Thoughts of Ara and King Sejong left both of their minds as they tried to focus on making each other happy. That was all they wanted in the end: for the other to be rid of his personal demons and to just enjoy his time living his life.

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200 subscribers. Wtaf. I am almost in tears. Brb crying. You all are awesome. I will make this story the best you've ever read, I promise. ;u;


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Chapter 9: Jaejoong just needed to feel secure. If Yunho can offer him a life together, they will be happy.
Chapter 4: I guess Jaejoong will be in trouble. Would Yunho be able to protect him?
Chapter 3: My, my! Yunho did a good job eventually. :)
And Jaejoong... why Siwon? I don't like Siwon.
Chapter 1: Oh, my! Big surprise for Yunho. But the description fits, right? His fault.
Kattan69 #5
Chapter 9: So they are back together again....just hope Yunho explains that he is married to other King.
yunjaemrcnn #6
Chapter 9: Welcome back! And thank you for the update
samirajoon #7
Chapter 7: yunho was the one who wanted jae in first place and now he acts like jae is a burden to him
samirajoon #8
Chapter 6: i hate that bastard king. and ara also... and yunho for not support jae
samirajoon #9
Chapter 5: poor jae.yunho doesn't there for you. what a bad husband he is
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Chapter 4: jerk yunho. why you want jae to be hidden?