Chapter 33

The Night Sun



“Do you know about ~” Lyorin gulped. Slowly, she turned her body so that she could face Yongguk. Still sitting on the bench, they kept quiet for a while because both of them weren’t sure what to start. After inhaling a deep breath, she continued. “Do you know about my mother?”

Yongguk had been looking down, trying his best to avoid the eye contact with her. He didn’t know what or how to answer. Of course, he knew about her mother. He had listened to the tape and he was sure that she had listened to it as well.

Earning no response, Lyorin moved closer to him and lifted her hand to touch his. “Please tell me the truth.” She spoke.

Her soft touch and her soothing voice; everything was making him crazy. His heartbeat accelerated and his emotions were running wild. He hated being weak but she was the only girl who would make him weak without even trying. Slowly, he tilted his head and faced her bravely.

“Yes, I know about your mother.” He said.

Momentarily, there was silence. She recalled everything that Yongguk had done for her.

“When did you know?”

“Just recently ~” He replied.

She frowned. “Only recently? But it seems like you know about it right from the start. I mean ~” She stopped for a brief second. “You were nice to me, protected me even when I was mean to you.”

“I-I-I” He stuttered trying to find the right words to say.

However, before he could reply a loud crash sound came out of nowhere.

Instinctively, Yongguk stood up and yelled at her.





Yongguk reached out for his phone and pressed the red button. It was a special one which was designed to alert the rest of s if there was any danger. He never thought he would use that button at the presence of someone; Lyorin. He prayed he wouldn’t have to use it but it seemed like his prayer didn’t work. When the park became silent out of a sudden, his sense told him something was not quite right.

True enough, five guys appeared before him. Impulsively, he pushed Lyorin away and ordered her to run. He saw the fear in her eyes. He wanted to erase it away immediately. Everything would be just fine. He promised.

She ran quickly as ordered, deeper into the park where only tall trees occupied the area. It was dangerous for a girl to be running into the forest but it was more dangerous for her to stay with him.

After alerting s, he didn’t waste any more time. There was nothing to be said. These guys definitely weren’t just random guys who happened to pass by the park. They were obviously there for Lyorin. Without exchanging any words, Yongguk pounced on one of them.


Yongguk shivered when he heard one of the guys yelled and saw two of them running to the direction where Lyorin was going as well. He wished s can come fast. He grabbed a guy’s neck and lifted him up. The guy struggled to break free from his strong grip. One of them took out a poisonous whip and started lashing Yongguk’s back. His back sore almost instantly and he could feel the venom seeping into his bloodstream. His vision turned blurry and his energy was depleting but he wasn’t going to lose. He gathered every ounce of strength he had, combined with his powers he the guy’s soul until his lips turned blue. He killed just one but there were still more. Worst, he hasn’t fully healed from his previous injuries. Plus the venom was spreading fast.

“Yongguk hyung!”

Finally he heard Zelo’s voice and knew right away s had arrived. The truck stopped and quickly the four of them hopped out and charged the guys. Youngjae arrived slightly ahead of them due to his speed. He went to take down the guy who was whipping Yongguk’s mercilessly.

Soon, the scene became chaotic and bloody. Yes, it had become a battle ground. Himchan took out his gun and put his ability into use but of course nothing came easy when these guys weren’t ordinary to begin with. They swiftly dodged the bullets making Himchan even more frustrated. However, he wasn’t going to give up so easily. He aimed and eventually killed one of them.

Yongguk scanned the battle and confirmed that s could handle the two men, he then ran for Lyorin. He prayed hard that the guys didn’t catch up with her.


Lyorin ran all her might deeper into the forest, watching the ground and making sure she didn’t trip on to one of those thick roots. She reached for her watch to press the button that would alert EXO but once again, luck wasn’t on her side when one of the guys grabbed her small wrist.

“Not so fast gorgeous ~” He smirked and dragged her away forcefully.

He then pushed her hard and she was thrown like a rag doll a few metres away. Her back hit against a tree trunk. It wasn’t just a mere push. She was basically thrown against the tree and the impact was as great as falling down from a few storeys high. The pain was unbearable that she started to weep, struggling to get back up on her feet. Her back was definitely in a wreck.

Yongguk was fast enough to prevent the guy from attacking her again. He took a quick glance at her who was on the ground, wincing in pain.

“Come on Lyorin, get up ~” He whispered under his breath.

Then, he turned his attention back on the guy who just hurt her. He threw punches and kicks but the guy didn’t seem to weaken or falter. Instead, the guy pushed Yongguk effortlessly and he was thrown up in the air before landing on the ground with a loud thud. Yongguk clenched his fists tightly bearing the immense pain from the fall. If he was having a hard time enduring the hit, it was probably worst for Lyorin. Still on the ground, he turned his head to see her wincing and lying with a distress expression. His eyes then went to the same guy who just hit him. The guy was going for Lyorin. He pulled her by the hair and reached for her neck.

“ ~” He cursed.

Yongguk struggled back up on his feet despite the agonizing pain and lunged for the guy before he could inflict anymore harm on her. He shoved him hard and forced his hand away from her fragile thin neck. There were already red finger marks on her neck but luckily, she was still breathing that was the only thing that relieved his mind. The guy let go off her and swiftly Yongguk caught her waist before she could fall to the ground.

“Lyorin, Lyorin ~” He called panicky.

Her eyes were half-opened and he could see that she was fighting really hard to bear the excruciating pain. He cupped her face tenderly and gently brought her to lie on the ground. But the peace didn’t last long; the guy took the opportunity to attack her when Yongguk was unaware.

He was about to land his lethal punch at her when Yongguk became alerted and immediately shielded her using his body. He received the powerful punch instead and he yelled out loud due to the hit. His shirt turned red from the blood that was oozing out from his wounds. Despite the torturous and stinging pain, he was still conscious. He was just glad it was him who took the blow and not her because she would not have survived.

Thankfully, s managed to settle the two men quickly and were on their way to help him. Youngjae went straight for the guy and grabbed his torso. He pushed him against a tree while Daehyun quickly pulled out his knife and pierced it straight through his heart. The last guy was easily tackled down by Jongup and then Himchan finished him off by planting the bullet across his head.

Yongguk’s eyes were only fixed on Lyorin. He knelt on his knees and lightly tapped her cheeks so that she would remain awake. “Lyorin, come on wake up. Don’t close your eyes please ~” He begged.

The rest of BAP gathered and crowded around. Their hearts wrenched seeing her in excruciating pain. Before this, they would probably feel nothing for her but now, after knowing who she was, they wouldn’t think twice about sacrificing their lives for the same girl.

“It’s p-painful ~” She winced.

Yongguk her forehead hoping it would at least calm her down and reduce the pain. “Bear with it for a while, I’ll get you safe.”

Himchan stepped forward and held onto the leader’s shoulders. “Yongguk, bring her back. We will take care of the mess here.” His heart sank when he saw her struggling. He hated her so much before but now his only wish was for her to get better soon.

“Lyorin, listen to me. I want you to stay awake.” He said to her gently. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then whispered. “You will get better, I promise.”

Swiftly, he picked her up in his arms and walked to their truck.

Meanwhile, the rest of BAP went to carry on their task. “Jongup, bring the guys and gather them in one spot!” Himchan instructed, taking control while his leader had other more imp0rtant matter to attend.


Zelo started the truck engine and went behind the wheel. Yongguk was careful not to cause more harm by being gently when he carrying her. Yet, she was tossing and her head kept shaking, obviously in so much pain. Once he reached the truck, he brought her to the back seats and lay her head on his lap.

"Zelo, go!" He ordered the maknae and instantly the truck roared and sped away.

Yongguk wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of his hand. He her cheeks lightly hoping it would erase the pain away. However, her face creased and she was squeezing his hand tightly.

"It-it's p-p-painful ~" She mumbled, half consciously.

When her eyes began to close slowly, he tapped her cheeks making sure she stayed awake. "Lyorin, don't close your eyes." Her head slowly fell to the side, going against his words. "Come on, stay with me." He panicked.

Zelo stepped on the accelerator. "Noona, please wake up." He pleaded.

Yongguk looked at the maknae. That was the first time he heard him addressing Lyorin as a noona. It soften his heart knowing that s had finally accepted her. They had to because she was a part of them, even if it's just half.

The truck braked and stopped in front of BAP’s huge mansion. Frantically, Zelo jumped out of it and opened the door for Yongguk. He watched as his leader, who was already badly injured himself, carried Lyorin effortlessly and then dashed inside the house.

Pushing the door forcefully, Yongguk summoned all the healers. “I NEED THE HEALERS NOW!” Zelo pushed all the things that were on the long dining table so that Yongguk could place Lyorin on it and let the healers do the necessary. After doing so, he ran for the healers who seemed to be at daze as to what just happened. He dragged all of them and didn’t even bother to waste any time in explaining. Every second was precious.

Yongguk gently placed Lyorin on the table and lightly tapped her cheeks. “Lyorin, hang in there sweetie ~” He held her hand in his and kissed it. His heart was beating so fast because he was afraid of losing her.

The commotion didn’t just attract the healers, Hyomin and some the girls staying in the house gathered as well. Instantly she knew who the new girl was when she saw Yongguk kneeling beside her; that same girl who snatched him away from her. She was about to throw a fit and be angry but when she saw how the girl was struggling to fight for her life; she decided to let the matter go. Furthermore, when she noticed Yongguk was crying for someone for the first time, she realised there was really no love between them anymore. That girl was his life right now

One of the healers came and then stared at Lyorin. He was hesitant to examine or even touch her because they didn’t know who she was. Besides the healers were only tasked to take care of BAP and not any other random people. “Who is she?” He asked while the rest of them stayed away, being cautious around the new ‘intruder’.

Yongguk straightened his back and spoke. “Just do your job and heal her.” Even after his command, the healers were still quite reluctant. Furiously, he grabbed the neck of one of the healers and gripped it. “DO IT NOW!” He yelled.

Frantically, the healers sprang into action. They spread their medical equipment and began to check on her. Meanwhile, the rest of BAP came into the house and immediately they watched. Her breathing was slow and her head was tilted to the side. Yongguk never once let off her hand. He squeezed it tightly and prayed she would get better.

After several minutes, one of them reported. “Her injuries are really bad. She fractured her spine and if she moves, it might be fatal.”

“Use the antidote on her ~” Daehyun said.

The healer gave him a doubtful look. “Master Daehyun, we only have one bottle of antidote left. The next batch of it will only be ready in three months. If we use it for this stranger ~”

“She’s not a stranger.” Jongup interrupted.

The special antidote was used to heal the injuries of the chosen ones. This antidote can heal any sort of injuries and it was specially made only for the chosen ones because they were the priority. Now, the house had only one bottle left and they could only get new ones in three months, meaning if any of BAP members were to get into any serious injuries within these few months, then they would have no medicine to save them. This was a huge risk considering that they would be in the battle ground most of the time.

“Use the last one on her.” Yongguk said.

The healers looked at Yongguk’s torn shirt that was red in blood. The leader was injured himself and the antidote could be used on him instead. One of them stepped up and said. “But, you look like you need it more than her.”

“Just use it! IF SHE DIES, I SWEAR I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!” Yongguk yelled and then whimpered slightly when he had over exerted himself. He hunched down immediately.

Hyomin ran to him and held his shoulders. “Yongguk, are you okay?”

Tears flowed down his cheeks as he closed his eyes and said in a calmer tone. “I beg you, please just save her ~”

“Do you hear him?! Do what you’re supposed to!” Hyomin yelled at the healers.                 

The healers took out the last bottle and inserted the liquid into a syringe. The syringe was then injected in Lyorin. They gave a few minutes before inspecting her body conditions. It took them less than 15 minutes to finally reveal.

“She’s fine now, masters. The antidote has healed her injuries fully and her spine is restored. She just needs more rest.”

Himchan patted one of the healer’s shoulders and thanked. “Good job and thank you for your hard work.”

They bowed, packed their equipment and left the room.

Yongguk struggled to stand but he pushed himself to stay beside her. He sobbed and cupped her cheeks tenderly. “I’m sorry for everything ~” He sniffed and let the tears slid down. “Lyorin, I l-love ~”

But before he could end his sentence, Yongguk dropped to the floor when his body had reached its limit. He was losing blood.

“YONGGUK!” The rest yelled when they watched his body plopped lifelessly to the floor.


(To be continued)


BANG YONGGUK....... TT________TT


Okay next update might take a while. kekekekeke ^___^ v 

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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh