The Delay


A story about how an average girl gets the chance to meet BigBang due to a snowstom that delays their flight. You and Jiyong.


Chapter 1 has the Character descriptions!!!

Hello, my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy the recnent update to my story ^^ Comments are LOVED!


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cutinemo97 #1
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAH SO FUNNY! :D Update soon! I liked the part where she threatened Jung Hoon SWEETLY. Lol, super crafty of her :)
Makhani #2
Chapter 2: Looking forward to reading more! ^^
cuzimablonde #3
@cutinemo97: I'm glad you liked it. I had fun writing that chapter because JungHoon is my real donsaeng and he acts just like that.
cutinemo97 #4
Chapter 3: Nice:) for four hours of sleep this is good stuff
cuzimablonde #5
You guys have made my day with comments and subscriptions that I've decided to try and write the next chapter!!!!
kkemc99 #6
Chapter 1: This is gonna be good!!!
takaky #7
interesting , im waiting for your update