Chapter 35

The Night Sun




30 September 2009 ~

Sitting among the crowd of spectators mainly consisting of parents of the students, my heart beat nervously waiting for you. You weren’t there on the tracks, but my stomach was churning continuously that I felt like puking. Haha! Your dad isn’t so macho right?

The announcement blasted the loud speakers telling everyone that the marathon was going to be the next and final event for the annual school sport’s day.

A man beside asked me who I was here for.

I wanted to say I was here for my one and only daughter whom I love so much.

But, I couldn’t. I lied telling him I was just a casual audience.

I had to.

Besides, I don’t deserve it. How could I acknowledge myself as your father when I’m not there beside you?

The moment I had been waiting for. You came out from your resting place and entered the tracks. I watched intently as you began doing light stretching. Lyorin, you looked so beautiful. Even in just a plain sleeveless top and shorts, you looked lovely especially with your hair neatly tied up. You grew up to be tall, healthy and fit. You were definitely the envy for the rest of the girls.

Finally, you stood behind the starting line anxiously waiting. I closed my eyes and prayed. To be honest, I wasn’t a religious person but Lyorin, my prayers have always been for you and only you. I couldn’t ask God for anything else other than having you safe.

The whistle went off and the race started.

While you were running, all I could think of is how much you resemble so much like your mother. Your strength, your determination to succeed; everything reminded me of your mother. I knew you were going to be just like her; strong, independent and courageous.

Unlike me, I’m such a coward.

Everyone else was screaming and cheering while I was there watching silently at how ran flawlessly. I was admiring you so much that I didn’t realise it was already down to the last 400 metres. You were consistently in the lead and it was definitely a good sigh. The end was so near. Everyone stood up from their seats, including myself. I couldn’t remain seated especially when my girl was going to get the gold.

In a matter seconds, you reached the end victoriously.

I had been quiet all this while but when you came in first, I cheered at the top of my lungs. I could no longer sit down and pretend like nothing just happened. If I could, I would have run down and gave you a hug. Nonetheless, cheering from the sideline was still good enough for me.

Kim Lyorin, you never failed to make me proud. I wished one day you would achieve your dreams and just be happy in the company of the people you love. I don’t know if I’m able to witness the joy, but trust me no one can ever push you down.

As long as you continue being yourself, your fate will reverse.

You will live long. You will.

I will make sure not even fate can go against you.

I love you my baby. I love you so much.




Lyorin scanned the entire room after calming down. As she looked around, it surprised her to see both groups standing side by side without having to growl at each other. Instead, they were looking at her with similar expressions of worried and concern and that, softened her. Her arms were still wrapped around Kai and it didn’t look like he wasn’t going to let her go. Slowly, she pulled away until her eyes landed on Yongguk who was beside her, looking tired and sick.

“Are you okay?” She asked while scrutinizing his pale face.

He nodded and flashed a smile. His hand reached out to touch her face. “Are you okay?” He asked in return.

His hand was her cheeks lovingly and even with the presence of the rest of EXO especially Kai, Lyorin didn’t push him away. Kai could feel the pit of his stomach burning in jealousy. However, he tried to brush away the negativity and believed that it was nothing but just a mere touch.

“Yes ~” She answered softly. “Thank you.” She said and turned her head to the rest of BAP. Instead of receiving cold response like how she got previously, the BAP guys smiled and bowed.

Himchan stepped forward and spoke. “Lyorin sshi ~”

“Lyorin. Just call me Lyorin.” She interrupted.

“Lyorin, we’re sorry for all the wrongdoings we had done to you.” He corrected and then apologised on the behalf of the rest of s.

She shook her head and replied. “It’s okay, everything is settled already right?” She looked at Kris and Suho, expecting something from them. However, the two leaders seemed clueless. So, she explained. “Isn’t this what the Book of Fate wants, for BAP and EXO to unite? I mean you guys are standing here together. I’m sure you have settled your differences while I was ~”

“Lyorin, this is not as simple as you think it is.” Suho walked towards her and sat beside, holding her hand.

She tilted her head and asked. “What do you mean?”

“We can work together but this isn’t about us. It’s about you. Lyorin, you know there are others just like us out there; others who are not tied under the same fraternity, meaning people outside BAP, EXO and BTOB. These people, we have no clue on who they are and where they originate from. It is beyond our prediction for such a group to exist knowing very well we have preserved our family’s legacy throughout the years, even when we have separated.” Kris explained.

“Someone must have betrayed the fraternity.” Chanyeol voiced out.

At the mention of a betrayer, both groups turned rigid. A bell rang inside Yongguk’s head as he recalled the conversation he had with Mr Kim, his clan master. It was about BAP’s clan master who went missing mysteriously 50 years ago.

“Kim Jaejin ~” Yongguk suddenly muttered.

“Hyung, who is Kim Jaejin?” Zelo asked when everyone’s attention was on Yongguk after he said that name out of nowhere.

“I knew it! It must be from one of their kind!” Sehun shouted while pointing his finger at BAP.

“Excuse me! Are you accusing us?” Jongup glared and stormed towards Sehun.

“I’m not accusing. It’s the fact! You guys are the betrayers!” Sehun fought back.

Tao held back his maknae and ordered. “Sehun, I want you to stop!”

However, Jongup further provoked Sehun. “Oh please, speak for yourself. Who was the one who left the fraternity and betrayed the Book of Fate huh?”

“You know nothing about the truth!” Sehun shouted, trying to break free from not only Tao’s grip but also Lay and Baekhyun.

“You know what, maybe uniting back ~”

“Jongup, stop ~” Yongguk warned.

Yet, Jongup continued with his blabber. “This is a bad idea after all.”

Yongguk stood up and glared at . “SHUT UP!” When Yongguk shouted, Jongup instantly cowered. No one wanted to mess with the leader once he turned mad.

Yongguk let out a frustrating cry and ran his fingers across his hair. He was already stressed up and it didn’t help that was ruining it. As much as he wanted to be angry at Sehun for pointing fingers at them, he was just as afraid that Sehun might actually be right. Yet, there wasn’t enough proof to fully blame Jaejin. Yongguk had to research before confirming it. He didn’t want to be wrongly accused especially when this involved his kind, his clan.

Lyorin might have woken up but she was still feeling rather weak. Still, seeing Yongguk all stressed up was worrying her. She pushed herself from the bed and approached him shakily. She nudged his shoulder and said. “If you have anything in mind, please tell us. Don’t bottle up your worries.”

Yongguk turned around with a frown. But when he saw her lovely face, he smiled and grazed her chin. “There is nothing, sweetie ~” Of course, he had to lie to her, especially when she wasn’t fully recover. He didn’t want to add on to her misery. It must have been hard for her tolerating with the different behaviours and personalities the guys had to offer.

“Are you sure?” She asked again. He nodded. His arms were ready to give her hug but a pair of strong hands stopped him from doing so. He looked up and saw Kai with piercing eyes.

“She still needs rest. So, we’re bringing her back.” Kai said.

Yongguk tilted his head and replied. “She is more than welcome to rest here. She can’t move that much anyway.” He gave a smirk which further agitated Kai.

Without saying anything, Kai pulled Lyorin closer to him and was about to lift her up when she suddenly backed away. “I can walk.” She muttered. She told him nicely but somehow it hurt Kai when she rejected him.

Yongguk shook his head and said. “Nah uh sweetie, you can’t walk too much or ~”

“Lyorin, you can either stay here or you can choose to be with us. We’re definitely not staying here.” Kai cut him.

Yongguk stood in front of her and gently gazed her eyes. “You’re not well yet.” He pouted.

“Let her make her own decision!” Kai in again. He was angry, actually he was jealous seeing the way Yongguk treated her nicely and she seemed to be fine with it.

Lyorin looked at the both of them. She hated having to decide on something that will lead to someone getting hurt. She wanted to stay yet she wanted to be with EXO as well. She would prefer if both groups just stayed under one roof but of course they had too many differences that weren’t settled.

She walked up to Yongguk and held both his hands. Kai saw and instantly he knew what she wanted. He turned away, defeated. He didn’t want to see them anymore.

“I’ll ~” She said. “I’m sorry but I will be going back with EXO.”

Kai thought he had lost when suddenly he heard her. A pair of warm hands grabbed his arm and when he turned to look, it was Lyorin holding him back. “Kai, I’ll go with you.” She said softly. His hand instantly went for her cheeks, tenderly. His heart leaped in joy but his eyes suddenly turned watery. He was grateful, even if it was just trivial matter. He felt extremely grateful. Despite all the wrongdoings he committed, she still chose to be with him.

“But ~” Yongguk was about to say something but Lyorin cut him.

“You take care okay?” She said and then walked away slowly with the help of Kai. The rest of EXO were already starting their cars. Meanwhile the BAP members watched them leave, feeling a little relief, except for Yongguk. He didn’t want her to go. He wished she had chosen to stay but sadly no. However, once she stepped out of the house, she turned around and gave him the most beautiful smile and said. “Don’t fall in to the hole again, Yongguk ~” She stopped and then said. “Yongguk oppa.” With a final wave, she hopped in to the car and it went off.

Yongguk abruptly stopped and stared blankly.

“Hyung, what hole was she referring to?” Youngjae nudged.

Yongguk smiled and replied. “Nothing ~”


(To be continued)



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Chapter 53: This is amazing story! I read this sequel and the one before in 3 days! Totally worth it! Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Chapter 53: Amazing
sheenagzb #3
Chapter 53: Author nim, thank you so much for all your stories. Really. It's my heartfelt words and I feel like there's really a need to compliment your effort. Your grammar, vocab, plot, creativity and everything else are so magical. You're a gifted writer. Please do not stop writing interesting stories and keep us entertained with your vibrant color of stories. Thank you really.
- From Singapore annyeonggg
Chapter 53: finisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed reading :((( !!!! amazing story eveeeeeeeer ^^
enjoyed reading it <333
thanks author-nim for the beautiful story ever ^_^
Chapter 53: Nice story. :)
Chapter 53: Author-nim can you do a bonus chap regarding when Lyorin have her wedding and also experience 1st preganancy including the morning sickness and the labour... and also whe the baby is born, she will be the center of a house full of uncle whonlove her so much that was EXO, BAP, and BTOB... Please... Just a bonus chapt please?? xoxoxo
Chapter 53: whoop whoop
Finally finished reading
Every time I read this story, I can't help but feel fascinated
Haha indeed fascinated
Authornim jjangya!
Continue writing fantasy stories
Cuz i'll be reading it!(:
hayaz3 #8
Chapter 53: Wow!!!! Just WOW!!!
Your story is absolutely amazing!!!
I enjoyed reading ur fanfic a lot.

Although there is one thing I need to ask you:
In the story we know that BTOB had twin stars and one of them died, and I know that she was loved by them from one of the ious chapters when BTOB were attacked. But what I want to know is what happened to third other star? Is she not important to them? Did they not care about her and her safety?!!

Other than that, the story was very well written and very enjoyable!!!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 53: Hahaha those gifs at the end made me crack up!!:)
KimHyunAe #10
Chapter 53: Oh my GOSSSSSSHHHHHH
its end
Happy ending
I feel bit sad coz yoona was not there
But well still baby yoona is there
I love yuh story
Good job authornim
God bless yuh