Chapter 34

The Night Sun



Yongguk fought hard to stay conscious and alive. He could feel his body slowly shutting down with every second passed. He was having difficulty opening his eyes but he had to because once he closed it, he would be gone. The breaths he took were short and dreadful.

“Come on Yongguk, please don’t die ~”

“Hyung, please wake up ~”

He could hear people calling out his name but his vision was just blurry and messy. He wanted to tell them that he was feeling fine but everything was just not going his way. His lips were tightly shut and arms were firmly rooted beside him. He couldn’t respond to any of their calls.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, everything just went spiralling down. His body turned cold, his lips slowly turning blue and his face lost its colour. Tried as he might, he could no longer breathe. The lack of oxygen into his lungs was making it impossible for him to hold on.

That was it, he thought. He was going to die.

His eyes slowly closed and his head tilted and fell to the side.




“Bang Yongguk sshi ~ Bang Yongguk sshi ~” A sweet voice kept echoing inhis head. He thought he was just hearing things but when he felt someone tugging his arms, he slowly opened his eyes.

He was greeted with a vast land of greenery. He didn’t know exactly where he was at. He turned his head and saw the girl who had been calling out his name.


She flashed the brightest smile and said. “I thought you were going to sleep forever ~”

“Where am I?” He asked.

“You are in my dream, our dream ~ wait I’m not even sure.” She replied and ruffled his hair cheekily when she noticed how confused he was. She was as confused as him but at least she got used to it.

He melted seeing her sparkling eyes. She seemed fine and healthy. Even though it was only just a dream, he felt relieved. “Why am I here?” He suddenly asked.

She stood up and walked in front. Impulsively, he stood up as well and followed her. They walked for several seconds until a huge hole could be seen in the ground. Yongguk didn’t know how deep the hole was but it was definitely very deep. She pointed it and said. “You were about to fall in here but ~” She stopped and looked up at him with a pair of adorable eyes. Once again, Yongguk was not focussing on what she had just said. “But I saved you.” She added sweetly.

“What’s inside?” He asked and turned his head to see the never ending hole.

“Well, I don’t know but there was once when I almost fell in.”

“Really, then what happened?” He asked curiously.

She looked down and tried to recall. “Someone pulled me up and I landed on this vast green space. Then, I noticed a couple walking away. I think they were my parents.” She said casually. “Come on; let’s not stand near this thing.” She pulled his hand.

Yongguk felt his stomach churning nervously when her hand touched his. That was the first time they held hands, it felt so warm. It felt so real. He had to constantly remind himself that everything was just a dream. Yet, he prayed never to wake up.

They walked back to where they were first at and sat at the two rocks. There was a brief silence and all he could hear is her gentle breathing. Her breathing was definitely music in his ears. It was like a lullaby; peaceful and soothing. The only music he wanted to listen forever.

He tilted his head and gazed at her beautiful face. “Are you okay?”

She nodded and turned to him. “Thank you, Yongguk sshi.”

“Thank you?”

She smiled and explained. “If it wasn’t for you, I’ll probably be down the hole. So, thank you!” She went to give a hug and squeezed him tightly.

Yongguk could smell her hair and slowly, he stoked her back and embraced the hug. “I want to thank you too.” He whispered.

She pulled apart from him and stared, puzzled by him. “What for?”

“For saving me, silly ~” He ruffled her hair.

She giggled. “Oh yeah, so we’re even I guess.”

They were still wrapping their arms around each other. Yongguk didn’t want to let go. He really wished this wasn’t just a dream. Softly, he gathered all the courage and whispered in her ear. “Lyorin, I love you.”

Lyorin heard him. She pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks lovingly. “Yongguk sshi ~”

“Oppa, please call me oppa.” He pleaded.

She smiled and finally agreed. “Yongguk oppa, I’m really thankful for your feelings but ~”

Suddenly, Yongguk began to quiver and shake. “What’s happening?” He asked, seemingly panicked.

However, she was calm and flashed a sweet smile. “You’re going to be awake soon.”

“Then, aren’t you going to wake up as well?”

She shook her head. “I guess I need more rest.”

“B-b-but ~” He stuttered unable to finish his sentence when he found himself slowly fading away. Yes, he wanted to wake up but the dream was perfect. He wished he could have stayed longer or at least listened to her reply. She didn’t even get the chance to give answer to his confession.

Still, he prayed that at least he received the answer that he desired.




 “Hyung, should we inform EXO?” Zelo asked as he walked to and fro the living room. Himchan scratched his head, trying to come up with the best decision since Yongguk was still recovering and he was the second in line. Yongguk gave the rest of s a real scare when he stopped breathing but after several seconds they managed to revive him back. It was definitely a nerve wrecking moment. Hyomin was already wailing when she thought she had lost him. Thankfully, he survived.

He had to.

 Lyorin, on the other hand, was in Yongguk’s bed, unconscious and yet to wake up. It was already 8 at night and it didn’t look like she was going to wake up anytime soon, especially after getting badly injured.

Jongup stood up and added. “Yea Himchan hyung, I think we should at least tell them she’s safe. If they’re to find out that she’s here, they’re probably attack us quite unnecessarily.”

“Aish, let me think okay?” Himchan shot. He paced back and forth and finally came to a decision. “Alright, we shall ~”

“Yongguk is looking for you guys!” Hyomin’s yell interrupted their discussion.

They scrambled to the room that he was in and the members crowded around a very weak Yongguk who had woken up. Their leader looked very exhausted and frail. He struggled to sit up and winced whenever he accidentally touched his wounds that weren’t healed.

After getting himself comfortable, he stared at each of s. “How is Lyorin?” He asked.

“Hyung, she’s still resting and hasn’t woken up but she’s fine. The healers are constantly checking on her.” Zelo answered and went to sit beside Yongguk on the bed.

“Hyung, are you feeling better?” Youngjae asked.

Yongguk nodded and smiled weakly. He recalled the encounter he had with Lyorin in his dream. Despite the stinging pain, he was relatively feeling happy.

Himchan then went on to ask. “Yongguk, we were in the midst of discussion whether to inform EXO about Lyorin. What do you think?”

The mention of EXO made Yongguk uneasy. As much as he didn’t want to be affiliated with them, the girl in his room was still their Star and it would be wrong for BAP to keep her, in a way.

“Pass me a phone, I’ll call them ~” The members followed his order.


Back in EXO’s mansion, everyone was doing their own set of activities. They were aware that Lyorin was still out but they didn’t suspect anything amiss. They believed she was going to get the groceries and will come back soon. It had been 3 hours since she left. D.O was restless but he didn’t show it to s. Kai was not feeling too good either. Yet, they didn’t want to think too much and hope she was okay.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Quickly, Kris answered it since he was sitting just right beside.

“Hello?” He spoke in his deep voice.

Momentarily, everyone was silence including Kris who seemed to be listening to the caller.

Luhan suddenly got up from his seat and blurted. “It’s Yongguk!”

Everyone instantly tensed at the mention of his name. Kai walked to Kris and stared at his leader’s serious face. The members were making so much noise that Kris grunted, “Can you guys be quiet?”

Kris kept on with his poker face as he listened to the phone. “Okay, we’ll go there. Are you sure she’s fine or else ~”

He nodded and then put down the phone.

“Lyorin is at BAP’s residence.” He reported to the rest. “We’re going there now.”

Kai was about to take away when Kris held him. “Don’t go on your own. We need to do this together.” He advised.




The air in Yongguk’s room where Lyorin was resting was so intense, definitely not for the faint-hearted. All 12 of EXO and all 6 of BAP gathered in one room after their separation for the first time in history. This never happened and it was not something that should be taken lightly. They tried their best to remain calm and compose, never once used their powers. It was really hard considering both of them had been enemies for years. The thought of being the in the same room was just impossible but they were willing to put away their pride and ego just for a girl, just for Lyorin.

She was the connector for both of them. She was their only hope for their unification, if they ever wanted to unite in the first place. Putting aside everything else, both groups knew they needed each other be stronger like how they used to be in the past. It was a mistake made by their ancestors but Lyorin was born to correct this mistake and set everything back in place. It was only up to them to fix things and used her against their new found enemies.

Kai stayed beside Lyorin, clasping her hand tightly and brushing the strands of hair on her forehead. Yongguk was at the other side, watching Kai enviously.

The silence became too unbearable that Suho stepped forward and started. “What happened to her?”

Himchan cleared his throat before answering his question. “We were attacked by a group of men with powers.”

“These men seemed to be searching for Lyorin.” Daehyun added.

“We have never seen them before but they were definitely not from any of the clans under the fraternity.” Zelo continued.

Sehun chimed in. “Used to be fraternity. We are no longer together.” He corrected.

Being the youngest, his emotions tend to get the better of him. He wasn’t going to be friendly and feel indebted to them just because they saved Lyorin. He wasn’t someone who could easily accept anyone. However, he was quickly reprimanded by his own members.

“Oh Sehun ~” Tao glared and asked him to keep his thoughts to himself.

Yongguk turned and looked at EXO. “Yes, you are absolutely correct. We are no longer under the same fraternity. We are enemies and by right, we shouldn’t be talking like this but ~” He stopped to look at Lyorin’s serene sleeping face. “What belongs to you is also a part of us. Lyorin, I’m pretty sure you guys are aware that she was born in this world for a sole purpose, and that is to unite BAP and EXO. If you guys have noticed, her symbol at the back of her neck, it’s different. Don’t you think it looks more like a Sun than a Star?”

“I knew it! There is something different about her symbol and now that you mentioned it, it does look like a Sun. Besides, there are two 6-pointed stars combined into 1.” Chen stepped up and actually agreed with Yongguk.

“And that 6-pointed star represents us.” Jongup said.

“No, it is not. EXO is made up of two groups and that 6 pointed-star belongs to us.” Sehun retorted.

“But why must it be drawn in to two when you guys together?” Zelo stared at Sehun.

Kris stepped forward and stopped everyone. “Okay okay stop analysing her symbol and what not.” Then he turned at Yongguk and questioned. “So, what are you trying to convey by telling us that her symbol looks more like a Sun instead?”

“Seek the Sun ~”

“For it shines as the brightest Star.” Suho continued the phrase from Yongguk.

Everyone’s eyes widened after listening to the excerpt from the sacred Book of Fate. It suddenly rang a bell in their head and they realised Lyorin was more than just a Star.

Suddenly, their attention was disrupted when Lyorin jolted awake and sat up. Tears fell across her cheeks as she cried. She looked and saw Kai and Yongguk beside her. Her arms instinctively went to Kai and hugged him tightly.

“Kai ~ Kai ~” She sobbed.

Kai held on to her tightly and her back. “It’s okay Lyorin. Everything is fine now ~” He whispered. He patted her back gently, as though he was coaxing a baby who had just woken up from a terrible nightmare.

Yongguk watched as they hugged closely. His heart felt like it was stabbed quite harshly. He knew right away Lyorin’s answer to his confession even without the need for her to tell him.


(To be continued)


Awwww... Yongguk, don't be sad......... 



SHINee is coming BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK!! Yep, SHINee is actually the bias of all my biases. LOL! Any shawols here, put your hands up with me!

Okay bye!

P.S: Keybum's freckles..... I'M CRY TT__________TT



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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh